sammccall added a comment.

In, @malaperle wrote:

> In, @ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > I'm not sure if we have tests for that, but I remember that we kept the 
> > enumerators in the outer scope so that completion could find them..
> >  Am I right that this patch will change the behavior and we won't get 
> > enumerators in the following example:
> >
> >   /// foo.h
> >   enum Foo {
> >     A, B, C
> >   };
> >  
> >   /// foo.cpp
> >   #include "foo.h"
> >  
> >   int a = ^ // <-- A, B, C should be in completion list here.
> >
> Not quite but still potentially problematic. With the patch, A, B, C would be 
> found but not ::A, ::B, ::C.

I don't understand how this would still work (at least when using the index). 
The index call would have Scopes set to the enclosing scopes {""}, which is 
equivalent to a search for ::A. Maybe I'm missing something.

In, @ioeric wrote:

> I think the fundamental problem here is that C++ symbols (esp. enum 
> constants) can have different names (e.g. ns::Foo::A and ns::A).

Yup. There are a few other instances of this:

1. decls aliased with using decls - we model these as duplicate symbols
2. decls aliased with using directives - we ask clang to resolve the namespaces 
in scope when searching
3. inline namespaces - we mostly get away with ignoring them

AFAICS none of these are ideal for enums. (2 fails because the list of 
namespaces would get too long).
This is messy :-(

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