ilya-biryukov added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/AST/RawCommentList.h:138
+  /// the overload with ASTContext in the rest of the code.
+  std::string getFormattedText(const SourceManager &SourceMgr,
+                               DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) const;
ioeric wrote:
> I think we can get rid of the interface that takes `ASTContext`? If 
> `SourceManager` and `Diags` are sufficient, I don't see why we would want 
> another interface for ASTContext.
Two reasons that come to mind: it's simpler to use and follows the API of 
`getBriefText`. If not for mocking the tests, I would totally only keep the 
`ASTContext`-based one, since it does not really make any sense to create 
`RawComment` without `ASTContext` for any reason other than testing.

Comment at: lib/AST/RawCommentList.cpp:352
+  // comments::Lexer. Therefore, we just use default-constructed options.
+  CommentOptions DefOpts;
+  comments::CommandTraits EmptyTraits(Allocator, DefOpts);
ioeric wrote:
> I'm not quite sure about this. Could we just require a `CommandTraits` in the 
> interface? And only make this assumption in tests?
I think we shouldn't add this to params, the whole point of this function is to 
do parsing that ignores the commands and the `CommandTraits`. The fact that 
lexer still needs them is because we haven't extracted a simpler interface from 
`Lexer` that doesn't rely on unused params, i.e. `CommandTraits` and 

Comment at: unittests/AST/CommentTextTest.cpp:32
+  std::string formatComment(llvm::StringRef CommentText) {
+    llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> EmptyFS(
+        new vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
ioeric wrote:
> `SourceManagerForFile` added in D46176 should save you a few lines here. (I'm 
> landing it right now...)

  rC Clang

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