baloghadamsoftware added a comment.

In, @NoQ wrote:

> In, @baloghadamsoftware wrote:
> > Strange, but modifying the tests from `m <relation> n` to `m - n <relation> 
> > 0`  does not help. The statement `if (m - n <relation> 0)` does not store a 
> > range for `m - n` in the constraint manager. With the other patch which 
> > automatically changes `m <relation> n` to `m - n <relation> 0` the range is 
> > stored automatically.
> I guess we can easily assume how a `SymIntExpr` relates to a number by 
> storing a range on the opaque left-hand-side symbol, no matter how 
> complicated it is, but we cannot assume how a symbol relates to a symbol 
> (there's no obvious range to store). That's just how `assumeSym` currently 
> works.

Actually it happens because `m - n` evaluates to `Unknown`. The code part 
responsible for this is the beginning of `SValBuilder::makeSymExprValNN()`, 
which prevents `m - n`-like symbolic expression unless one of `m` or `n` is 
`Tainted`. Anna added this part 5-6 years ago because some kind of bug, but it 
seems that it still exists. If I try to remove it then one test executes for 
days (with loop max count 63 or 64) and two tests fail with an assert.

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