steven_wu added a comment.

In, @jlebar wrote:

> > Note the host clang side has the inputs "" and "test-c3378c.fatbin". 
> > Which means if the device side compilation failed, the host side will not 
> > compile because InputOk will return false in this case
> The patch handles this case correctly, thank you.
> Unfortunately it's a bit more complicated than this.  You can pass 
> `--cuda-gpu-arch=XXX` multiple times when invoking clang, and that will 
> result in multiple compilations for different GPU architectures.  In this 
> case we want to fail when the first one fails, on the theory that (most of 
> the time) all compilations will have the same errors.
> You can test this with e.g.
>   $ clang -x cuda -nocudalib -nocudainc --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 
> --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_60
> With this patch, clang prints the errors twice, once for sm_35 and once for 
> sm_60.  Without the patch, it only prints one set of errors, which is the 
> expected behavior.

Ok. I didn't thought about that. To fix that, I guess the driver need to 
invalidate all the offload input once one compilation failed. Let me see how to 
do that. Thanks for looking.

>> I don't know what is the best way to write test cases for CUDA driver.
> Thanks for offering to write tests for this.  See `ls clang/test/Driver | 
> grep '\.cu$'`, and let me know if you need help crafting a testcase.

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