alexfh added a comment.

A high-level comment: NOLINT category parsing and warning on incorrect NOLINT 
categories makes it more difficult for code to comply both with clang-tidy and 
cpplint (, since:

1. the category names in these tools are different,
2. cpplint currently doesn't support more than one category with the `// 
NOLINT(category)` syntax,
3. cpplint complains on `// NOLINT` directives with an unknown category.

So when suppressing a warning that is present in both clang-tidy and cpplint 
(e.g. google-runtime-int) one has to use `// NOLINT` without categories, which 
kind of undermines the effort of allowing category names explicitly specified 
in suppression directives.

There are multiple solutions possible. One would be to add a 
clang-tidy-specific suppression directive and only support specifying check 
names in it (`// NOCLANGTIDY` seems verbose, but I don't have a better name. 
Suggestions are welcome.). Leaving support for `// NOLINT` without category 
names would be nice for suppressing warnings common with cpplint.

Another option would be changing cpplint to somehow recognize and ignore 
clang-tidy check names in the suppressed categories list.

Comment at: clang-tidy/ClangTidy.cpp:402
+  if (Context.isCheckEnabled(NolintCheckName))
+        CheckNames.push_back(NolintCheckName);
clang-format, please

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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