ksu.shadura added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D45766#1098823, @Quuxplusone wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D45766#1097797, @ksu.shadura wrote:
> > Thank you for the test example! I got your point, but I wanted to ask if it 
> > should be like this for commutative operations?
> >  In our case it is actually matrix, and subtraction of matrices is not 
> > commutative operation..
> Mathematical commutativity has nothing to do with this diagnostic. The 
> diagnostic is complaining that `m1 -= m1` produces a trivial effect (in this 
> case `m1.clear()`) via a syntax that might indicate that the programmer made 
> a typo (i.e. the compiler suspects that you meant `m -= m1` or something).
>  From the function name `stress_...`, I infer that this is a unit-test. This 
> warning is known to give "false positives" in unit-test code, where one often 
> actually wants to achieve trivial effects through complicated code. The 
> current recommendation there, AFAIK, is either to write something like
>   m1 -= static_cast<TMatrixD&>(m1);  // hide the self-subtraction from the 
> compiler
> or else to add `-Wno-self-assign-overloaded` to your compiler flags. 
> (libc++'s test suite already passes `-Wno-unused-command-line-argument 
> -Wno-attributes -Wno-pessimizing-move -Wno-c++11-extensions 
> -Wno-user-defined-literals -Wno-conversion -Wno-unused-local-typedef 
> -Wno-#warnings`, for example.)
>  (That said, I continue to think that this diagnostic produces more noise 
> than signal, and wish it weren't in `-Wall`...)

Thanks for your opinion, your guess was right! It is a unit-test, so seems we 
need to try to suppress warnings on our side.



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