yvvan added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D41537#1097763, @ilya-biryukov wrote:

> I should've suggested splitting the change into two earlier.

Next time I will do that from the beginning :)

Comment at: tools/libclang/CIndexCodeCompletion.cpp:309
+  /// before that result for the corresponding completion item.
+  std::vector<std::vector<FixItHint>> FixItsVector;
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> Storing `vector<vector<>>` here makes looks like a hack. Even though it might 
> seem more tricky, I suggest storing an opaque pointer to `vector<FixItHint>` 
> in each `CXCompletionResult`.  Managing the lifetime of vectors in the 
> `AllocatedCXCodeCompleteResults` seems totally fine, but there should be a 
> way to get to the fixits in a similar way we can get to the completion string.
> More concretely, I suggest the following API:
> ```
> // === Index.h
> typedef void* CXCompletionFixIts;
> typedef struct {
>    // ...
>    CXCompletionFixIts FixIts;
> };
> // Get the number of fix-its.
> unsigned clang_getCompletionNumFixIts(CXCompletionResult *Result);
> // ... Similar to getDiagnosticFixIt
> CXString clang_getCompletionFixIt((CXCompletionResult *Result, unsigned 
> fixit_index, CXSourceRange *replacement_range);
> // === Impl.cpp
> struct AllocatedCXCodeCompleteResults : public CXCodeCompleteResults {
> // .....
> // Pool for allocating non-empty fixit vectors in the CXCompletionResult.
> std::vector<std::vector<FixItHint>> FixItsVector
> };
> unsigned clang_getCompletionNumFixIts(CXCompletionResult *Result) {
>   auto* FixIts = static_cast<std::vector<FixItHint>*>(Result->FixIts);
>   if (!FixIts)
>     return 0;
>   return FixIts->size();
> }
> ```
unsigned clang_getCompletionNumFixIts(CXCompletionResult *Result);

Do you mean appending CXCompletionResult struct with the "CXCompletionFixIts 
FixIts" member? Doesn't it break binary compatibility (changing the struct 


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