efriedma added a comment.

If you don't want to spend too much time on C++, fine; could you add a short 
Objective-C test instead to make sure the trivially-copyable checks are working?

What are the changes to Sema::RequireCompleteTypeImpl supposed to do?

Comment at: test/Sema/atomic-type.c:30
+  int i;
+  (void)__atomic_load(addr, &i, 5); // expected-error {{address argument to 
atomic operation must be a pointer to a trivially-copyable type ('_Atomic(void) 
*' invalid)}}
+  (void)__c11_atomic_load(addr, 5); // expected-error {{invalid use of 
incomplete type 'void'}}
This error message is terrible; yes, technically 'void' isn't trivially 
copyable, but that isn't really helpful.


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