ilya-biryukov added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.cpp:206
+  std::unique_ptr<std::string> Storage;
+  if (InMemStorage) {
+    OS = llvm::make_unique<llvm::raw_string_ostream>(*InMemStorage);
klimek wrote:
> ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > klimek wrote:
> > > It looks like we should pass in the output stream, not the storage?
> > We're not actually using the `Storage` variable, it's a leftover from 
> > previous versions. Removed it.
> > 
> > Or did you mean that we should pass in the output stream directly to 
> > `PrecompilePreambleAction`'s constructor?
> Yes, I'm generally looking at things that might be better to decide at a 
> higher abstraction level and pass in, rather than having switches for 
> behavior (like InMemStorage) all over the place. Generally, I think we should 
> have a storage (PCHStorage sounds like it was the right abstraction, but 
> perhaps that one currently has a bad name) and the things dealing with that 
> storage shouldn't care whether it's in memory or on the file system.
It's a bit easier to share code with `GeneratePCHAction` this way in a way that 
would obviously works (as we call the same functions at the same points in the 
compilation pipeline, that is in `CreateASTConsumer`). 

`PCHStorage` is not a public interface and `PrecompiledPreamble` is exactly the 
interface that let's you use it without caring whether PCHs are stored in 
memory or on disk. It also feels ok for it to have the storage-dependent code 
as part of its own implementation.

Comment at: lib/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.cpp:490
   PreprocessorOpts.DisablePCHValidation = true;
+  if (Storage.getKind() == PCHStorage::Kind::TempFile) {
+    const TempPCHFile &PCHFile = Storage.asFile();
klimek wrote:
> ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > klimek wrote:
> > > This looks a bit like we should push it into the PCHStorage.
> > I've extracted a function here to make the code read simpler.
> > However, I placed it directly into the `PrecompiledPreamble` instead of 
> > `PCHStorage` to keep `PCHStorage` responsible for just one thing: managing 
> > the `variant`-like union.
> It being called PCHStorage makes it sound like it handles the abstraction for 
> how the preamble is stored. Given that the variant-like union is basically an 
> interface with an implementation switch, I think all switching on it is also 
> the responsibility of that class. Otherwise we'd need another abstraction on 
> top of it?
Abstraction on top of it is `PrecompiledPreamble` itself. And `PCHStorage` is 
just an implementation detail.
Does that sound reasonable?

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