smeenai added a comment.

In, @rjmccall wrote:

> That's an interesting idea.  I don't see any particular reason not to do it 
> this way if you're willing to accept that it's never going to support the 
> full control-flow possibilities of @finally.  You will need to add 
> JumpDiagnostics logic to prevent branches out of the block, and I don't know 
> how this will interact with attempts to throw an exception out.

There's already some logic in CapturedStmt to prevent branches out of the block:

- Attempting to return will produce "cannot return from Objective-C @finally 
- Attempting to goto out of the block will result in "use of undeclared label", 
which is a bad diagnostic (and should be improved), but it does error

Are there any other branches you had in mind? I could add tests for them, 
perhaps, though it's also covered by `test/Sema/captured-statements.c`.

It should be possible to add support for returns, at least; the idea we'd 
discussed with @rnk was setting a flag in the captured function to indicate a 
return having been executed, and then reading that flag outside the captured 
function and acting on it appropriately. gotos would be more complicated, but I 
think we could make them work if we really wanted to.

Throwing an exception out should just work, I think; the outlined function will 
just participate normally in exception handling. Did you have a specific case 
you were thinking of?

  rC Clang

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