whitequark added a comment.

> It would be nice if we had a test case added for this

This is inherently architecture and platform specific, and libunwind currently 
doesn't have any provisions for this... In principle, would a x86-only 
Linux-only test suffice? I'm not sure if I can spend time making it more 

Comment at: src/DwarfInstructions.hpp:195
+        else if (i == (int)cieInfo.returnAddressRegister)
+          returnAddress = registers.getRegister(i);
compnerd wrote:
> I think that we should stick to LLVM style (coddled braces) and use C++ style 
> casts.
Ack re braces.

I was copying that cast from ten lines above. Should I change that too? This 
should be a static_cast, right?

  rUNW libunwind


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