bsdjhb added a comment.

To be clear, are you getting the failure running libunwind's test suite or your 
own test?  I've managed to get libunwind to cross-compile for me using GCC 
6.3.0 on FreeBSD for O32, N32, and N64, but only to build the library, not the 
tests.  I've been running a simple C++ test program (which is using a patched 
libunwind along with libc++ as it's C++ runtime) for testing.  The program uses 
_Unwind_Backtrace() as well as throws a couple of C++ exceptions with catch 
handlers that print out the values thrown.  If you are able to cross-build the 
libunwind tests and then run them under qemu I'd appreciate a pointer to get 
that working as I'd be happier running libunwind's tests than my own.

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