ioeric added a comment.

In, @malaperle wrote:

> In, @ioeric wrote:
> > > I think this is good if that's true that the comment is always there. I 
> > > think it would be OK for this to be enabled by default, with a general 
> > > option to turn heuristics off. Not sure what to call it... 
> > > -use-symbol-filtering-heuristics :)
> >
> > We have other filters in the symbol collector that we think could improve 
> > user experience, and we don't provide options for those.
> What others filters do you mean? If you mean skipping "members", symbols in 
> main files, etc, I a working on making them not skipped, see 

I meant the filters in
 e.g. filtering symbols in anonymous namespace, which we think should never 
appear in the index.

I think members are more interesting than the private proto symbols. We want to 
un-filter members because there are features that would use them, so indexing 
them makes sense. But private proto symbols should never be shown to users 
(e.g. in code completion or workspaceSymbols).

I also think adding an option for indexing members would actually make more 
sense because they might significantly increase the index size, and it would be 
good to have options to disable it if users don't use members (e.g. including 
members can increase size of our internal global index service, and we are not 
sure if we are ready for that).

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