ilya-biryukov requested changes to this revision. ilya-biryukov added a comment. This revision now requires changes to proceed.
It seems this patch is out of date, we need to merge it with the latests head. ================ Comment at: clangd/DraftStore.cpp:45 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex); + assert(!File.empty()); ---------------- Why do we need this assert? I don't see how empty file is worse than any other invalid value. ================ Comment at: clangd/DraftStore.cpp:55 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex); + assert(!File.empty()); ---------------- Why do we need this assert? I don't see how empty file is worse than any other invalid value. ================ Comment at: clangd/GlobalCompilationDatabase.h:65 + void setCompileCommandsDir(Path P) { + CompileCommandsDir = P; + CompilationDatabases.clear(); ---------------- We need to lock the Mutex here! ================ Comment at: clangd/Protocol.cpp:368 +json::Expr toJSON(const DidChangeConfigurationParams &CCP) { + + return json::obj{ ---------------- NIT: maybe remove this empty line? ================ Comment at: test/clangd/did-change-configuration.test:33 + +{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///compile_commands.json","languageId":"json","version":1,"text":"[\n{\n"directory":"/",\n"command":"/usr/bin/c++-DGTEST_HAS_RTTI=0-D_GNU_SOURCE-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS-D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS-Ilib/Demangle-I../lib/Demangle-I/usr/include/libxml2-Iinclude-I../include-fPIC-fvisibility-inlines-hidden-Werror=date-time-std=c++11-Wall-W-Wno-unused-parameter-Wwrite-strings-Wcast-qual-Wno-missing-field-initializers-pedantic-Wno-long-long-Wno-maybe-uninitialized-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor-Wno-comment-O0-g-fno-exceptions-fno-rtti-o/foo.c.o-c/foo.c",\n"file":"/foo.c"\n},"}}} + ---------------- Nebiroth wrote: > ilya-biryukov wrote: > > clangd won't see this file. `didOpen` only sets contents for diagnostics, > > not any other features. > > You would rather want to add more `# RUN:` directives at the top of the > > file to create `compile_commands.json`, etc. > > > > Writing it under root ('/') is obviously not an option. Lit tests allow you > > to use temporary paths, this is probably an approach you could take. See [[ > > | lit docs ]] for > > more details. > Are there examples available on how to use this? I have to use a # RUN: to > create a file and then use it's path in a workspace/didChangeConfiguration > notification? After thinking about it, I really don't see an easy way to test it currently. We just don't have the infrastructure in place for that. I think it's fine to add a FIXME to the body of `ClangdLSPServer::onChangeConfiguration` that we need to test it and remove this test. Repository: rCTE Clang Tools Extra _______________________________________________ cfe-commits mailing list