rwols added inline comments.

Comment at: test/clangd/authority-less-uri.test:33
+# CHECK: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3,"result":null}
+Content-Length: 33
sammccall wrote:
> Having the shutdown/exit boilerplate in every test seems unfortunate.
> (I realize this isn't new here, but it's getting worse!)
> Does clangd exit cleanly on stdin EOF? If it could be made to do so, maybe we 
> could just have e.g. the initialize test do the full sequence, and the other 
> tests omit shutdown.
Yeah, we could do that. Just send `{"jsonrpc":"2.0":"method":"exit"}` and don't 
care about the exit status. Everyone can then omit the `shutdown` request. I 
have a little more changes coming up for this diff: we should exit with exit 
status 0 if `shutdown` was received before `exit`, otherwise we should return 1.

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