mibintc added a comment.

I added some inline comments. You are using the Intel 18.0 compiler on Windows 
- what version of Visual Studio is in the environment?

Comment at: include/llvm-c/Target.h:25
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(inline)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(inline) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
 #define inline __inline
I really think all the Intel-compiler bug workarounds should be version 
specific. For example, in the boost.org customizations we have checks like this:
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1500)

I believe you are using the most recent Intel compiler, 18.0, which has version 
1800.  Let's assume the bug will either be fixed in our 18.0 compiler or in our 
next compiler which would be numbered 1900, so the check could be like this:
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER < 1900) // employ the 
workaround for the Intel 18.0 compiler and older

This way the workaround will "disappear" when the bug gets fixed.

For that matter I wonder if it's still necessary to use the workaround for the 
Microsoft compiler?

Thanks for reporting the bug into the Intel forum. If we put a bug workaround 
into LLVM it would be very nice to have the bug reported to the offending 

Comment at: include/llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h:73
+template <typename E>
what problem is being worked around here? I checked your post into the Intel 
compiler forum "enum members are not visible to template specialization" and I 
can observe the bug on our Windows compiler but not our Linux compiler. 

Comment at: include/llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h:254
   FMRB_OnlyAccessesInaccessibleOrArgMem = FMRL_InaccessibleMem |
-                                          FMRL_ArgumentPointees |
static_cast<int>(FMRL_ArgumentPointees) |
is this a necessary workaround for the Intel compiler? It's not pretty.  
Suggest we add the #if around it? Long term i hope this would not be necessary.

Comment at: lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIISelLowering.cpp:6131
         static_assert(((~(SIInstrFlags::S_NAN |
this assesrts with Intel compiler?  Or the expression needs to be rewritten 
with static_cast as above?


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