sammccall added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/Tooling/Core/Environment.h:1
+//===--- Environment.h - Sourece tooling environment --*- C++ 
I'm not sure about this abstraction - I can't tell what it represents, and what 
in future should/shouldn't be added to it.

- The read API seems to be SourceManager& and FileID, and there doesn't seem to 
be much interaction. I think I'd usually find it easier to understand to have 
those two than an Environment.
- the utility to create a self-contained source manager wrapping a single 
virtual file is useful, but seems like that's more specialized/narrower 
(`struct SingleSourceManager`?)
- the fact that these virtual sourcemanagers are completely self-owning when 
passed as Environment seems maybe-convenient but also surprising and 
non-orthogonal (it's a maybe-owning-pointer by another name). Is this important 

  rC Clang

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