ioeric added a comment.

Thanks a lot for further cleaning up the patch! It is now much easier to 
review. I really appreciate it!

Some more comments on the public APIs and the layering of classes. There are a 
lot of helper classes in the implementation, so I think it's important to get a 
clear layering so that they could be easily understood by future contributors :)

Also, with the `IndexUnitDataConsumer` abstraction, it seems to be feasible now 
to add some unit tests for `createUnitIndexingAction`. With all the recent 
major changes,  I think it's important that we have some degree of testing to 
make sure components actually work together.

Comment at: include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h:187
+  typedef std::function<std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction>(
+      const FrontendOptions &opts, std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction> action)>
+      ActionWrapperTy;
ioeric wrote:
> nit: LLVM variable names start with upper-case letters.
`opts` and `action` are still lower-case.

Comment at: include/clang/Index/DeclOccurrence.h:38
+    }
+  };
Nit: indentation.

Tip: `git-clang-format` against the diff base can format all changed lines in 
your patch.

Comment at: include/clang/Index/IndexUnitDataConsumer.h:1
+//===--- IndexUnitDataConsumer.h - Abstract index unit data consumer 
IIUC, this is the index data for a translation unit, as opposed to an AST. If 
so, consider calling this `UnitIndexDataConsumer` to match 
`(AST)IndexDataConsumer` which is parallel to this. We might want to rename 
them to be either `index::UnitDataConsumer` vs `index::ASTDataConsumer` or 
`index::UnitIndexDataConsumer` vs `index::ASTIndexDataConsumer` . I am inclined 
to the first pair as `index` is already implied in the namespace.

Comment at: include/clang/Index/IndexUnitDataConsumer.h:67
+  virtual void _anchor();
Comment? Why do we actually need this?

Comment at: include/clang/Index/IndexingAction.h:49
+struct UnitIndexingOptions : IndexingOptions {
+  enum class FileIncludeFilterKind {
We are now mixing functionalities for Unit indexing and AST indexing actions in 
the same file. We might want to separate these into two headers e..g 
`UnitIndexingAction.h` and `ASTIndexingAction.h`. This would make it easier for 
users to find the right functions :)

Comment at: include/clang/Index/IndexingAction.h:66
+/// Information on the translation unit
+struct UnitDetails {
+  Module *UnitModule;
Please add documentation for each field. It's not trivial what each field is 
for, especially some fields seem to be optional and some seem to be mutually 

Comment at: include/clang/Index/IndexingAction.h:67
+struct UnitDetails {
+  Module *UnitModule;
+  std::string ModuleName;
These pointers suggest the life time of this struct is tied to some other 
struct, which makes the struct look a bit dangerous to use. Should we also 
carry a reference or a smart pointer to the underlying object that keeps these 
pointers valid? Would it be a `CompilerInstance ` (guessing from 
`IndexUnitDataConsumerFactory `)? 

Comment at: include/clang/Index/IndexingAction.h:114
+createUnitIndexingAction(const UnitIndexingOptions &IndexOpts,
+                         IndexUnitDataConsumerFactory ConsumerFactory,
 What is the intended user of this function? It's unclear how users could 
obtain a `ConsumerFactory ` (i.e. `UnitDetails`) without the functionalities in 
`UnitDataConsumerActionImpl `.

(Also see comment in the implementation of `createIndexDataRecordingAction`.)

Comment at: include/clang/Index/IndexingAction.h:128
+getRecordingOptionsFromFrontendOptions(const FrontendOptions &FEOpts);
This is likely only useful for compiler invocation. I would put it in the 
compiler invocation code.

Comment at: lib/Driver/Job.cpp:211
+/// The leftover modules from the crash are stored in
+///  <name>.cache/vfs/modules
nit: Comment should start with an overview of what the function does.

Returns a directory path that is ...

Also, consider calling this `getDirAdjacentToModCache`. `buildDir` can be 

Comment at: lib/Driver/Job.cpp:220
+  llvm::SmallString<128> RelModCacheDir = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(
+  llvm::sys::path::parent_path(CrashInfo->VFSPath));
+  llvm::sys::path::append(RelModCacheDir, DirName);
Please clang-format the code. Without indentation, this looks like an no-op 

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:88
+/// \c WrappingIndexAction frontend actions.
+struct IndexActionImpl {
+  virtual ~IndexActionImpl() = default;
Use `class` for interfaces.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:99
+  /// Callback at the end of processing a single input.
+  virtual void finish(CompilerInstance &CI) = 0;
Does `CI` here have to be the same instance as the one in 
`createIndexASTConsumer `? Might worth documenting.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:137
+    CreatedASTConsumer = true;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer>> Consumers;
nit: Move this after `Impl->createIndexASTConsumer(CI)`.

Do we need to reset this flag? Calling `CreateASTConsumer ` multiple times on 
the same instance seems to be allowed? 

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:243
+/// Collects and groups consumed index data by \c FileID.
+class IndexDataCollector : public IndexDataConsumer {
+  Preprocessor *PP = nullptr;
This seems to be related to files. Maybe `FileIndexDataCollector`?

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:250
+  void setPreprocessor(Preprocessor &PreProc) {
+    PP = &PreProc;

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:254
+  IndexDataByFileTy::const_iterator by_file_begin() const {
+    return IndexDataByFile.begin();
Simply `begin`, if the class is called `FileIndexDataCollector `.

Similar below to match iterator naming convention.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:265
+  bool handleDeclOccurence(const Decl *D, SymbolRoleSet Roles,
+                           ArrayRef<SymbolRelation> Relations, FileID FID,
I think this should be `public` as this is still implementing 

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:323
+      llvm_unreachable("should have already checked in the beginning");
+    case UnitIndexingOptions::FileIncludeFilterKind::UserOnly:
+      if (SystemCache.isSystem(LocInfo.first, SourceMgr))
I'd simply do: 
if FileIncludeFilter  == UnitIndexingOptions::FileIncludeFilterKind::UserOnly)
  if (isSystem...)

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:337
+  virtual void InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,
+                                  const Token &IncludeTok, StringRef FileName,
Same here. This should be `public`

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:354
+  virtual void visitFileDependencies(
+      const CompilerInstance &CI,
The naming convention for the callback interfaces is `forEach*` e.g. 

(same below).

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:358
+  virtual void
+  visitIncludes(llvm::function_ref<void(const FileEntry *Source, unsigned Line,
+                                        const FileEntry *Target)>

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:361
+                    visitor) const = 0;
+  virtual void visitModuleImports(
+      const CompilerInstance &CI,

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:369
+/// file to file inclusions, for the source files in a translation unit
+class SourceFilesIndexDependencyCollector : public DependencyCollector,
+                                            public IndexDependencyProvider {
This is two classes in one, which is difficult to understand. Could you split 
it into `FileIndexDependencyCollector ` and `FileIndexDependencyProvider` and 
have `FileIndexDependencyCollector` returns a provider on finish (e.g. 
`Provider consume();`; you might want to copy/move the collected data into the 
provider). It would be easier to justify the behavior (e.g. what happens when 
you access the provider while collector is still working?)

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:373
+  UnitIndexingOptions IndexOpts;
+  llvm::SetVector<const FileEntry *> Entries;
+  llvm::BitVector IsSystemByUID;
What does `Entries` contain? What files are added?

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:501
+  /// IndexUnitDataConsumer constructed from the \c UnitConsumerFactory if the
+  /// \c ParentUnitConsumer indicates \c Mod should be indexed.
+  ///
Instead of passing `ParentUnitConsumer`, consider checking the `Mod` before 
calling the function.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:504
+  /// \returns true if \c Mod was indexed
+  static bool indexModule(
+      const CompilerInstance &CI, serialization::ModuleFile &Mod,
Non-factory static method is often a code smell. Any reason not to make these 
static methods private members? With that, you wouldn't need to pass along so 
many parameters. You could make them `const` if you don't want members to be 

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:511
+  /// Get unit details for the given module file
+  static UnitDetails getUnitDetails(serialization::ModuleFile &Mod,
+                                    const CompilerInstance &CI,
Why is this overload public while others are private? Aren't they all used only 
in this class?

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:531
+} // anonymous namespace
Any reason to close the anonymous namespace here? Shouldn't outlined 
definitions of `UnitDataConsumerActionImpl`'s methods also in the anonymous 

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:758
+  class IndexUnitDataRecorder : public IndexUnitDataConsumer {
+  public:
I think the inheritance of `IndexUnitDataConsumer`  and the creation of factory 
should be in user code (e.g. implementation for on-disk persist-index-data 
should come from the compiler invocation code `ExecuteCompilerInvocation.cpp` 
or at least a separate file in the library that compiler invocation can use), 
and the user should only use `createUnitIndexingAction` by providing a factory. 
 Currently, `createUnitIndexingAction` and `createIndexDataRecordingAction` are 
mostly identical except for the code that implements `IndexUnitDataConsumer ` 
and creates the factory.

The current `createIndexDataRecordingAction` would probably only used by the 
compiler invocation, and we can keep the generalized `createUnitIndexingAction` 
in the public APIs.

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:765
+  auto ConsumerFactory =
+      [&](const CompilerInstance &CI, UnitDetails UnitInfo) ->
+          std::unique_ptr<IndexUnitDataConsumer> {
The `UnitInfo` is ignored? What do we actually need it for?

Comment at: lib/Index/IndexingAction.cpp:769
+      };
+  auto Base = llvm::make_unique<UnitDataConsumerActionImpl>(
+      std::move(RecordOpts), ConsumerFactory);
`Base` doesn't seem to be a very meaningful name here.

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