yvvan created this revision.
yvvan added reviewers: ilya-biryukov, klimek, bkramer, arphaman.

Follow up for https://reviews.llvm.org/D41537 - libclang part is extracted into 
this review



Index: tools/libclang/libclang.exports
--- tools/libclang/libclang.exports
+++ tools/libclang/libclang.exports
@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@
Index: tools/libclang/CIndexCodeCompletion.cpp
--- tools/libclang/CIndexCodeCompletion.cpp
+++ tools/libclang/CIndexCodeCompletion.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "CIndexDiagnostic.h"
 #include "CLog.h"
 #include "CXCursor.h"
+#include "CXSourceLocation.h"
 #include "CXString.h"
 #include "CXTranslationUnit.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
@@ -302,10 +303,53 @@
   /// \brief A string containing the Objective-C selector entered thus far for a
   /// message send.
   std::string Selector;
+  /// \brief Vector of fix-its for each completion result that *must* be applied
+  /// before that result for the corresponding completion item.
+  std::vector<std::vector<FixItHint>> FixItsVector;
 } // end anonymous namespace
+unsigned clang_getCompletionNumFixIts(CXCodeCompleteResults *results,
+                                      unsigned completion_index) {
+  AllocatedCXCodeCompleteResults *allocated_results = (AllocatedCXCodeCompleteResults *)results;
+  if (!allocated_results || allocated_results->FixItsVector.size() <= completion_index)
+    return 0;
+  return static_cast<unsigned>(allocated_results->FixItsVector[completion_index].size());
+CXString clang_getCompletionFixIt(CXCodeCompleteResults *results,
+                                  unsigned completion_index,
+                                  unsigned fixit_index,
+                                  CXSourceRange *replacement_range) {
+  AllocatedCXCodeCompleteResults *allocated_results = (AllocatedCXCodeCompleteResults *)results;
+  if (!allocated_results || allocated_results->FixItsVector.size() <= completion_index) {
+    if (replacement_range)
+      *replacement_range = clang_getNullRange();
+    return cxstring::createNull();
+  }
+  ArrayRef<FixItHint> FixIts = allocated_results->FixItsVector[completion_index];
+  if (FixIts.size() <= fixit_index) {
+    if (replacement_range)
+      *replacement_range = clang_getNullRange();
+    return cxstring::createNull();
+  }
+  const FixItHint &FixIt = FixIts[fixit_index];
+  if (replacement_range) {
+    *replacement_range = cxloc::translateSourceRange(
+        *allocated_results->SourceMgr, allocated_results->LangOpts,
+        FixIt.RemoveRange);
+  }
+  return cxstring::createRef(FixIt.CodeToInsert.c_str());
 /// \brief Tracks the number of code-completion result objects that are 
 /// currently active.
@@ -531,18 +575,22 @@
                                     CodeCompletionResult *Results,
                                     unsigned NumResults) override {
       StoredResults.reserve(StoredResults.size() + NumResults);
+      if (includeFixIts())
+        AllocatedResults.FixItsVector.reserve(NumResults);
       for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumResults; ++I) {
-        CodeCompletionString *StoredCompletion        
+        CodeCompletionString *StoredCompletion
           = Results[I].CreateCodeCompletionString(S, Context, getAllocator(),
         CXCompletionResult R;
         R.CursorKind = Results[I].CursorKind;
         R.CompletionString = StoredCompletion;
+        if (includeFixIts())
+          AllocatedResults.FixItsVector.emplace_back(std::move(Results[I].FixIts));
       enum CodeCompletionContext::Kind contextKind = Context.getKind();
       AllocatedResults.ContextKind = contextKind;
@@ -644,13 +692,13 @@
                           unsigned options) {
   bool IncludeBriefComments = options & CXCodeComplete_IncludeBriefComments;
   bool SkipPreamble = options & CXCodeComplete_SkipPreamble;
+  bool IncludeFixIts = options & CXCodeComplete_IncludeFixIts;
   const llvm::TimeRecord &StartTime =  llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime();
   bool EnableLogging = getenv("LIBCLANG_CODE_COMPLETION_LOGGING") != nullptr;
   if (cxtu::isNotUsableTU(TU)) {
@@ -691,6 +739,7 @@
   CodeCompleteOptions Opts;
   Opts.IncludeBriefComments = IncludeBriefComments;
   Opts.LoadExternal = !SkipPreamble;
+  Opts.IncludeFixIts = IncludeFixIts;
   CaptureCompletionResults Capture(Opts, *Results, &TU);
   // Perform completion.
@@ -964,7 +1013,7 @@
         = (CodeCompletionString *)XR.CompletionString;
       CodeCompletionString *Y
         = (CodeCompletionString *)YR.CompletionString;
       SmallString<256> XBuffer;
       StringRef XText = GetTypedName(X, XBuffer);
       SmallString<256> YBuffer;
Index: tools/c-index-test/c-index-test.c
--- tools/c-index-test/c-index-test.c
+++ tools/c-index-test/c-index-test.c
@@ -2268,8 +2268,24 @@
-static void print_completion_result(CXCompletionResult *completion_result,
+static void tokens_spelling_at_range(char *result_buffer,
+                                     CXTranslationUnit translation_unit,
+                                     CXSourceRange range) {
+  CXToken *tokens;
+  unsigned tokens_number;
+  clang_tokenize(translation_unit, range, &tokens, &tokens_number);
+  for (unsigned j = 0; j < tokens_number; ++j) {
+    strcat(result_buffer, clang_getCString(clang_getTokenSpelling(
+                              translation_unit, tokens[j])));
+  }
+  clang_disposeTokens(translation_unit, tokens, tokens_number);
+static void print_completion_result(CXTranslationUnit translation_unit,
+                                    CXCodeCompleteResults *completion_results,
+                                    unsigned index,
                                     FILE *file) {
+  CXCompletionResult *completion_result = completion_results->Results + index;
   CXString ks = clang_getCursorKindSpelling(completion_result->CursorKind);
   unsigned annotationCount;
   enum CXCursorKind ParentKind;
@@ -2337,7 +2353,20 @@
     fprintf(file, "(brief comment: %s)", BriefCommentCString);
+  for (unsigned i = 0;
+       i < clang_getCompletionNumFixIts(completion_results, index); ++i) {
+    CXSourceRange correction_range;
+    CXString FixIt = clang_getCompletionFixIt(completion_results, index, i,
+                                              &correction_range);
+    char replaced_string[8];
+    tokens_spelling_at_range(replaced_string, translation_unit,
+                             correction_range);
+    fprintf(file, " (requires fix: \"%s\" to \"%s\")", replaced_string,
+            clang_getCString(FixIt));
+    clang_disposeString(FixIt);
+  }
   fprintf(file, "\n");
@@ -2436,6 +2465,8 @@
     completionOptions |= CXCodeComplete_IncludeBriefComments;
     completionOptions |= CXCodeComplete_SkipPreamble;
+    completionOptions |= CXCodeComplete_IncludeFixIts;
   if (timing_only)
     input += strlen("-code-completion-timing=");
@@ -2500,7 +2531,7 @@
       clang_sortCodeCompletionResults(results->Results, results->NumResults);
       for (i = 0; i != n; ++i)
-        print_completion_result(results->Results + i, stdout);
+        print_completion_result(TU, results, i, stdout);
     n = clang_codeCompleteGetNumDiagnostics(results);
     for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
Index: test/Index/complete-arrow-dot.cpp
--- test/Index/complete-arrow-dot.cpp
+++ test/Index/complete-arrow-dot.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+struct X {
+  void doSomething();
+  int field;
+void X::doSomething() {
+  // RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:10:8 %s | FileCheck %s
+  // RUN: env CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_INCLUDE_CORRECTIONS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:10:8 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION %s
+  this.;
+void doSomething() {
+  // RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:17:6 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT %s
+  // RUN: env CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_INCLUDE_CORRECTIONS=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:17:6 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-WITH-CORRECTION %s
+  X x;
+  x->
+// CHECK-NOT: CXXMethod:{ResultType void}{TypedText doSomething}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (34) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-NOT: FieldDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText field} (35) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-NOT: CXXMethod:{ResultType X &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder const X &}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-NOT: CXXMethod:{ResultType X &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder X &&}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-NOT: StructDecl:{TypedText X}{Text ::} (75) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-NOT: CXXDestructor:{ResultType void}{TypedText ~X}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK: Completion contexts:
+// CHECK-NEXT: Dot member access
+// CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION: CXXMethod:{ResultType void}{TypedText doSomething}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (34) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: FieldDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText field} (35) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: CXXMethod:{ResultType X &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder const X &}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: CXXMethod:{ResultType X &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder X &&}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: StructDecl:{TypedText X}{Text ::} (75) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: CXXDestructor:{ResultType void}{TypedText ~X}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "." to "->")
+// CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: Completion contexts:
+// CHECK-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: Dot member access
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-NOT: CXXMethod:{ResultType void}{TypedText doSomething}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (34) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-NOT: FieldDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText field} (35) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-NOT: CXXMethod:{ResultType X &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder const X &}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-NOT: CXXMethod:{ResultType X &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder X &&}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-NOT: StructDecl:{TypedText X}{Text ::} (75) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-NOT: CXXDestructor:{ResultType void}{TypedText ~X}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT: Completion contexts:
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-WITH-CORRECTION: CXXMethod:{ResultType void}{TypedText doSomething}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (34) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: FieldDecl:{ResultType int}{TypedText field} (35) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: CXXMethod:{ResultType X &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder const X &}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: CXXMethod:{ResultType X &}{TypedText operator=}{LeftParen (}{Placeholder X &&}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: StructDecl:{TypedText X}{Text ::} (75) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
+// CHECK-ARROW-TO-DOT-WITH-CORRECTION-NEXT: CXXDestructor:{ResultType void}{TypedText ~X}{LeftParen (}{RightParen )} (79) (requires fix: "->" to ".")
Index: include/clang-c/Index.h
--- include/clang-c/Index.h
+++ include/clang-c/Index.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
  * compatible, thus CINDEX_VERSION_MAJOR is expected to remain stable.
 #define CINDEX_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor) ( \
       ((major) * 10000)                       \
@@ -5228,6 +5228,42 @@
 } CXCodeCompleteResults;
+ * \brief Retrieve the number of fix-its for the given completion string.
+ */
+clang_getCompletionNumFixIts(CXCodeCompleteResults *results,
+                             unsigned completion_index);
+ * \brief FixIts that *must* be applied before inserting the text for the
+ * corresponding completion item.
+ *
+ * Completion items with non-empty fixits will not be returned by default, they
+ * should be explicitly requested by setting CXCodeComplete_IncludeFixIts. For
+ * the editors to be able to compute position of the cursor for the completion
+ * item itself, the following conditions are guaranteed to hold for RemoveRange
+ * of the stored fixits:
+ *  - Ranges in the fixits are guaranteed to never contain the completion
+ *  point (or identifier under completion point, if any) inside them, except
+ *  at the start or at the end of the range.
+ *  - If a fixit range starts or ends with completion point (or starts or
+ *  ends after the identifier under completion point), it will contain at
+ *  least one character. It allows to unambiguously recompute completion
+ *  point after applying the fixit.
+ * The intuition is that provided fixits change code around the identifier we
+ * complete, but are not allowed to touch the identifier itself or the
+ * completion point. One example of completion items with corrections are the
+ * ones replacing '.' with '->' and vice versa:
+ *      std::unique_ptr<std::vector<int>> vec_ptr;
+ *      vec_ptr.^  // completion returns an item 'push_back', replacing '.'
+ *      with '->' vec_ptr->^ // completion returns an item 'release',
+ *      replacing '->' with '.'
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString clang_getCompletionFixIt(
+    CXCodeCompleteResults *results, unsigned completion_index,
+    unsigned fixit_index, CXSourceRange *replacement_range);
  * \brief Flags that can be passed to \c clang_codeCompleteAt() to
  * modify its behavior.
@@ -5258,7 +5294,13 @@
    * defined in the preamble. There's no guarantee any particular entity is
    * omitted. This may be useful if the headers are indexed externally.
-  CXCodeComplete_SkipPreamble = 0x08
+  CXCodeComplete_SkipPreamble = 0x08,
+  /**
+   * \brief Whether to include completion items with small
+   * fix-its, e.g. change '.' to '->' on member access, etc.
+   */
+  CXCodeComplete_IncludeFixIts = 0x10
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