benhamilton added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/objc/PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp:52
 /// FIXME: provide fix for snake_case to snakeCase
-FixItHint generateFixItHint(const ObjCPropertyDecl *Decl) {
-  if (isupper(Decl->getName()[0])) {
-    auto NewName = Decl->getName().str();
-    NewName[0] = tolower(NewName[0]);
-    return FixItHint::CreateReplacement(
-        CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(SourceRange(Decl->getLocation())),
-        llvm::StringRef(NewName));
+FixItHint generateFixItHint(const ObjCPropertyDecl *Decl, bool isCategory) {
+  auto Name = Decl->getName();
Instead of bool isCategory, how about an enum NamingStyle:

enum NamingStyle {
  StandardProperty = 1,
  CategoryProperty = 2,

Comment at: clang-tidy/objc/PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp:102
+bool hasCategoryPropertyPrefix(const llvm::StringRef &PropertyName) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < PropertyName.size() - 1; ++i) {
+    if (PropertyName[i] == '_') {
I think this is an off-by-one error, right? Change:

  i < PropertyName.size() - 1


  i < PropertyName.size()

Comment at: clang-tidy/objc/PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp:103-105
+    if (PropertyName[i] == '_') {
+      return true;
+    }
Do we really want a leading _ to count? I think this might need to be a regular 
expression instead, something like:


Comment at: clang-tidy/objc/PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp:120
+  auto RegexExp = llvm::Regex(
+      llvm::StringRef(validPropertyNameRegex(Acronyms).replace(0, 2, "^")));
+  return RegexExp.match(llvm::StringRef(PropertyName.substr(Start + 1)));
I don't understand what this is doing. Why are we replacing things in a regex?

I don't think this is very maintainable. Can you rewrite it for legibility, 

Comment at: clang-tidy/objc/PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp:147
+  auto NodeKind = std::string(ParentContext->getDeclKindName());
+  if (NodeKind == "ObjCCategory" &&
+      hasCategoryPropertyPrefix(MatchedDecl->getName())) {
Is a class extension treated as a category? If so, we probably need to treat it 



@interface Foo


@interface Foo ()
@property (nonatomic, readonly) int foo_bar;

should not be allowed.

Can you handle this and add tests, please?

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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