Quuxplusone created this revision.
Quuxplusone added a project: clang.
Herald added a subscriber: cfe-commits.

This patch adds two new diagnostics, which are off by default:


Diagnose cases of `return x` or `throw x`, where `x` is the name of a local 
variable or parameter, in which a copy is made.
The user probably expected a move, but they're not getting a move, perhaps 
because the type of "x" is different from the return type of the function. A 
place where this comes up in the wild is `stdext::inplace_function<Sig, N>` 
which implements conversion via a conversion operator rather than a converting 
constructor; see https://github.com/WG21-SG14/SG14/issues/125#issue-297201412
Another place where this has come up in the wild, but where the fix ended up 
being different, was

  try { ... } catch (ExceptionType ex) {
      throw ex;

where the appropriate fix in that case was to replace `throw ex;` with 
`throw;`, and incidentally to catch by reference instead of by value. (But one 
could contrive a scenario where the slicing was intentional, in which case 
throw-by-move would have been the appropriate fix after all.)


Diagnose cases of "return x;" or "throw x;" which in this version of Clang *do* 
produce moves, but which prior to Clang 3.9 / GCC 5.1 produced copies instead. 
This is useful in codebases which care about portability to those older 
The name "-in-c++11" is not technically correct; what caused the 
version-to-version change in behavior here was actually CWG 1579, not C++14. So 
I'm using the CWG issue number in the diagnostic but "C++11" in the name of the 
option. I think it's likely that codebases that need portability to GCC 
4.9-and-earlier may understand "C++11" as a colloquialism for "older compilers."


I fully expect there to be lots of discussion on this patch, and for my first 
draft to be missing lots of pieces. I do hope that we can hammer it into a 
shape suitable for upstreaming, but milestone number 1 is just to get it out 
there for people to use on their own codebases.

Notice that this patch is kind of a belated negative-space version of Richard 
Trieu's `-Wpessimizing-move`. That diagnostic warns about cases of `return 
std::move(x)` that should be `return x` for speed. These diagnostics warn about 
cases of `return x` that should be `return std::move(x)` for speed. (The two 
diagnostics' bailiwicks do not overlap.)

  rC Clang



Index: test/SemaCXX/warn-return-std-move.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaCXX/warn-return-std-move.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -Wreturn-std-move -Wreturn-std-move-in-cxx11 -std=c++11 -verify %s
+// definitions for std::move
+namespace std {
+inline namespace foo {
+template <class T> struct remove_reference { typedef T type; };
+template <class T> struct remove_reference<T&> { typedef T type; };
+template <class T> struct remove_reference<T&&> { typedef T type; };
+template <class T> typename remove_reference<T>::type &&move(T &&t);
+struct Instrument {
+    Instrument() {}
+    Instrument(Instrument&&) { /* MOVE */ }
+    Instrument(const Instrument&) { /* COPY */ }
+struct ConvertFromBase { Instrument i; };
+struct ConvertFromDerived { Instrument i; };
+struct Base {
+    Instrument i;
+    operator ConvertFromBase() const& { return ConvertFromBase{i}; }
+    operator ConvertFromBase() && { return ConvertFromBase{std::move(i)}; }
+struct Derived : public Base {
+    operator ConvertFromDerived() const& { return ConvertFromDerived{i}; }
+    operator ConvertFromDerived() && { return ConvertFromDerived{std::move(i)}; }
+struct ConstructFromBase {
+    Instrument i;
+    ConstructFromBase(const Base& b): i(b.i) {}
+    ConstructFromBase(Base&& b): i(std::move(b.i)) {}
+struct ConstructFromDerived {
+    Instrument i;
+    ConstructFromDerived(const Derived& d): i(d.i) {}
+    ConstructFromDerived(Derived&& d): i(std::move(d.i)) {}
+struct TrivialInstrument {
+    int i = 42;
+struct ConvertFromTrivialBase { TrivialInstrument i; };
+struct ConvertFromTrivialDerived { TrivialInstrument i; };
+struct TrivialBase {
+    TrivialInstrument i;
+    operator ConvertFromTrivialBase() const& { return ConvertFromTrivialBase{i}; }
+    operator ConvertFromTrivialBase() && { return ConvertFromTrivialBase{std::move(i)}; }
+struct TrivialDerived : public TrivialBase {
+    operator ConvertFromTrivialDerived() const& { return ConvertFromTrivialDerived{i}; }
+    operator ConvertFromTrivialDerived() && { return ConvertFromTrivialDerived{std::move(i)}; }
+struct ConstructFromTrivialBase {
+    TrivialInstrument i;
+    ConstructFromTrivialBase(const TrivialBase& b): i(b.i) {}
+    ConstructFromTrivialBase(TrivialBase&& b): i(std::move(b.i)) {}
+struct ConstructFromTrivialDerived {
+    TrivialInstrument i;
+    ConstructFromTrivialDerived(const TrivialDerived& d): i(d.i) {}
+    ConstructFromTrivialDerived(TrivialDerived&& d): i(std::move(d.i)) {}
+Derived test1() {
+    Derived d1;
+    return d1;  // ok
+Base test2() {
+    Derived d2;
+    return d2;  // e1
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConstructFromDerived test3() {
+    Derived d3;
+    return d3;  // e2-cxx11
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would have selected a better conversion sequence}}
+ConstructFromBase test4() {
+    Derived d4;
+    return d4;  // e3
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConvertFromDerived test5() {
+    Derived d5;
+    return d5;  // e4
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConvertFromBase test6() {
+    Derived d6;
+    return d6;  // e5
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+// These test cases should not produce the warning.
+Derived ok1() { Derived d; return d; }
+Base ok2() { Derived d; return static_cast<Derived&&>(d); }
+ConstructFromDerived ok3() { Derived d; return static_cast<Derived&&>(d); }
+ConstructFromBase ok4() { Derived d; return static_cast<Derived&&>(d); }
+ConvertFromDerived ok5() { Derived d; return static_cast<Derived&&>(d); }
+ConvertFromBase ok6() { Derived d; return static_cast<Derived&&>(d); }
+// If the target is an lvalue reference, assume it's not safe to move from.
+Derived ok_lvalue1(Derived& d) { return d; }
+Base ok_lvalue2(Derived& d) { return d; }
+ConstructFromDerived ok_lvalue3(Derived& d) { return d; }
+ConstructFromBase ok_lvalue4(Derived& d) { return d; }
+ConvertFromDerived ok_lvalue5(Derived& d) { return d; }
+ConvertFromBase ok_lvalue6(Derived& d) { return d; }
+// If the target is a global, assume it's not safe to move from.
+static Derived global_d;
+Derived ok_global1() { return global_d; }
+Base ok_global2() { return global_d; }
+ConstructFromDerived ok_global3() { return global_d; }
+ConstructFromBase ok_global4() { return global_d; }
+ConvertFromDerived ok_global5() { return global_d; }
+ConvertFromBase ok_global6() { return global_d; }
+// If the target's copy constructor is trivial, assume the programmer doesn't care.
+TrivialDerived ok_trivial1(TrivialDerived d) { return d; }
+TrivialBase ok_trivial2(TrivialDerived d) { return d; }
+ConstructFromTrivialDerived ok_trivial3(TrivialDerived d) { return d; }
+ConstructFromTrivialBase ok_trivial4(TrivialDerived d) { return d; }
+ConvertFromTrivialDerived ok_trivial5(TrivialDerived d) { return d; }
+ConvertFromTrivialBase ok_trivial6(TrivialDerived d) { return d; }
+// If the target is a parameter, do apply the diagnostic.
+Derived testParam1(Derived d) { return d; }
+Base testParam2(Derived d) {
+    return d;  // e6
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConstructFromDerived testParam3(Derived d) {
+    return d;  // e7-cxx11
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would have selected a better conversion sequence}}
+ConstructFromBase testParam4(Derived d) {
+    return d;  // e8
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConvertFromDerived testParam5(Derived d) {
+    return d;  // e9
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConvertFromBase testParam6(Derived d) {
+    return d;  // e10
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+// If the target is an rvalue reference parameter, do apply the diagnostic.
+Derived testRParam1(Derived&& d) {
+    return d;  // e11
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+Base testRParam2(Derived&& d) {
+    return d;  // e12
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConstructFromDerived testRParam3(Derived&& d) {
+    return d;  // e13
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConstructFromBase testRParam4(Derived&& d) {
+    return d;  // e14
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConvertFromDerived testRParam5(Derived&& d) {
+    return d;  // e15
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+ConvertFromBase testRParam6(Derived&& d) {
+    return d;  // e16
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+// If the target is a catch-handler parameter, do apply the diagnostic.
+void throw_derived();
+Derived testEParam1() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived d) { return d; }  // e17
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+Base testEParam2() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived d) { return d; }  // e18
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+ConstructFromDerived testEParam3() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived d) { return d; }  // e19
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+ConstructFromBase testEParam4() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived d) { return d; }  // e20
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+ConvertFromDerived testEParam5() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived d) { return d; }  // e21
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+ConvertFromBase testEParam6() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived d) { return d; }  // e22
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+// Even if the exception variable is an lvalue reference, we still own it.
+Derived testREParam1() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived& d) { return d; }  // e23
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+Base testREParam2() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived& d) { return d; }  // e24
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+ConstructFromDerived testREParam3() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived& d) { return d; }  // e25
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+ConstructFromBase testREParam4() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived& d) { return d; }  // e26
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+ConvertFromDerived testREParam5() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived& d) { return d; }  // e27
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+ConvertFromBase testREParam6() {
+    try { throw_derived(); } catch (Derived& d) { return d; }  // e28
+    // expected-warning@-1{{would select a better conversion sequence}}
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+Derived ok_CEParam1() { try { throw_derived(); } catch (const Derived& d) { return d; } __builtin_unreachable(); }
+Base ok_CEParam2() { try { throw_derived(); } catch (const Derived& d) { return d; } __builtin_unreachable(); }
+ConstructFromDerived ok_CEParam3() { try { throw_derived(); } catch (const Derived& d) { return d; } __builtin_unreachable(); }
+ConstructFromBase ok_CEParam4() { try { throw_derived(); } catch (const Derived& d) { return d; } __builtin_unreachable(); }
+ConvertFromDerived ok_CEParam5() { try { throw_derived(); } catch (const Derived& d) { return d; } __builtin_unreachable(); }
+ConvertFromBase ok_CEParam6() { try { throw_derived(); } catch (const Derived& d) { return d; } __builtin_unreachable(); }
+// If rvalue overload resolution would find a copy constructor anyway,
+// or if the copy constructor actually selected is trivial, then don't warn.
+struct TriviallyCopyable {};
+struct OnlyCopyable {
+    OnlyCopyable() = default;
+    OnlyCopyable(const OnlyCopyable&) {}
+TriviallyCopyable ok_copy1() { TriviallyCopyable c; return c; }
+OnlyCopyable ok_copy2() { OnlyCopyable c; return c; }
+TriviallyCopyable ok_copyparam1(TriviallyCopyable c) { return c; }
+OnlyCopyable ok_copyparam2(OnlyCopyable c) { return c; }
Index: lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
   if (D->isNRVOVariable()) {
     QualType ReturnType = cast<FunctionDecl>(DC)->getReturnType();
-    if (SemaRef.isCopyElisionCandidate(ReturnType, Var, false))
+    if (SemaRef.isCopyElisionCandidate(ReturnType, Var, Sema::CES_Strict))
Index: lib/Sema/SemaStmt.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaStmt.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaStmt.cpp
@@ -2858,7 +2858,7 @@
 /// \param E The expression being returned from the function or block, or
 /// being thrown.
-/// \param AllowParamOrMoveConstructible Whether we allow function parameters or
+/// \param CESK Whether we allow function parameters or
 /// id-expressions that could be moved out of the function to be considered NRVO
 /// candidates. C++ prohibits these for NRVO itself, but we re-use this logic to
 /// determine whether we should try to move as part of a return or throw (which
@@ -2867,7 +2867,7 @@
 /// \returns The NRVO candidate variable, if the return statement may use the
 /// NRVO, or NULL if there is no such candidate.
 VarDecl *Sema::getCopyElisionCandidate(QualType ReturnType, Expr *E,
-                                       bool AllowParamOrMoveConstructible) {
+                                       CopyElisionSemanticsKind CESK) {
   if (!getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
     return nullptr;
@@ -2880,13 +2880,13 @@
   if (!VD)
     return nullptr;
-  if (isCopyElisionCandidate(ReturnType, VD, AllowParamOrMoveConstructible))
+  if (isCopyElisionCandidate(ReturnType, VD, CESK))
     return VD;
   return nullptr;
 bool Sema::isCopyElisionCandidate(QualType ReturnType, const VarDecl *VD,
-                                  bool AllowParamOrMoveConstructible) {
+                                  CopyElisionSemanticsKind CESK) {
   QualType VDType = VD->getType();
   // - in a return statement in a function with ...
   // ... a class return type ...
@@ -2895,16 +2895,17 @@
       return false;
     // ... the same cv-unqualified type as the function return type ...
     // When considering moving this expression out, allow dissimilar types.
-    if (!AllowParamOrMoveConstructible && !VDType->isDependentType() &&
+    if (!(CESK & CES_AllowMoveConstructible) && !VDType->isDependentType() &&
         !Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(ReturnType, VDType))
       return false;
   // ...object (other than a function or catch-clause parameter)...
   if (VD->getKind() != Decl::Var &&
-      !(AllowParamOrMoveConstructible && VD->getKind() == Decl::ParmVar))
+      !((CESK & CES_AllowParameters) && VD->getKind() == Decl::ParmVar))
+    return false;
+  if (!(CESK & CES_AllowExceptionVariables) && VD->isExceptionVariable())
     return false;
-  if (VD->isExceptionVariable()) return false;
   // ...automatic...
   if (!VD->hasLocalStorage()) return false;
@@ -2914,7 +2915,7 @@
   // variable will no longer be used.
   if (VD->hasAttr<BlocksAttr>()) return false;
-  if (AllowParamOrMoveConstructible)
+  if (CESK & CES_AllowMoveConstructible)
     return true;
   // ...non-volatile...
@@ -2929,6 +2930,70 @@
   return true;
+static void AttemptMoveInitialization(Sema& S,
+                                      const InitializedEntity &Entity,
+                                      const VarDecl *NRVOCandidate,
+                                      QualType ResultType,
+                                      Expr *Value,
+                                      bool IsFake,
+                                      ExprResult &Res)
+    ImplicitCastExpr AsRvalue(ImplicitCastExpr::OnStack, Value->getType(),
+                              CK_NoOp, Value, VK_XValue);
+    Expr *InitExpr = &AsRvalue;
+    InitializationKind Kind = InitializationKind::CreateCopy(
+        Value->getLocStart(), Value->getLocStart());
+    InitializationSequence Seq(S, Entity, Kind, InitExpr);
+    if (Seq) {
+      for (const InitializationSequence::Step &Step : Seq.steps()) {
+        if (!(Step.Kind ==
+                  InitializationSequence::SK_ConstructorInitialization ||
+              Step.Kind == InitializationSequence::SK_UserConversion))
+          continue;
+        FunctionDecl *FD = Step.Function.Function;
+        if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(FD)) {
+          if (IsFake) {
+            // Check that overload resolution selected a constructor taking an
+            // rvalue reference. If it selected an lvalue reference, then we
+            // didn't need to cast this thing to an rvalue in the first place.
+            if (!isa<RValueReferenceType>(FD->getParamDecl(0)->getType()))
+              break;
+          } else {
+            // [...] If the first overload resolution fails or was not performed, or
+            // if the type of the first parameter of the selected constructor is not
+            // an rvalue reference to the object's type (possibly cv-qualified),
+            // overload resolution is performed again, considering the object as an
+            // lvalue.
+            const RValueReferenceType *RRefType = FD->getParamDecl(0)->getType()->getAs<RValueReferenceType>();
+            if (!RRefType)
+              break;
+            if (!S.Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(RRefType->getPointeeType(),
+                                                  NRVOCandidate->getType()))
+              break;
+          }
+        } else if (IsFake && isa<CXXMethodDecl>(FD)) {
+          if (cast<CXXMethodDecl>(FD)->getRefQualifier() != RQ_RValue)
+            break;
+        } else {
+          continue;
+        }
+        // Promote "AsRvalue" to the heap, since we now need this
+        // expression node to persist.
+        Value = ImplicitCastExpr::Create(S.Context, Value->getType(), CK_NoOp,
+                                         Value, nullptr, VK_XValue);
+        // Complete type-checking the initialization of the return type
+        // using the constructor we found.
+        Res = Seq.Perform(S, Entity, Kind, Value);
+      }
+    }
 /// \brief Perform the initialization of a potentially-movable value, which
 /// is the result of return value.
@@ -2952,52 +3017,47 @@
   // were designated by an rvalue.
   ExprResult Res = ExprError();
-  if (AllowNRVO && !NRVOCandidate)
-    NRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(ResultType, Value, true);
-  if (AllowNRVO && NRVOCandidate) {
-    ImplicitCastExpr AsRvalue(ImplicitCastExpr::OnStack, Value->getType(),
-                              CK_NoOp, Value, VK_XValue);
-    Expr *InitExpr = &AsRvalue;
-    InitializationKind Kind = InitializationKind::CreateCopy(
-        Value->getLocStart(), Value->getLocStart());
+  if (AllowNRVO) {
+    bool AffectedByCWG1579 = false;
-    InitializationSequence Seq(*this, Entity, Kind, InitExpr);
-    if (Seq) {
-      for (const InitializationSequence::Step &Step : Seq.steps()) {
-        if (!(Step.Kind ==
-                  InitializationSequence::SK_ConstructorInitialization ||
-              (Step.Kind == InitializationSequence::SK_UserConversion &&
-               isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(Step.Function.Function))))
-          continue;
-        CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor =
-            cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(Step.Function.Function);
-        const RValueReferenceType *RRefType
-          = Constructor->getParamDecl(0)->getType()
-                                                 ->getAs<RValueReferenceType>();
-        // [...] If the first overload resolution fails or was not performed, or
-        // if the type of the first parameter of the selected constructor is not
-        // an rvalue reference to the object's type (possibly cv-qualified),
-        // overload resolution is performed again, considering the object as an
-        // lvalue.
-        if (!RRefType ||
-            !Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(RRefType->getPointeeType(),
-                                            NRVOCandidate->getType()))
-          break;
+    if (!NRVOCandidate) {
+      NRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(ResultType, Value, CES_Default);
+      if (NRVOCandidate && !getDiagnostics().isIgnored(diag::warn_return_std_move_in_cxx11, Value->getExprLoc())) {
+        const auto *NRVOCandidateInCXX11 = getCopyElisionCandidate(ResultType, Value, CES_FormerDefault);
+        AffectedByCWG1579 = (!NRVOCandidateInCXX11);
+      }
+    }
-        // Promote "AsRvalue" to the heap, since we now need this
-        // expression node to persist.
-        Value = ImplicitCastExpr::Create(Context, Value->getType(), CK_NoOp,
-                                         Value, nullptr, VK_XValue);
+    if (NRVOCandidate) {
+      AttemptMoveInitialization(*this, Entity, NRVOCandidate, ResultType, Value, false, Res);
+    }
-        // Complete type-checking the initialization of the return type
-        // using the constructor we found.
-        Res = Seq.Perform(*this, Entity, Kind, Value);
+    if (!Res.isInvalid() && AffectedByCWG1579) {
+      const auto QT = NRVOCandidate->getType();
+      if (QT->isLValueReferenceType()) {
+        // Adding 'std::move' around an lvalue reference variable's name is dangerous. Don't suggest it.
+      } else if (QT.getNonReferenceType().getUnqualifiedType().isTriviallyCopyableType(Context)) {
+        // Adding 'std::move' around a trivially copyable variable is probably pointless. Don't suggest it.
+      } else {
+        // The most common case for this is returning T from a function that returns Expected<T>.
+        // This is totally fine in a post-CWG1579 world, but was not fine before.
+        Diag(Value->getExprLoc(), diag::warn_return_std_move_in_cxx11);
+      }
+    } else if (Res.isInvalid() && !getDiagnostics().isIgnored(diag::warn_return_std_move, Value->getExprLoc())) {
+      const VarDecl *FakeNRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(QualType(), Value, CES_AsIfByStdMove);
+      if (FakeNRVOCandidate) {
+        const auto QT = FakeNRVOCandidate->getType();
+        if (QT->isLValueReferenceType() && !FakeNRVOCandidate->isExceptionVariable()) {
+          // Adding 'std::move' around an lvalue reference variable's name is dangerous. Don't suggest it.
+        } else if (QT.getNonReferenceType().getUnqualifiedType().isTriviallyCopyableType(Context)) {
+          // Adding 'std::move' around a trivially copyable variable is probably pointless. Don't suggest it.
+        } else {
+          ExprResult FakeRes = ExprError();
+          AttemptMoveInitialization(*this, Entity, FakeNRVOCandidate, ResultType, Value, true, FakeRes);
+          if (!FakeRes.isInvalid()) {
+            Diag(Value->getExprLoc(), diag::warn_return_std_move);
+          }
+        }
@@ -3145,7 +3205,7 @@
     // In C++ the return statement is handled via a copy initialization.
     // the C version of which boils down to CheckSingleAssignmentConstraints.
-    NRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(FnRetType, RetValExp, false);
+    NRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(FnRetType, RetValExp, CES_Strict);
     InitializedEntity Entity = InitializedEntity::InitializeResult(ReturnLoc,
                                                       NRVOCandidate != nullptr);
@@ -3158,7 +3218,7 @@
     RetValExp = Res.get();
     CheckReturnValExpr(RetValExp, FnRetType, ReturnLoc);
   } else {
-    NRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(FnRetType, RetValExp, false);
+    NRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(FnRetType, RetValExp, CES_Strict);
   if (RetValExp) {
@@ -3528,7 +3588,7 @@
     // In C++ the return statement is handled via a copy initialization,
     // the C version of which boils down to CheckSingleAssignmentConstraints.
     if (RetValExp)
-      NRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(FnRetType, RetValExp, false);
+      NRVOCandidate = getCopyElisionCandidate(FnRetType, RetValExp, CES_Strict);
     if (!HasDependentReturnType && !RetValExp->isTypeDependent()) {
       // we have a non-void function with an expression, continue checking
       InitializedEntity Entity = InitializedEntity::InitializeResult(ReturnLoc,
Index: lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
     //       exception object
     const VarDecl *NRVOVariable = nullptr;
     if (IsThrownVarInScope)
-      NRVOVariable = getCopyElisionCandidate(QualType(), Ex, false);
+      NRVOVariable = getCopyElisionCandidate(QualType(), Ex, CES_Strict);
     InitializedEntity Entity = InitializedEntity::InitializeException(
         OpLoc, ExceptionObjectTy,
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -3810,10 +3810,21 @@
   RecordDecl *CreateCapturedStmtRecordDecl(CapturedDecl *&CD,
                                            SourceLocation Loc,
                                            unsigned NumParams);
+  enum CopyElisionSemanticsKind {
+    CES_Strict = 0,
+    CES_AllowParameters = 1,
+    CES_AllowMoveConstructible = 2,
+    CES_AllowExceptionVariables = 4,
+    CES_FormerDefault = (CES_AllowParameters),
+    CES_Default = (CES_AllowParameters | CES_AllowMoveConstructible),
+    CES_AsIfByStdMove = (CES_AllowParameters | CES_AllowMoveConstructible | CES_AllowExceptionVariables),
+  };
   VarDecl *getCopyElisionCandidate(QualType ReturnType, Expr *E,
-                                   bool AllowParamOrMoveConstructible);
+                                   CopyElisionSemanticsKind CESK);
   bool isCopyElisionCandidate(QualType ReturnType, const VarDecl *VD,
-                              bool AllowParamOrMoveConstructible);
+                              CopyElisionSemanticsKind CESK);
   StmtResult ActOnReturnStmt(SourceLocation ReturnLoc, Expr *RetValExp,
                              Scope *CurScope);
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
@@ -19,6 +19,14 @@
 def note_callee_decl : Note<"%0 declared here">;
 def note_defined_here : Note<"%0 defined here">;
+def warn_return_std_move : Warning<
+  "adding 'std::move' here would select a better conversion sequence">,
+  InGroup<ReturnStdMove>, DefaultIgnore;
+def warn_return_std_move_in_cxx11 : Warning<
+  "adding 'std::move' here would have selected a better conversion sequence prior to CWG 1579">,
+  InGroup<ReturnStdMoveInCXX11>, DefaultIgnore;
 // For loop analysis
 def warn_variables_not_in_loop_body : Warning<
   "variable%select{s| %1|s %1 and %2|s %1, %2, and %3|s %1, %2, %3, and %4}0 "
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticGroups.td
@@ -380,7 +380,11 @@
 def ExplicitInitializeCall : DiagGroup<"explicit-initialize-call">;
 def Packed : DiagGroup<"packed">;
 def Padded : DiagGroup<"padded">;
 def PessimizingMove : DiagGroup<"pessimizing-move">;
+def ReturnStdMoveInCXX11 : DiagGroup<"return-std-move-in-c++11">;
+def ReturnStdMove : DiagGroup<"return-std-move">;
 def PointerArith : DiagGroup<"pointer-arith">;
 def PoundWarning : DiagGroup<"#warnings">;
 def PoundPragmaMessage : DiagGroup<"#pragma-messages">,
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