ilya-biryukov added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdServer.cpp:51
+template <class Ret, class... Args>
+std::future<Ret> makeFutureAPIFromCallback(
sammccall wrote:
> I'm not sure we need a template here rather than just writing the code 
> directly.
Removed the template, inlined its usage.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdServer.cpp:257
+  // A task that will be run asynchronously.
+  auto Task =
+      // 'mutable' to reassign Preamble variable.
sammccall wrote:
> Isn't this exactly where you'd want to use ForwardBinder?
> (Yeah, it looks like the work scheduler itself has this functionality too)
Yes, `ClangdServer` uses `ForwardBinder` internally.

We could refactor it to accept `UniqueFunction` instead, but I suggest we do 
that in a separate commit since there are more call sites that we'll have to 

Comment at: clangd/ClangdServer.h:261
+  void codeComplete(
+      UniqueFunction<void(Tagged<std::vector<CompletionItem>>)> Callback,
+      PathRef File, Position Pos,
sammccall wrote:
> Hmm, generally having a callback as the last parameter is nicer, but this 
> doesn't play nicely with optional params...
Right, so I opted for making it a first parameter.
I don't know if there's a better alternative. Do you think making it a last 
non-optional parameter would make things better? (Probably it will, at least 
calls without non-optional params would look nicer).

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