lebedev.ri added inline comments.

Comment at: test/libcxx/diagnostics/force_nodiscard.pass.cpp:16
lebedev.ri wrote:
> Quuxplusone wrote:
> > What is the purpose of `_LIBCPP_DISABLE_NODISCARD_AFTER_CXX17`? I guess I 
> > could understand a blanket opt-in "please don't warn me about discarded 
> > [[nodiscard]] results"; but that should be (and is) spelled 
> > `-Wno-unused-result`, and it has nothing to do with C++17.
> > 
> > I like how this patch defines `_LIBCPP_NODISCARD` in non-C++17 modes; 
> > that's going to be very useful. But I think all these opt-in mechanisms are 
> > confusing and not-helpful.
> > 
> > If we must have an opt-in/out mechanism (which I don't believe we do), 
> > please consider adding the following two lines to `<__config>` and removing 
> > the rest:
> > 
> >     #ifdef _LIBCPP_NODISCARD
> >         // the user has given us their preferred spelling; use it 
> > unconditionally
> >     #elif __has_cpp_attribute(nodiscard) && _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 17
> >         [... etc etc ...]
> > 
> > If we must have an opt-in/out mechanism (which I don't believe we do)
> Yes, we do.
> Opt-out is pre-existing, and removing it would be an [unacceptable] 
> regression.
> Opt-in is an enhancement. Of course, it would be nice to always default it to 
> on,
> but as it was disscussed with @mclow.lists, this is simply not going to 
> happen.
> This is the best we'll get.
> ```
>     // the user has given us their preferred spelling; use it unconditionally
> ```
> So you propose to shift the burden of picking which define to use to each and 
> every
> libc++ user (who wants to enable nodiscard attribute for pre-C++17/whatever) 
> out there?
> I really don't see how that would be better.
I tried to do that, but completely failed to come up with testing, so i'm not 
going to do this here, sorry.

  rCXX libc++


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