juliehockett added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/RestrictIncludesCheck.cpp:75
+    for (const auto &Include : FileDirectives) {
+      auto D = Check.diag(Include.Loc, "restricted include found");
aaron.ballman wrote:
> I believe this check will be finding transitive includes, correct? If so, 
> maybe this should be two diagnostics: one to say `"'%0' is prohibited from 
> being included"` and a note for the transitive case to say `"file included 
> transitively from here"`?
> Regardless of the behavior you'd like for it, we should have a test case:
> ```
> // a.h
> // Assumed that a.h is prohibited
> void f();
> // b.h
> #include "a.h"
> // c.c
> #include "b.h"
> int main() {
>   f();
> }
> ```
It will flag, but not fix, if a disallowed file is transitively included *and* 
the relevant flag is passed (e.g. -system-headers for system, or 
-header-filter=.* for other. I changed the warning text for header warnings to 
clarify that.

Comment at: clang-tidy/fuchsia/RestrictIncludesCheck.cpp:83
+      D << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(ToRange);
+    }
aaron.ballman wrote:
> Are you okay with breaking user's code from this removal? If you remove the 
> header file, but not the parts of the code that require that header file to 
> be included, this FixIt will break code.
Yes, but I did add a note to the documentation to call that out.

Comment at: docs/clang-tidy/checks/fuchsia-restrict-includes.rst:27
+   A string containing a comma-separated list of header filenames to restrict. 
Default is an empty string.
hokein wrote:
> The check seems do nothing with the default option.
> Do we have a corresponding guideline of fuchsia? 
The idea is to maintain a list of disallowed headers in the local .clang-tidy 
file, so it will be dependent on that. If no headers are restricted, the check 
won't do anything. I'll add documentation to that effect.


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