sammccall added a comment.

Few more interface nits, sorry for picking here! Will get through the impl in 
the morning.

Comment at: clangd/URI.cpp:43
+      Body.consume_front("/");
+    return llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(Body);
+  }
Don't you want the opposite here, convert from unix to native?

Comment at: clangd/URI.cpp:50
+    if (!AbsolutePath.startswith("/"))
+      return make_string_error(
this error can be returned by the framework already (it's valid for all paths)

Comment at: clangd/URI.cpp:57
+      Body = "/";
+    Body += path::convert_to_slash(AbsolutePath, path::Style::posix);
+    return (llvm::Twine(Scheme) + ":" + percentEncode(Body)).str();
conversely, here you want native (which is the default)

Comment at: clangd/URI.cpp:58
+    Body += path::convert_to_slash(AbsolutePath, path::Style::posix);
+    return (llvm::Twine(Scheme) + ":" + percentEncode(Body)).str();
+  }
hmm, file:///foo/bar is more widely used than file:/foo/bar.
You way want to emit that instead?

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:24
+/// service might expose repo:// URIs that are relative to the source control
+/// root.
+class FileURI {
You probably also want to describe roughly the subset of URI parsing we do.

Clangd handles URIs of the form <scheme>:[//<authority>]<body>.
It doesn't further split the authority or body into constituent parts (e.g. 
query strings is included in the body).

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:27
+  /// \brief Returns decoded scheme.
+  llvm::StringRef scheme() const { return Scheme; }
e.g. "https"

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:29
+  llvm::StringRef scheme() const { return Scheme; }
+  /// \brief Returns decoded authority.
+  llvm::StringRef authority() const { return Authority; }
e.g. "//"

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:31
+  llvm::StringRef authority() const { return Authority; }
+  /// \brief Returns decoded body.
+  llvm::StringRef body() const { return Body; }
e.g. "/D41946"

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:43
+  /// \brief Resolves the absolute path of \p U with the first matching scheme
+  /// registered.
I think "the first matching scheme" is a bit confusing - I guess here "scheme" 
refers to URIScheme, but in practice these should be 1:1 with schemes.
I'd just drop that, and instead add a sentence that errors may occur if the 
scheme isn't understood or the URI isn't valid in the scheme.

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:46
+  static llvm::Expected<std::string> resolve(const FileURI &U,
+                                             llvm::StringRef CurrentFile = "");
this is the "more public" API, so the semantics of CurrentFile should probably 
be defined here, and merely referred to below.
(See below comment for questions about semantics)

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:63
+/// custom URI scheme. This is expected to be implemented and exposed via the
+/// URISchemeRegistry. Users are not expected to use URIScheme directly.
Hmm - what does "users" mean :-)
I can't think of a good way to rephrase. It might be clear enough without this 

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:65
+/// Different codebases/projects can have different file schemes, and clangd
+/// interprets a file path according to the scheme. For example, a file path
nit: I'm not sure this longer comment would really help someone use this API.
I'd suggest either making the example concrete and focusing around that, or 
dropping it entirely - it's OK to be a little sparse here, since we don't 
really expect unfamiliar users.

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:76
+  /// \brief Returns the absolute path of the file corresponding to the URI 
+  /// in the file system. \p CurrentFile is the file from which the request is
+  /// issued. This is needed because the same URI in different workspace may
I think "the file from which the request is issued" is overly-specified (and a 
little unclear).

For instance, consider this workflow:
 vim $projectroot
 go to symbol -> "MyClass" (from global index)
Now we're trying to navigate to "monorepo://proj/myclass.h", but we don't have 
a "current file" to use as a hint. $projectroot would probably do nicely, and 
is available to clangd.

So maybe `llvm::StringRef HintPath`- "A related path, such as the current file 
or working directory, which can help disambiguate when the same file exists in 
many workspaces".

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:80
+  virtual llvm::Expected<std::string>
+  getAbsolutePath(llvm::StringRef Body, llvm::StringRef CurrentFile) const = 0;
You should probably pass authority here too, or we're committing all schemes to 
ignore authority

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:82
+  virtual llvm::Expected<std::string>
+  uriFromAbsolutePath(llvm::StringRef AbsolutePath) const = 0;
similarly, this should return (authority, body), not just body.
a pair seems fine for such an internal API

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:90
+/// - All other characters are escaped.
+std::string percentEncode(llvm::StringRef Content);
this seems easy enough to test via uri::create rather than exposing it 
publicly, but up to you.

Comment at: clangd/URI.h:97
+/// in the file system.
+typedef llvm::Registry<URIScheme> URISchemeRegistry;
nit: you probably don't want anything between URIScheme and this - if you keep 
percent*, move them below?

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