sammccall accepted this revision.
sammccall added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Looks good, nits as always and I think you want a new test case.

Comment at: clangd/CodeComplete.cpp:817
   Result.IncludeGlobals = true;
-  Result.IncludeBriefComments = IncludeBriefComments;
+  // We never include brief comments, they are slow and don't provide useful
+  // results for non-doxygen comments.
"include brief comments" --> "parse doxygen syntax"? Or if you prefer, "parse 
\brief comments"

Calling these "brief comments" is confusing as a natural reading is "a one-line 
comment above the function" or similar.

Comment at: clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.h:29
+/// Gets a raw documentation comment of the current active parameter
+/// of \p Result.
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > sammccall wrote:
> > > sammccall wrote:
> > > > "active" is a bit confusing - at this level we just care which arg 
> > > > you're interested in, right?
> > > Is this typically a substring of getDocComment for the function? If so, 
> > > noting that would make this clearer.
> > This refers to the parameter that should be reported as active in 
> > `signatureHelp`.
> > Agree that it requires too much context to understand, changed to a more 
> > detailed description involving `CurrentArg` parameter.
> > 
> > 
> > Is this typically a substring of getDocComment for the function? If so, 
> > noting that would make this clearer.
> I mechanically translated the original source code without looking too much 
> on what it does :-)
> Extracting a substring from the function doc would be the behavior I expect.
> However, we simply try to get doc comment for parameter in the same way we do 
> for functions (e.g. look for comment doc for parameter decl, without looking 
> at function decl in the first place)
> It means we'll always get the empty doc currently. At least, I couldn't make 
> the current code produce any docs for the parameter.
> I would still keep this function, as it seems to be called in the right 
> places. But we definitely need to parse a function comment instead.
I think this function is easy to understand in isolation, and by naming the 
parameter `CurrentArg` one can only really understand it in terms of its 
callsite in `signatureHelp`. I'd name it `ArgIndex` or similar instead, but up 
to you.

Comment at: clangd/CodeCompletionStrings.h:29
+/// Gets a raw documentation comment of the current active parameter
+/// of \p Result.
sammccall wrote:
> ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > > sammccall wrote:
> > > > sammccall wrote:
> > > > > "active" is a bit confusing - at this level we just care which arg 
> > > > > you're interested in, right?
> > > > Is this typically a substring of getDocComment for the function? If so, 
> > > > noting that would make this clearer.
> > > This refers to the parameter that should be reported as active in 
> > > `signatureHelp`.
> > > Agree that it requires too much context to understand, changed to a more 
> > > detailed description involving `CurrentArg` parameter.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Is this typically a substring of getDocComment for the function? If so, 
> > > noting that would make this clearer.
> > I mechanically translated the original source code without looking too much 
> > on what it does :-)
> > 
> > Extracting a substring from the function doc would be the behavior I expect.
> > However, we simply try to get doc comment for parameter in the same way we 
> > do for functions (e.g. look for comment doc for parameter decl, without 
> > looking at function decl in the first place)
> > It means we'll always get the empty doc currently. At least, I couldn't 
> > make the current code produce any docs for the parameter.
> > 
> > I would still keep this function, as it seems to be called in the right 
> > places. But we definitely need to parse a function comment instead.
> I think this function is easy to understand in isolation, and by naming the 
> parameter `CurrentArg` one can only really understand it in terms of its 
> callsite in `signatureHelp`. I'd name it `ArgIndex` or similar instead, but 
> up to you.
Ah, thanks.
I'd suggest noting that in the comment (this currently looks for comments 
attached to the parameter itself, and doesn't extract them from function 
documentation). I think most people looking at this would be interested in that 

Looking at the doxygen docs, it seems like they want syntax like this to 
work:`int foo(int x /** Doc */)`, and I'd hope we could also get this to work 
at some point:
```int foo(
  // Doc
  int x

Not that I see much code in that style, but maybe we should write more!

Comment at: unittests/clangd/CodeCompleteTests.cpp:246
   // Check documentation.
-  EXPECT_IFF(Opts.IncludeBriefComments, Results.items,
-             Contains(IsDocumented()));
You've updated the existing doxygen test cases, but I don't think you're 
testing the new non-doxygen functionality anywhere?

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