sammccall accepted this revision.
sammccall added inline comments.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Comment at: clangd/Function.h:9
Maybe add a file comment "provides analogues to std::function that supports 
move semantics"?

Comment at: clangd/Function.h:36
+  template <class Callable>
+  UniqueFunction(Callable Func)
+      : CallablePtr(llvm::make_unique<
Do you want this constructor to be explicit?

If not, I think you should be able to simplify the callsites in ClangdServer.h

Comment at: clangd/Function.h:77
+/// `operator()` can only be called once, as some of the arguments could be
+/// std::move'ed into the callable on first call.
+template <class Func, class... Args> struct ForwardBinder {
nit: just 'moved'? std::move is just a cast...

Comment at: clangd/Function.h:117
+/// Creates an object that stores a callable (\p F) and first arguments to the
+/// callable (\p As) and allows to call \p F with \Args at a later point.
I find these "first arg" APIs a bit awkward, and can lead to writing confusing 
APIs for easier binding. Not sure there's a good alternative, though.

Comment at: clangd/Function.h:121
+/// The returned object can only be called once, as \p As are std::forwarded'ed
+/// (therefore can be std::move`d) into \p F for the call.
nit: can -> must?

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