malaperle added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp:101
+  // All clients should support those.
+  for (SymKindUnderlyingType I = SymbolKindMin;
+       I <= static_cast<SymKindUnderlyingType>(SymbolKind::Array); ++I)
I'd like to add some test to exercise the changes in ClangdLSPServer.cpp and 
Protocol.cpp but it's not straightforward to do nicely. Using a "lit" test, I 
cannot have a header and since symbols in the main file are not collected then 
it's not useful. If I make a gtest, I have to feed it the lsp server with stdin 
and check the stdout which is a bit messy, but doable.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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