rnkovacs added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporterVisitors.cpp:2342
+                                            BugReport &BR) {
+  if (isInvalidated)
+    return nullptr;
george.karpenkov wrote:
> Is this field actually necessary? Do we ever check the same bug report with 
> the same visitor multiple times?
I believe this function is called for each node on the bug path. I have a 
similar field to indicate the first visited node in the new version, but there 
may exist a better solution for that as well.

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporterVisitors.cpp:2351
+  if (!RefutationMgr.checkRangedStateConstraints(Succ->getState())) {
+    const LocationContext *LC = Succ->getLocationContext();
george.karpenkov wrote:
> For the initial version I would just do all work in the visitor, but that's a 
> matter of taste.
I think that doing all the work in the visitor would need exposing even more of 
`Z3ConstraintManager`'s internals as of `RangedConstraintManager`. I tried to 
keep such changes minimal.

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ProgramState.cpp:86
+                  ? CreateZ3ConstraintManager(*this, SubEng)
+                  : nullptr;
george.karpenkov wrote:
> Would then we crash on NPE if `getRefutationManager` is called? Getters 
> should preferably not cause crashes.
Um, currently yes, it will give a backend error if clang isn't built with Z3, 
but the option is on.


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