ioeric updated this revision to Diff 135857.
ioeric marked an inline comment as done.
ioeric added a comment.

- Merge with origin/master
- Use llvm::StringSet

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


Index: unittests/clangd/HeadersTests.cpp
--- unittests/clangd/HeadersTests.cpp
+++ unittests/clangd/HeadersTests.cpp
@@ -24,17 +24,28 @@
-  // Calculates the include path for \p Header, or returns "" on error.
-  std::string calculate(PathRef Header) {
+  // Calculates the include path, or returns "" on error.
+  std::string calculate(PathRef Original, PathRef Preferred = "",
+                        bool ExpectError = false) {
+    if (Preferred.empty())
+      Preferred = Original;
     auto VFS = FS.getTaggedFileSystem(MainFile).Value;
     auto Cmd = CDB.getCompileCommand(MainFile);
-    auto Path =
-        calculateIncludePath(MainFile, FS.Files[MainFile], Header, *Cmd, VFS);
+    auto ToHeaderFile = [](llvm::StringRef Header) {
+      return HeaderFile{Header,
+                        /*Verbatim=*/!llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Header)};
+    };
+    auto Path = calculateIncludePath(MainFile, FS.Files[MainFile],
+                                     ToHeaderFile(Original),
+                                     ToHeaderFile(Preferred), *Cmd, VFS);
     if (!Path) {
+      EXPECT_TRUE(ExpectError);
       return std::string();
+    } else {
+      EXPECT_FALSE(ExpectError);
     return std::move(*Path);
@@ -66,7 +77,21 @@
   FS.Files[MainFile] = R"cpp(
 #include "sub/bar.h"  // not shortest
-  EXPECT_EQ(calculate(BarHeader), "");
+  EXPECT_EQ(calculate("\"sub/bar.h\""), ""); // Duplicate rewritten.
+  EXPECT_EQ(calculate(BarHeader), "");       // Duplicate resolved.
+  EXPECT_EQ(calculate(BarHeader, "\"BAR.h\""), ""); // Do not insert preferred.
+TEST_F(HeadersTest, DontInsertDuplicatePreferred) {
+  std::string BarHeader = testPath("sub/bar.h");
+  FS.Files[BarHeader] = "";
+  FS.Files[MainFile] = R"cpp(
+#include "sub/bar.h"  // not shortest
+  // Duplicate written.
+  EXPECT_EQ(calculate("\"original.h\"", "\"sub/bar.h\""), "");
+  // Duplicate resolved.
+  EXPECT_EQ(calculate("\"original.h\"", BarHeader), "");
 TEST_F(HeadersTest, StillInsertIfTrasitivelyIncluded) {
@@ -88,6 +113,17 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(calculate(MainFile), "");
+TEST_F(HeadersTest, PreferredHeader) {
+  FS.Files[MainFile] = "";
+  std::string BarHeader = testPath("sub/bar.h");
+  FS.Files[BarHeader] = "";
+  EXPECT_EQ(calculate(BarHeader, "<bar>"), "<bar>");
+  std::string BazHeader = testPath("sub/baz.h");
+  FS.Files[BazHeader] = "";
+  EXPECT_EQ(calculate(BarHeader, BazHeader), "\"baz.h\"");
 } // namespace
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: unittests/clangd/ClangdTests.cpp
--- unittests/clangd/ClangdTests.cpp
+++ unittests/clangd/ClangdTests.cpp
@@ -966,6 +966,8 @@
   MockFSProvider FS;
   ErrorCheckingDiagConsumer DiagConsumer;
   MockCompilationDatabase CDB;
+  std::string SearchDirArg = (llvm::Twine("-I") + testRoot()).str();
+  CDB.ExtraClangFlags.insert(CDB.ExtraClangFlags.end(), {SearchDirArg.c_str()});
   ClangdServer Server(CDB, DiagConsumer, FS,
@@ -981,17 +983,30 @@
   FS.Files[FooCpp] = Code;
   Server.addDocument(FooCpp, Code);
-  auto Inserted = [&](llvm::StringRef Header, llvm::StringRef Expected) {
-    auto Replaces = Server.insertInclude(FooCpp, Code, Header);
+  auto Inserted = [&](llvm::StringRef Original, llvm::StringRef Preferred,
+                      llvm::StringRef Expected) {
+    auto Replaces = Server.insertInclude(
+        FooCpp, Code, Original, Preferred.empty() ? Original : Preferred);
     auto Changed = tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code, *Replaces);
     return llvm::StringRef(*Changed).contains(
         (llvm::Twine("#include ") + Expected + "").str());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted("\"y.h\"", "\"y.h\""));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted("<string>", "<string>"));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted("\"y.h\"", /*Preferred=*/"","\"y.h\""));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted("\"y.h\"", /*Preferred=*/"\"Y.h\"", "\"Y.h\""));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted("<string>", /*Preferred=*/"", "<string>"));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted("<string>", /*Preferred=*/"", "<string>"));
+  std::string OriginalHeader = URI::createFile(testPath("y.h")).toString();
+  std::string PreferredHeader = URI::createFile(testPath("Y.h")).toString();
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted(OriginalHeader,
+                       /*Preferred=*/"", "\"y.h\""));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted(OriginalHeader,
+                       /*Preferred=*/"<Y.h>", "<Y.h>"));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted(OriginalHeader, PreferredHeader, "\"Y.h\""));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Inserted("<y.h>", PreferredHeader, "\"Y.h\""));
 } // namespace
Index: test/clangd/insert-include.test
--- test/clangd/insert-include.test
+++ test/clangd/insert-include.test
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"test:///main.cpp","languageId":"cpp","version":1,"text":"void f() {}"}}}
+{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3,"method":"workspace/executeCommand","params":{"arguments":[{"declaringHeader":"\"/usr/include/bits/vector\"", "preferredHeader":"<vector>","textDocument":{"uri":"test:///main.cpp"}}],"command":"clangd.insertInclude"}}
 #      CHECK:    "id": 3,
 # CHECK-NEXT:    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
-# CHECK-NEXT:    "result": "Inserted header <vector>"
+# CHECK-NEXT:    "result": "Inserted header \"/usr/include/bits/vector\" (<vector>)"
 #      CHECK:    "method": "workspace/applyEdit",
 # CHECK-NEXT:    "params": {
Index: clangd/Protocol.h
--- clangd/Protocol.h
+++ clangd/Protocol.h
@@ -453,11 +453,20 @@
 struct IncludeInsertion {
   /// The document in which the command was invoked.
+  /// If either originalHeader or preferredHeader has been (directly) included
+  /// in the current file, no new include will be inserted.
   TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
-  /// The header to be inserted. This could be either a URI ir a literal string
-  /// quoted with <> or "" that can be #included directly.
-  std::string header;
+  /// The declaring header corresponding to this insertion e.g. the header that
+  /// declares a symbol. This could be either a URI or a literal string quoted
+  /// with <> or "" that can be #included directly.
+  std::string declaringHeader;
+  /// The preferred header to be inserted. This may be different from
+  /// originalHeader as a header file can have a different canonical include.
+  /// This could be either a URI or a literal string quoted with <> or "" that
+  /// can be #included directly. If empty, declaringHeader is used to calculate
+  /// the #include path.
+  std::string preferredHeader;
 bool fromJSON(const json::Expr &, IncludeInsertion &);
 json::Expr toJSON(const IncludeInsertion &II);
Index: clangd/Protocol.cpp
--- clangd/Protocol.cpp
+++ clangd/Protocol.cpp
@@ -371,10 +371,13 @@
 bool fromJSON(const json::Expr &II, IncludeInsertion &R) {
   json::ObjectMapper O(II);
   return O &&"textDocument", R.textDocument) &&
-"header", R.header);
+"declaringHeader", R.declaringHeader) &&
+"preferredHeader", R.preferredHeader);
 json::Expr toJSON(const IncludeInsertion &II) {
-  return json::obj{{"textDocument", II.textDocument}, {"header", II.header}};
+  return json::obj{{"textDocument", II.textDocument},
+                   {"declaringHeader", II.declaringHeader},
+                   {"preferredHeader", II.preferredHeader}};
 json::Expr toJSON(const ApplyWorkspaceEditParams &Params) {
Index: clangd/Headers.h
--- clangd/Headers.h
+++ clangd/Headers.h
@@ -19,18 +19,36 @@
 namespace clang {
 namespace clangd {
+/// Returns true if \p Include is literal include like "path" or <path>.
+bool isLiteralInclude(llvm::StringRef Include);
+/// Represents a header file to be #include'd.
+struct HeaderFile {
+  std::string File;
+  /// If this is true, `File` is a literal string quoted with <> or "" that
+  /// can be #included directly; otherwise, `File` is an absolute file path.
+  bool Verbatim;
+  bool valid() const;
 /// Determines the preferred way to #include a file, taking into account the
 /// search path. Usually this will prefer a shorter representation like
 /// 'Foo/Bar.h' over a longer one like 'Baz/include/Foo/Bar.h'.
 /// \param File is an absolute file path.
-/// \param Header is an absolute file path.
-/// \return A quoted "path" or <path>. This returns an empty string if:
-///   - \p Header is already (directly) included in the file (including those
-///   included via different paths).
-///   - \p Header is the same as \p File.
+/// \param DeclaringHeader is the original header corresponding to \p
+/// InsertedHeader e.g. the header that declares a symbol.
+/// \param InsertedHeader The preferred header to be inserted. This could be the
+/// same as DeclaringHeader but must be provided.
+//  \return A quoted "path" or <path>. This returns an empty string if:
+///   - Either \p DeclaringHeader or \p InsertedHeader is already (directly)
+///   included in the file (including those included via different paths).
+///   - \p DeclaringHeader or \p InsertedHeader is the same as \p File.
-calculateIncludePath(PathRef File, llvm::StringRef Code, llvm::StringRef Header,
+calculateIncludePath(PathRef File, llvm::StringRef Code,
+                     const HeaderFile &DeclaringHeader,
+                     const HeaderFile &InsertedHeader,
                      const tooling::CompileCommand &CompileCommand,
                      IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> FS);
Index: clangd/Headers.cpp
--- clangd/Headers.cpp
+++ clangd/Headers.cpp
@@ -24,36 +24,50 @@
 class RecordHeaders : public PPCallbacks {
-  RecordHeaders(std::set<std::string> &Headers) : Headers(Headers) {}
+  RecordHeaders(llvm::StringSet<> &WrittenHeaders,
+                llvm::StringSet<> &ResolvedHeaders)
+      : WrittenHeaders(WrittenHeaders), ResolvedHeaders(ResolvedHeaders) {}
   void InclusionDirective(SourceLocation /*HashLoc*/,
                           const Token & /*IncludeTok*/,
-                          llvm::StringRef /*FileName*/, bool /*IsAngled*/,
+                          llvm::StringRef FileName, bool IsAngled,
                           CharSourceRange /*FilenameRange*/,
                           const FileEntry *File, llvm::StringRef /*SearchPath*/,
                           llvm::StringRef /*RelativePath*/,
                           const Module * /*Imported*/) override {
+    WrittenHeaders.insert(
+        (IsAngled ? "<" + FileName + ">" : "\"" + FileName + "\"").str());
     if (File != nullptr && !File->tryGetRealPathName().empty())
-      Headers.insert(File->tryGetRealPathName());
+      ResolvedHeaders.insert(File->tryGetRealPathName());
-  std::set<std::string> &Headers;
+  llvm::StringSet<> &WrittenHeaders;
+  llvm::StringSet<> &ResolvedHeaders;
 } // namespace
+bool isLiteralInclude(llvm::StringRef Include) {
+  return Include.startswith("<") || Include.startswith("\"");
+bool HeaderFile::valid() const {
+  return (Verbatim && isLiteralInclude(File)) ||
+         (!Verbatim && llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(File));
 /// FIXME(ioeric): we might not want to insert an absolute include path if the
 /// path is not shortened.
 calculateIncludePath(llvm::StringRef File, llvm::StringRef Code,
-                     llvm::StringRef Header,
+                     const HeaderFile &DeclaringHeader,
+                     const HeaderFile &InsertedHeader,
                      const tooling::CompileCommand &CompileCommand,
                      IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> FS) {
-  assert(llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(File) &&
-         llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Header));
-  if (File == Header)
+  assert(llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(File));
+  assert(DeclaringHeader.valid() && InsertedHeader.valid());
+  if (File == DeclaringHeader.File || File == InsertedHeader.File)
     return "";
@@ -95,29 +109,35 @@
     return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
         "Failed to begin preprocessor only action for file " + File,
-  std::set<std::string> ExistingHeaders;
+  llvm::StringSet<> WrittenHeaders;
+  llvm::StringSet<> ResolvedHeaders;
-      llvm::make_unique<RecordHeaders>(ExistingHeaders));
+      llvm::make_unique<RecordHeaders>(WrittenHeaders, ResolvedHeaders));
   if (!Action.Execute())
     return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
         "Failed to execute preprocessor only action for file " + File,
-  if (ExistingHeaders.find(Header) != ExistingHeaders.end()) {
-    return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
-        Header + " is already included in " + File,
-        llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
-  }
+  auto Included = [&](llvm::StringRef Header) {
+    return WrittenHeaders.find(Header) != WrittenHeaders.end() ||
+           ResolvedHeaders.find(Header) != ResolvedHeaders.end();
+  };
+  if (Included(DeclaringHeader.File) || Included(InsertedHeader.File))
+    return "";
   auto &HeaderSearchInfo = Clang->getPreprocessor().getHeaderSearchInfo();
   bool IsSystem = false;
+  if (InsertedHeader.Verbatim)
+    return InsertedHeader.File;
   std::string Suggested = HeaderSearchInfo.suggestPathToFileForDiagnostics(
-      Header, CompileCommand.Directory, &IsSystem);
+      InsertedHeader.File, CompileCommand.Directory, &IsSystem);
   if (IsSystem)
     Suggested = "<" + Suggested + ">";
     Suggested = "\"" + Suggested + "\"";
-  log("Suggested #include for " + Header + " is: " + Suggested);
+  log("Suggested #include for " + InsertedHeader.File + " is: " + Suggested);
   return Suggested;
Index: clangd/CodeComplete.cpp
--- clangd/CodeComplete.cpp
+++ clangd/CodeComplete.cpp
@@ -297,7 +297,12 @@
           // Command title is not added since this is not a user-facing command.
           Cmd.command = ExecuteCommandParams::CLANGD_INSERT_HEADER_INCLUDE;
           IncludeInsertion Insertion;
-          Insertion.header = D->IncludeHeader;
+          // Fallback to canonical header if declaration location is invalid.
+          Insertion.declaringHeader =
+              IndexResult->CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI.empty()
+                  ? D->IncludeHeader
+                  : IndexResult->CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI;
+          Insertion.preferredHeader = D->IncludeHeader;
           Insertion.textDocument.uri = URIForFile(FileName);
           Cmd.includeInsertion = std::move(Insertion);
           I.command = std::move(Cmd);
Index: clangd/ClangdServer.h
--- clangd/ClangdServer.h
+++ clangd/ClangdServer.h
@@ -241,12 +241,21 @@
-  /// Inserts a new #include of \p Header into \p File, if it's not present.
-  /// \p Header is either an URI that can be resolved to an #include path that
-  /// is suitable to be inserted or a literal string quoted with <> or "" that
-  /// can be #included directly.
+  /// Inserts a new #include into \p File, if it's not present in \p Code.
+  ///
+  /// \p DeclaringHeader The original header corresponding to this insertion
+  /// e.g. the header that declared a symbol. This can be either a URI or a
+  /// literal string quoted with <> or "" that can be #included directly.
+  /// \p InsertedHeader The preferred header to be inserted. This may be
+  /// different from \p DeclaringHeader as a header file can have a different
+  /// canonical include. This can be either a URI or a literal string quoted
+  /// with <> or "" that can be #included directly.
+  ///
+  /// Both OriginalHeader and InsertedHeader will be considered to determine
+  /// whether an include needs to be added.
   Expected<tooling::Replacements> insertInclude(PathRef File, StringRef Code,
-                                                StringRef Header);
+                                                StringRef DeclaringHeader,
+                                                StringRef InsertedHeader);
   /// Gets current document contents for \p File. Returns None if \p File is not
   /// currently tracked.
Index: clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
--- clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
+++ clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
@@ -313,31 +313,42 @@
       Bind(Action, File.str(), NewName.str(), std::move(Callback)));
+/// Creates a `HeaderFile` from \p Header which can be either a URI or a literal
+/// include.
+static llvm::Expected<HeaderFile> toHeaderFile(StringRef Header,
+                                               llvm::StringRef HintPath) {
+  if (isLiteralInclude(Header))
+    return HeaderFile{Header.str(), /*Verbatim=*/true};
+  auto U = URI::parse(Header);
+  if (!U)
+    return U.takeError();
+  auto Resolved = URI::resolve(*U, HintPath);
+  if (!Resolved)
+    return Resolved.takeError();
+  return HeaderFile{std::move(*Resolved), /*Verbatim=*/false};
 ClangdServer::insertInclude(PathRef File, StringRef Code,
-                            llvm::StringRef Header) {
+                            StringRef DeclaringHeader,
+                            StringRef InsertedHeader) {
+  assert(!DeclaringHeader.empty() && !InsertedHeader.empty());
   std::string ToInclude;
-  if (Header.startswith("<") || Header.startswith("\"")) {
-    ToInclude = Header;
-  } else {
-    auto U = URI::parse(Header);
-    if (!U)
-      return U.takeError();
-    auto Resolved = URI::resolve(*U, /*HintPath=*/File);
-    if (!Resolved)
-      return Resolved.takeError();
-    tooling::CompileCommand CompileCommand =
-        CompileArgs.getCompileCommand(File);
-    auto Include =
-        calculateIncludePath(File, Code, *Resolved, CompileCommand,
-                             FSProvider.getTaggedFileSystem(File).Value);
-    if (!Include)
-      return Include.takeError();
-    if (Include->empty())
-      return tooling::Replacements();
-    ToInclude = std::move(*Include);
-  }
+  auto ResolvedOrginal = toHeaderFile(DeclaringHeader, File);
+  if (!ResolvedOrginal)
+    return ResolvedOrginal.takeError();
+  auto ResolvedPreferred = toHeaderFile(InsertedHeader, File);
+  if (!ResolvedPreferred)
+    return ResolvedPreferred.takeError();
+  tooling::CompileCommand CompileCommand = CompileArgs.getCompileCommand(File);
+  auto Include = calculateIncludePath(
+      File, Code, *ResolvedOrginal, *ResolvedPreferred, CompileCommand,
+      FSProvider.getTaggedFileSystem(File).Value);
+  if (!Include)
+    return Include.takeError();
+  if (Include->empty())
+    return tooling::Replacements();
+  ToInclude = std::move(*Include);
   auto Style = format::getStyle("file", File, "llvm");
   if (!Style) {
Index: clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
--- clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
+++ clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
@@ -194,12 +194,20 @@
                          ExecuteCommandParams::CLANGD_INSERT_HEADER_INCLUDE +
                          " called on non-added file " + FileURI.file())
-    auto Replaces = Server.insertInclude(FileURI.file(), *Code,
-                                         Params.includeInsertion->header);
+    llvm::StringRef DeclaringHeader = Params.includeInsertion->declaringHeader;
+    if (DeclaringHeader.empty())
+      return replyError(
+          ErrorCode::InvalidParams,
+          "declaringHeader must be provided for include insertion.");
+    llvm::StringRef PreferredHeader = Params.includeInsertion->preferredHeader;
+    auto Replaces = Server.insertInclude(
+        FileURI.file(), *Code, DeclaringHeader,
+        PreferredHeader.empty() ? DeclaringHeader : PreferredHeader);
     if (!Replaces) {
       std::string ErrMsg =
           ("Failed to generate include insertion edits for adding " +
-           Params.includeInsertion->header + " into " + FileURI.file())
+           DeclaringHeader + " (" + PreferredHeader + ") into " +
+           FileURI.file())
       log(ErrMsg + ":" + llvm::toString(Replaces.takeError()));
       replyError(ErrorCode::InternalError, ErrMsg);
@@ -209,7 +217,8 @@
     WorkspaceEdit WE;
     WE.changes = {{FileURI.uri(), Edits}};
-    reply("Inserted header " + Params.includeInsertion->header);
+    reply(("Inserted header " + DeclaringHeader + " (" + PreferredHeader + ")")
+              .str());
   } else {
     // We should not get here because ExecuteCommandParams would not have
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