mgrang added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Driver/ToolChains/RISCV.cpp:86
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-lc");
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-lgloss");
+    CmdArgs.push_back("--end-group");
How about if our sysroot is linux (as opposed to elf)? There won't be any 
libgloss.a, right? Also there won't be a crt0.o (instead there will be crt1.o).

Comment at: lib/Driver/ToolChains/RISCV.h:42
+      : GnuTool("RISCV::Linker",
+                TC.getTriple().isArch64Bit() ? "riscv64-ld" : "riscv32-ld",
+                TC) {}
johnrusso wrote:
> I wonder if we should construct the linker name based on the default triple 
> value?  "riscv64-unknown-elf-ld" or "riscv32-unknown-elf-ld" as this is 
> likely what is in the user's PATH if they have installed the gnu tools.  The 
> linker name could be modified in ConstructJob if the triple is different from 
> the default.
I agree with @johnrusso . I always have errors: "riscv32-ld not found" and as a 
workaround I end up creating symlink pointing to the actual <triple>-ld.

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