ioeric added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring/EditorCommandRegistry.def:5
+REFACTORING_EDITOR_COMMAND(ExtractFunction, "Extract Function")
Isn't `rename` also supported?

Comment at: include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring/EditorCommands.h:23
+/// Editor commands allow refactoring rules to be bound to commands that can
+/// be used from an editor that integrates with Clang's refactoring engine.
Could you elaborate a bit on the editor/clangd integration? For example, if 
clangd wants to extract a function, how would clangd discover the rule to use 
and pass options into the engine? Would editor/clangd be responsible for 
applying the changes? 

Comment at: include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring/RefactoringActionRule.h:57
+  /// Returns the editor command that's was bound to this rule.
+  virtual const EditorCommand *getEditorCommand() { return nullptr; }
nit: s/that's was/that was/

Comment at: include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring/RefactoringActionRule.h:58
+  /// Returns the editor command that's was bound to this rule.
+  virtual const EditorCommand *getEditorCommand() { return nullptr; }
I'm still not quite sure about the intention of `EditorCommand` (is it supposed 
to be used as a mapping from name to rule, or the other way around?), but I'm a 
bit concerned about mixing editor logic with the refactoring rules this way. 
Also to enable a editor command, it seems to me that we would need to touch 
both the registry and the rule creation code, which seems a bit cumbersome.

I think we should either 1) separate out the command logic cleanly without 
touching action/rule interfaces in the refactoring engine or 2) simply bake the 
logic into the refactoring engine.

It is unclear to me if 1) is possible, but for 2), I think we could introduce a 
`RefactoringEngine` class which carries all refactoring actions as well as a 
map to serve the purpose of `EditorCommand`. And I think by doing this, we 
could also make the interfaces of `RefactoringEngine` more explicit.


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