rjmccall added a comment.

Given that these are overloaded builtins, why are there separate builtins for 
`min` and `umin`?

If this is a Clang extension, it needs to be documented in our extensions 

The documentation should describe the exact ordering semantics, to the extent 
we want to guarantee them.  For example, does `__atomic_fetch_max` order this 
operation with later operations even if the new value is in fact less than the 
current value of the variable, or does it use some treatment more like the 
failure case of a compare-exchange?

The documentation should describe the set of allowed types.  If the builtins 
work on pointer types, the documentation should describe the semantics of the 
pointer comparison; for example, is it undefined behavior if an ordinary 
pointer comparison would be?  Also, your test case should actually check the 
well-formedness conditions more completely, e.g. verifying that the value type 
is convertible to the atomic type.

  rC Clang


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