Hahnfeld marked an inline comment as done.
Hahnfeld added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp:170-182
-    // This code prevents IsValid from being set when
-    // no libdevice has been found.
-    bool allEmpty = true;
-    std::string LibDeviceFile;
-    for (auto key : LibDeviceMap.keys()) {
-      LibDeviceFile = LibDeviceMap.lookup(key);
-      if (!LibDeviceFile.empty())
tra wrote:
> I'd keep this code. It appears to serve useful purpose as it requires CUDA 
> installation to have at least some libdevice library in it.  It gives us a 
> change to find a valid installation, instead of ailing some time later when 
> we ask for a libdevice file and fail because there are none.
We had some internal discussions about this after I submitted the patch here.

The main question is: Do we want to support CUDA installations without 
libdevice and are there use cases for that? I'd say that the user should be 
able to use a toolchain without libdevice together with `-nocudalib`.

Comment at: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp:540
   // Also append the compute capability.
   if (DeviceOffloadKind == Action::OFK_OpenMP) {
     for (Arg *A : Args){
This check guards the whole block.

Comment at: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp:556
+      DAL->AddJoinedArg(nullptr, Opts.getOption(options::OPT_march_EQ),
+                        CLANG_OPENMP_NVPTX_DEFAULT_ARCH);
tra wrote:
> This sets default GPU arch for *everyone* based on OPENMP requirements. 
> Perhaps this should be predicated on this being openmp compilation.
> IMO to avoid unnecessary surprises, the default for CUDA compilation should 
> follow defaults of nvcc. sm_30 becomes default only in CUDA-9.
This branch is only executed for OpenMP, see above


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