ioeric added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdServer.cpp:368
+/// Calculates the shortest possible include path when inserting \p Header to 
+/// File, by matching \p Header against all include search directories for \p
sammccall wrote:
> ioeric wrote:
> > sammccall wrote:
> > > This has a fair amount of logic (well, plumbing :-D) and uses relatively 
> > > little from ClangdServer.
> > > Can we move `shortenIncludePath` to a separate file and pass in the FS 
> > > and command?
> > > 
> > > I'd suggest maybe `Headers.h` - The formatting part of `insertInclude` 
> > > could also fit there, as well as probably the logic from 
> > > `switchSourceHeader` I think (the latter not in this patch of course).
> > > 
> > > This won't really help much with testing, I just find it gets hard to 
> > > navigate files that have lots of details of unrelated features. 
> > > ClangdUnit and ClangdServer both have this potential to grow without 
> > > bound, though they're in reasonable shape now. Interested what you think!
> > Done.
> > 
> > I didn't move the formatting code, as half of the code is pulling out the 
> > style, which we might want to share/change depending on other clangd logics 
> > that might use style.
> I'd still think pulling out `Expected<tooling::Replacement> 
> insertInclude(File, Code, Header, VFS, Style)` would be worthwhile here - the 
> formatting isn't a lot of code, but it's a bit magic, plus the quote 
> handling... it's a bit of code. It'd make it more obvious what the 
> interactions with ClangdServer's state are. But up to you, we can always do 
> this later.
So it's just 2 lines for the replacement magic (+1 for comment) now after 
removing some redundant code. 

I like `shortenIncludePath` better because it's more self-contained and easier 
to write tests against, and `insertInclude` doesn't seem to carry much more 
weight while we would need to handle `replacements` logic which has been tested 
in the tests.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdServer.cpp:370
+/// File, by matching \p Header against all include search directories for \p
+/// File via `clang::HeaderSearch`.
sammccall wrote:
> sammccall wrote:
> > maybe drop "via clang::HeaderSearch" (it's doc'd in the implementation) and 
> > add an example?
> > 
> > It might be worth explicitly stating that the result is an #include string 
> > (with quotes) - you just call it a "path" here.
> > 
> > "shortest" makes sense as a first implementation, but we may want to 
> > document something more like "best" - I know there are codebases we care 
> > about where file-relative paths are banned. Also I suspect we don't give 
> > "../../../../Foo.h" even if it's shortest :-)
> > "shortest" makes sense as a first implementation, but we may want to 
> > document something more like "best" - I know there are codebases we care 
> > about where file-relative paths are banned. Also I suspect we don't give 
> > "../../../../Foo.h" even if it's shortest :-)
> I think this part wasn't addressed
I added a comment for this in the header. But I might be misunderstanding you 
suggestion. Did you mean we need a better name for the function?

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