Author: rsmith
Date: Mon Jan  8 13:12:04 2018
New Revision: 322024

Factor out comparison handling for arithmetic types.

This is not quite NFC: we don't perform the usual arithmetic conversions unless
we have an operand of arithmetic or enumeration type any more. This matches the
standard rule, but actually has no effect other than to marginally improve our
diagnostics for the non-arithmetic, non-enumeration cases (by not performing
integral promotions on one operand if the other is a pointer).


Modified: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h Mon Jan  8 13:12:04 2018
@@ -10405,7 +10405,10 @@ private:
                           const AttrVec *Attrs = nullptr,
                           const FunctionDecl *FD = nullptr);
-  void CheckFloatComparison(SourceLocation Loc, Expr* LHS, Expr* RHS);
+  void CheckFloatComparison(SourceLocation Loc, Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS);
   void CheckImplicitConversions(Expr *E, SourceLocation CC = SourceLocation());
   void CheckBoolLikeConversion(Expr *E, SourceLocation CC);
   void CheckForIntOverflow(Expr *E);

Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp Mon Jan  8 13:12:04 2018
@@ -9598,7 +9598,6 @@ static void diagnoseTautologicalComparis
   Expr *RHSStripped = RHS->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
   QualType LHSType = LHS->getType();
-  QualType RHSType = RHS->getType();
   if (LHSType->hasFloatingRepresentation() ||
       (LHSType->isBlockPointerType() && !BinaryOperator::isEqualityOp(Opc)) ||
       LHS->getLocStart().isMacroID() || RHS->getLocStart().isMacroID() ||
@@ -9636,9 +9635,8 @@ static void diagnoseTautologicalComparis
                               << 0 /*self-comparison*/ << !Result.empty()
                               << Result);
-  } else if (DL && DR && LHSType->isArrayType() && RHSType->isArrayType() &&
-             !DL->getType()->isReferenceType() &&
-             !DR->getType()->isReferenceType() &&
+  } else if (DL && DR &&
+             DL->getType()->isArrayType() && DR->getType()->isArrayType() &&
              !DL->isWeak() && !DR->isWeak()) {
     // What is it always going to evaluate to?
     StringRef Result;
@@ -9689,10 +9687,53 @@ static void diagnoseTautologicalComparis
+static QualType checkArithmeticOrEnumeralCompare(Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS,
+                                                 ExprResult &RHS,
+                                                 SourceLocation Loc,
+                                                 BinaryOperatorKind Opc) {
+  // C99 6.5.8p3 / C99 6.5.9p4
+  QualType Type = S.UsualArithmeticConversions(LHS, RHS);
+  if (LHS.isInvalid() || RHS.isInvalid())
+    return QualType();
+  if (Type.isNull())
+    return S.InvalidOperands(Loc, LHS, RHS);
+  assert(Type->isArithmeticType() || Type->isEnumeralType());
+  checkEnumComparison(S, Loc, LHS.get(), RHS.get());
+  enum { StrongEquality, PartialOrdering, StrongOrdering } Ordering;
+  if (Type->isAnyComplexType())
+    Ordering = StrongEquality;
+  else if (Type->isFloatingType())
+    Ordering = PartialOrdering;
+  else
+    Ordering = StrongOrdering;
+  if (Ordering == StrongEquality && BinaryOperator::isRelationalOp(Opc))
+    return S.InvalidOperands(Loc, LHS, RHS);
+  // Check for comparisons of floating point operands using != and ==.
+  if (Type->hasFloatingRepresentation() && BinaryOperator::isEqualityOp(Opc))
+    S.CheckFloatComparison(Loc, LHS.get(), RHS.get());
+  // The result of comparisons is 'bool' in C++, 'int' in C.
+  // FIXME: For BO_Cmp, return the relevant comparison category type.
+  return S.Context.getLogicalOperationType();
 // C99 6.5.8, C++ [expr.rel]
 QualType Sema::CheckCompareOperands(ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS,
                                     SourceLocation Loc, BinaryOperatorKind Opc,
                                     bool IsRelational) {
+  // Comparisons expect an rvalue, so convert to rvalue before any
+  // type-related checks.
+  LHS = DefaultFunctionArrayLvalueConversion(LHS.get());
+  if (LHS.isInvalid())
+    return QualType();
+  RHS = DefaultFunctionArrayLvalueConversion(RHS.get());
+  if (RHS.isInvalid())
+    return QualType();
   checkArithmeticNull(*this, LHS, RHS, Loc, /*isCompare=*/true);
   // Handle vector comparisons separately.
@@ -9700,36 +9741,17 @@ QualType Sema::CheckCompareOperands(Expr
     return CheckVectorCompareOperands(LHS, RHS, Loc, Opc);
-  QualType LHSType = LHS.get()->getType();
-  QualType RHSType = RHS.get()->getType();
-  checkEnumComparison(*this, Loc, LHS.get(), RHS.get());
   diagnoseLogicalNotOnLHSofCheck(*this, LHS, RHS, Loc, Opc);
   diagnoseTautologicalComparison(*this, Loc, LHS.get(), RHS.get(), Opc);
-  // C99 6.5.8p3 / C99 6.5.9p4
-  UsualArithmeticConversions(LHS, RHS);
-  if (LHS.isInvalid() || RHS.isInvalid())
-    return QualType();
-  LHSType = LHS.get()->getType();
-  RHSType = RHS.get()->getType();
+  QualType LHSType = LHS.get()->getType();
+  QualType RHSType = RHS.get()->getType();
+  if ((LHSType->isArithmeticType() || LHSType->isEnumeralType()) &&
+      (RHSType->isArithmeticType() || RHSType->isEnumeralType()))
+    return checkArithmeticOrEnumeralCompare(*this, LHS, RHS, Loc, Opc);
-  // The result of comparisons is 'bool' in C++, 'int' in C.
   QualType ResultTy = Context.getLogicalOperationType();
-  if (IsRelational) {
-    if (LHSType->isRealType() && RHSType->isRealType())
-      return ResultTy;
-  } else {
-    // Check for comparisons of floating point operands using != and ==.
-    if (LHSType->hasFloatingRepresentation())
-      CheckFloatComparison(Loc, LHS.get(), RHS.get());
-    if (LHSType->isArithmeticType() && RHSType->isArithmeticType())
-      return ResultTy;
-  }
   const Expr::NullPointerConstantKind LHSNullKind =
   const Expr::NullPointerConstantKind RHSNullKind =
@@ -9903,13 +9925,6 @@ QualType Sema::CheckCompareOperands(Expr
         return ResultTy;
-    // Handle scoped enumeration types specifically, since they don't promote
-    // to integers.
-    if (LHS.get()->getType()->isEnumeralType() &&
-        Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(LHS.get()->getType(),
-                                       RHS.get()->getType()))
-      return ResultTy;
   // Handle block pointer types.

Modified: cfe/trunk/test/Parser/pointer_promotion.c
--- cfe/trunk/test/Parser/pointer_promotion.c (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Parser/pointer_promotion.c Mon Jan  8 13:12:04 2018
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ void test() {
   if (cp < fp) {} // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types 
('char *' and 'struct foo *')}}
   if (fp < bp) {} // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types 
('struct foo *' and 'struct bar *')}}
   if (ip < 7) {} // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer 
('int *' and 'int')}}
-  if (sint < ip) {} // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and 
integer ('int' and 'int *')}}
+  if (sint < ip) {} // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and 
integer ('short' and 'int *')}}
   if (ip == cp) {} // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types 
('int *' and 'char *')}}

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