stuart added a comment.

In, @AlexeySotkin wrote:

> It is not clear why we need two versions of get_pipe_num_packets and 
> get_pipe_max_packets builtins. There is only one instruction per builtin in 
> the SPIR-V spec. I think splitting the IR type is enough for translation to 
> SPIR-V purposes.

This is so that when we emit the builtin expression, we can call a function 
that matches the access qualifier of the argument to the builtin, without the 
need for a bitcast of either the builtin's argument or the 
__get_pipe_max/num_packets() function itself.

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CGOpenCLRuntime.h:65
   virtual llvm::Type *getPipeType(const PipeType *T);
+  virtual llvm::Type *getPipeType(const PipeType *T, StringRef Name,
+                                  llvm::Type *&PipeTy);
AlexeySotkin wrote:
> I'm not sure that it is a good idea to make this function public, as its 
> parameter supposed to be a reference to protected member.
That's a good point. I have changed the function to be protected, to match the 
visibility of the data member.

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