erichkeane updated this revision to Diff 118218.
erichkeane added reviewers: rnk, rsmith.
erichkeane added a comment.

1 more const-auto.  Also noticed I'd missed that removing the 'default' caused 
the function to fallthrough, so I added llvm_unreachable to the bottom.


Index: test/SemaCXX/attr-target-multiversion.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaCXX/attr-target-multiversion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux -fsyntax-only -verify -emit-llvm-only %s
+struct S {
+  __attribute__((target("arch=sandybridge")))
+  void mv(){}
+  __attribute__((target("arch=ivybridge")))
+  void mv(){}
+  __attribute__((target("default")))
+  void mv(){}
+  // NOTE: Virtual functions aren't implement for multiversioning in GCC either,
+  // so this is a 'TBD' feature.
+  // expected-error@+2 {{function multiversioning with 'target' doesn't support virtual functions yet}}
+  __attribute__((target("arch=sandybridge")))
+  virtual void mv_2(){}
+  // expected-error@+4 {{function multiversioning with 'target' doesn't support virtual functions yet}}
+  // expected-error@+3 {{class member cannot be redeclared}}
+  // expected-note@-3 {{previous definition is here}}
+  __attribute__((target("arch=ivybridge")))
+  virtual void mv_2(){}
+  // expected-error@+3 {{class member cannot be redeclared}}
+  // expected-note@-7 {{previous definition is here}}
+  __attribute__((target("default")))
+  virtual void mv_2(){}
+// Note: Template attribute 'target' isn't implemented in GCC either, and would
+// end up causing some nasty issues attempting it, so ensure that it still gives
+// the same errors as without the attribute.
+template<typename T>
+void mv_temp(){}
+template<typename T>
+//expected-error@+2 {{redefinition of}}
+//expected-note@-5{{previous definition is here}}
+void mv_temp(){}
+template<typename T>
+void mv_temp(){}
+void foo() {
+  //expected-error@+2{{no matching function for call to}}
+  //expected-note@-8{{candidate template ignored}}
+  mv_temp<int>();
Index: test/Sema/attr-target-multiversion.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Sema/attr-target-multiversion.c
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux -fsyntax-only -verify -emit-llvm-only %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux -fsyntax-only -verify -emit-llvm-only -DCHECK_DEFAULT %s
+#if defined(CHECK_DEFAULT)
+//expected-error@+1 {{function multiversioning with 'target' requires a 'default' implementation}}
+void no_default(){}
+void no_default(){}
+// Only multiversioning causes issues with redeclaration changing 'target'.
+void fine_since_no_mv();
+void fine_since_no_mv();
+void also_fine_since_no_mv();
+void also_fine_since_no_mv();
+void also_fine_since_no_mv2();
+void also_fine_since_no_mv2();
+void also_fine_since_no_mv2();
+void mv(){}
+void mv(){}
+void mv(){}
+void redecl_causes_mv();
+void redecl_causes_mv();
+// expected-error@+3 {{function redeclaration declares a multiversioned function, but a previous declaration lacks a 'target' attribute}}
+// expected-note@-4 {{previous declaration is here}}
+void redecl_causes_mv();
+void redecl_causes_mv2();
+void redecl_causes_mv2();
+// expected-error@+3 {{function redeclaration declares a multiversioned function, but a previous declaration lacks a 'target' attribute}}
+// expected-note@-2 {{previous declaration is here}}
+void redecl_causes_mv2();
+void redecl_without_attr();
+void redecl_without_attr();
+// expected-error@+2 {{function redeclaration is missing 'target' attribute in a multiversioned function}}
+// expected-note@-4 {{previous declaration is here}}
+void redecl_without_attr();
+void multiversion_with_predecl();
+void multiversion_with_predecl();
+void multiversion_with_predecl(){}
+void multiversion_with_predecl(){}
+//expected-error@+3 {{redefinition of 'multiversion_with_predecl'}}
+//expected-note@-2 {{previous definition is here}}
+void multiversion_with_predecl(){}
+void multiversion_with_predecl2();
+void multiversion_with_predecl2(){}
+void multiversion_with_predecl2();
+//expected-error@+3 {{redefinition of 'multiversion_with_predecl2'}}
+//expected-note@-4 {{previous definition is here}}
+void multiversion_with_predecl2(){}
+void multiversion_with_predecl2(){}
+// All the following are fine in normal 'target' mode, but not
+// in multiversion mode.
+// expected-error@+1 {{function multiversioning doesn't support feature 'sgx'}}
+void badMVFeature();
+void badMVFeature();
+void badMVFeature2();
+// expected-error@+1 {{function multiversioning doesn't support feature 'lwp'}}
+void badMVFeature2();
+void badMVFeature3();
+// expected-error@+1 {{function multiversioning doesn't support feature 'lwp'}}
+void badMVFeature3();
+// expected-error@+1 {{function multiversioning doesn't support architecture 'k8'}}
+void badMVArch();
+void badMVArch();
+void badMVArch2();
+// expected-error@+1 {{function multiversioning doesn't support architecture 'k8'}}
+void badMVArch2();
+void badMVNegate();
+// expected-error@+1 {{function multiversioning doesn't support feature 'no-mmx'}}
+void badMVNegate();
+void some_bad_archs();
+void some_bad_archs();
+// expected-warning@+2 {{ignoring unsupported architecture 'amdfam15'}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{function multiversioning doesn't support architecture 'amdfam15'}}
+void some_bad_archs();
+// expected-warning@+1 {{ignoring unsupported architecture 'amdfam10h'}}
+void some_bad_archs();
+// expected-warning@+1 {{ignoring unsupported architecture 'amdfam15h'}}
+void some_bad_archs();
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/attr-target-multiversion.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/attr-target-multiversion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux-gnu -target-cpu x86-64 -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+struct S {
+  __attribute__((target("arch=sandybridge")))
+  int mv(){return 3;}
+  __attribute__((target("arch=ivybridge")))
+  int mv(){return 2;}
+  __attribute__((target("default")))
+  int mv(){ return 1;}
+// CHECK: @_ZN1S2mvEv.ifunc = ifunc i{{[0-9]+}} (%struct.S*), i{{[0-9]+}} (%struct.S*)* ()* @_ZN1S2mvEv.resolver
+// CHECK: define void @_Z3foov()
+// CHECK: call i{{[0-9]+}} @_ZN1S2mvEv.ifunc(%struct.S* %
+void foo() {
+  S s;
+// CHECK: define i{{[0-9]+}} (%struct.S*)* @_ZN1S2mvEv.resolver
+// CHECK: ret i{{[0-9]+}} (%struct.S*)* @_ZN1S2mvEv.arch_sandybridge
+// CHECK: ret i{{[0-9]+}} (%struct.S*)* @_ZN1S2mvEv.arch_ivybridge
+// CHECK: ret i{{[0-9]+}} (%struct.S*)* @_ZN1S2mvEv
+// CHECK-DAG: define linkonce_odr i{{[0-9]+}} @_ZN1S2mvEv.arch_sandybridge(%struct.S* %this)
+// CHECK-DAG: define linkonce_odr i{{[0-9]+}} @_ZN1S2mvEv.arch_ivybridge(%struct.S* %this)
+// CHECK-DAG: define linkonce_odr i{{[0-9]+}} @_ZN1S2mvEv(%struct.S* %this)
Index: test/CodeGen/attr-target-multiversion.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGen/attr-target-multiversion.c
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-linux-gnu -target-cpu x86-64 -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+//CHECK: @foo.ifunc = ifunc i8 (i{{[0-9]+}}), i8 (i{{[0-9]+}})* ()* @foo.resolver
+//CHECK: @bar.ifunc = ifunc i8 (...), i8 (...)* ()* @bar.resolver
+//CHECK: @baz.ifunc = ifunc i8 (), i8 ()* ()* @baz.resolver
+__attribute__((target("arch=knl"))) char foo(int);
+// This function causes emission of the resolver, check it.
+// CHECK: define i8 (i{{[0-9]+}})* @foo.resolver() {
+// CHECK: call void @__cpu_indicator_init()
+// CHECK: ret i8 (i{{[0-9]+}})* @foo.arch_knl
+// CHECK: ret i8 (i{{[0-9]+}})* @foo.arch_skylake
+// CHECK: ret i8 (i{{[0-9]+}})* @foo.sse4.2
+// CHECK: ret i8 (i{{[0-9]+}})* @foo.arch_amdfam10
+// CHECK: ret i8 (i{{[0-9]+}})* @foo.arch_atom
+// CHECK: ret i8 (i{{[0-9]+}})* @foo
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @foo(
+__attribute__((target("default"))) char foo(int i) {
+  return 0 + i;
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @user1()
+// CHECK: call signext i8 @foo.ifunc(i{{[0-9]+}} 1)
+char user1(){
+  return foo(1);
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @foo.sse4.2(
+__attribute__((target("sse4.2"))) char foo(int i) {
+  return 1 + i;
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @user2()
+// CHECK: call signext i8 @foo.ifunc(i{{[0-9]+}} 2)
+char user2(){
+  return foo(2);
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @foo.arch_atom(
+__attribute__((target("arch=atom"))) char foo(int i) {
+  return 2 + i;
+__attribute__((target("arch=amdfam10"))) char foo(int);
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @user3()
+// CHECK: call signext i8 @foo.ifunc(i{{[0-9]+}} 3)
+char user3() {
+  return foo(3);
+__attribute__((target("arch=skylake"))) char foo(int);
+__attribute__((target("arch=knl"))) char bar();
+__attribute__((target("default"))) char bar();
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @user4()
+// CHECK: call signext i8 (...) @bar.ifunc()
+char user4() {
+  return bar();
+// CHECK: declare i8 (...)* @bar.resolver(){{$}}
+__attribute__((target("arch=knl"))) char baz(void);
+__attribute__((target("default"))) char baz();
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @user5()
+// CHECK: store i8 (...)* bitcast (i8 ()* @baz.ifunc to i8 (...)*), i8 (...)** %baz_ptr, align 8
+// CHECK: call signext i8 @baz.ifunc()
+char user5() {
+  char (*baz_ptr)() = &baz;
+  return baz() + baz_ptr();
+// CHECK: declare i8 ()* @baz.resolver(){{$}}
+// Function Declarations are generated later, so ensure that they
+// actually exist.
+// CHECK-DAG: declare signext i8 @foo.arch_knl
+// CHECK-DAG: declare signext i8 @foo.arch_amdfam10
+// CHECK-DAG: declare signext i8 @foo.arch_skylake
Index: lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
@@ -3221,28 +3221,34 @@
           return true;
-        // C++ [class.mem]p1:
-        //   [...] A member shall not be declared twice in the
-        //   member-specification, except that a nested class or member
-        //   class template can be declared and then later defined.
-        if (!inTemplateInstantiation()) {
-          unsigned NewDiag;
-          if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(OldMethod))
-            NewDiag = diag::err_constructor_redeclared;
-          else if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(NewMethod))
-            NewDiag = diag::err_destructor_redeclared;
-          else if (isa<CXXConversionDecl>(NewMethod))
-            NewDiag = diag::err_conv_function_redeclared;
-          else
-            NewDiag = diag::err_member_redeclared;
+        if (New->getMultiVersionKind() !=
+            FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::MultiVersion) {
+          // Multiversioning allows multiple decls.
+          // C++ [class.mem]p1:
+          //   [...] A member shall not be declared twice in the
+          //   member-specification, except that a nested class or member
+          //   class template can be declared and then later defined.
+          if (!inTemplateInstantiation()) {
+            unsigned NewDiag;
+            if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(OldMethod))
+              NewDiag = diag::err_constructor_redeclared;
+            else if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(NewMethod))
+              NewDiag = diag::err_destructor_redeclared;
+            else if (isa<CXXConversionDecl>(NewMethod))
+              NewDiag = diag::err_conv_function_redeclared;
+            else
+              NewDiag = diag::err_member_redeclared;
-          Diag(New->getLocation(), NewDiag);
-        } else {
-          Diag(New->getLocation(), diag::err_member_redeclared_in_instantiation)
-            << New << New->getType();
+            Diag(New->getLocation(), NewDiag);
+          } else {
+            Diag(New->getLocation(),
+                 diag::err_member_redeclared_in_instantiation)
+                << New << New->getType();
+          }
+          Diag(OldLocation, PrevDiag) << Old << Old->getType();
+          return true;
-        Diag(OldLocation, PrevDiag) << Old << Old->getType();
-        return true;
       // Complain if this is an explicit declaration of a special
       // member that was initially declared implicitly.
@@ -9224,6 +9230,173 @@
            D->getFriendObjectKind() != Decl::FOK_None);
+static void setMultiVersionKind(FunctionDecl *OldFD, FunctionDecl *NewFD,
+                                FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind Kind) {
+  for (FunctionDecl *F : OldFD->redecls())
+    F->setMultiVersionKind(Kind);
+  NewFD->setMultiVersionKind(Kind);
+bool Sema::CheckMultiVersionOption(const FunctionDecl *FD) {
+  const auto *TA = FD->getAttr<TargetAttr>();
+  if (TA->getFeaturesStr() == "default")
+    return true;
+  TargetAttr::ParsedTargetAttr ParseInfo = TA->parse();
+  enum BadOption { BOFeature = 0, BOArch = 1 };
+  if (const auto *CMD = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(FD))
+    if (CMD->isVirtual()) {
+      Diag(CMD->getLocation(), diag::err_multiversion_virtual);
+      return false;
+    }
+  // isValidCPU was checked when adding the 'target', so only validating
+  // that the string is valid for the CpuIs check.
+  if (!ParseInfo.Architecture.empty() &&
+      !Context.getTargetInfo().validateMultiversionCpu(
+          ParseInfo.Architecture)) {
+    Diag(TA->getLocation(), diag::err_bad_multiversion_option)
+        << BOArch << ParseInfo.Architecture;
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (const auto &Feature : ParseInfo.Features) {
+    auto BareFeat = StringRef{Feature}.substr(1);
+    // Negative options never allowed.
+    if (Feature[0] == '-') {
+      Diag(TA->getLocation(), diag::err_bad_multiversion_option)
+          << BOFeature << ("no-" + BareFeat).str();
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (!Context.getTargetInfo().validateCpuSupports(BareFeat) ||
+        !Context.getTargetInfo().isValidFeatureName(BareFeat)) {
+      Diag(TA->getLocation(), diag::err_bad_multiversion_option)
+          << BOFeature << BareFeat;
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool Sema::CheckMultiVersionOptions(const FunctionDecl *OldFD,
+                                    const FunctionDecl *NewFD) {
+  // FIXME: Implement for more than X86.  Requires CPUIs and CPUSupports
+  // for each new architecture.
+  if (!Context.getTargetInfo().supportsFuncMultiversioning()) {
+    Diag(NewFD->getLocation(), diag::err_target_unimplemented_arch);
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool Result = true;
+  for (const auto *FD : OldFD->redecls())
+    Result = CheckMultiVersionOption(FD) && Result;
+  return CheckMultiVersionOption(NewFD) && Result;
+bool Sema::TestAndSetDeclForMultiVersion(FunctionDecl *NewFD,
+                                         FunctionDecl *OldFD) {
+  const auto *TA = NewFD->getAttr<TargetAttr>();
+  // The first Decl is easy, it is either the 'All' case or 'None'.
+  if (!OldFD) {
+    NewFD->setMultiVersionKind(TA ? FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::All
+                                  : FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::None);
+    return true;
+  }
+  switch (OldFD->getMultiVersionKind()) {
+  case FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Error:
+    // An error case stays an error, mark the new Decl as well.
+    NewFD->setMultiVersionKind(FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Error);
+    return false;
+  case FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::None:
+    // A previously unmarked function can convert to the "Partial" (hint-only)
+    // case if this one is marked.
+    if (!TA) {
+      // No change to the Previous Decls, set current to correct value.
+      NewFD->setMultiVersionKind(FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::None);
+      return true;
+    }
+    setMultiVersionKind(OldFD, NewFD, FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Partial);
+    return true;
+  case FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::All:
+    // If all previous Decls have a target attribute, but none are different
+    // this can become a 'partial' if there is no attribute on this Decl, or it
+    // can become a multiversion if this is different.
+    if (!TA) {
+      setMultiVersionKind(OldFD, NewFD,
+                          FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Partial);
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Could potentially convert to a 'MultiVersion' state, check this
+    // case.  Only have to check the last one, since it is the same as the
+    // previous ones.
+    if (TA->parse() != OldFD->getAttr<TargetAttr>()->parse()) {
+      if (!CheckMultiVersionOptions(OldFD, NewFD)) {
+        setMultiVersionKind(OldFD, NewFD,
+                            FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Error);
+        return false;
+      }
+      setMultiVersionKind(OldFD, NewFD,
+                          FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::MultiVersion);
+      return true;
+    }
+    // If this doesn't convert it to a multi-version, this is clearly an 'all'
+    // case.
+    NewFD->setMultiVersionKind(FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::All);
+    return true;
+  case FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::MultiVersion:
+    // If the existing Decls are already in a MultiVersion case, a 'target'
+    // attribute is required on this one. Validate that it is legal on this one.
+    if (!TA) {
+      Diag(NewFD->getLocation(), diag::err_target_required_in_redecl);
+      Diag(OldFD->getFirstDecl()->getLocation(),
+           diag::note_previous_declaration);
+      setMultiVersionKind(OldFD, NewFD, FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Error);
+      return false;
+    } else if (!CheckMultiVersionOption(NewFD)) {
+      setMultiVersionKind(OldFD, NewFD, FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Error);
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Otherwise, just continue the multiversion situation.
+    NewFD->setMultiVersionKind(FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::MultiVersion);
+    return true;
+  case FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Partial:
+    // A partial not adding a Target attribute is fine, everything stays as
+    // partial.
+    if (!TA) {
+      NewFD->setMultiVersionKind(FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Partial);
+      return true;
+    }
+    // A partial situation is not allowed to convert to a MultiVersion, so
+    // ensure that this target doesn't cause that situation.
+    FunctionDecl *LastFeaturesStr = OldFD;
+    // Note: Null check shouldn't be necessary.
+    while (LastFeaturesStr && !LastFeaturesStr->hasAttr<TargetAttr>())
+      LastFeaturesStr = LastFeaturesStr->getPreviousDecl();
+    assert(LastFeaturesStr &&
+           "How can we be 'partial' without an existing target attribute?");
+    if (TA->parse() != LastFeaturesStr->getAttr<TargetAttr>()->parse()) {
+      Diag(NewFD->getLocation(),
+           diag::err_target_causes_illegal_multiversioning);
+      // Note on all previous decls that lack a target attr.
+      for (const auto *Cur : OldFD->redecls())
+        if (!Cur->hasAttr<TargetAttr>() ||
+            Cur->getAttr<TargetAttr>()->isInherited())
+          Diag(Cur->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_declaration);
+      setMultiVersionKind(OldFD, NewFD, FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Error);
+      return false;
+    }
+    NewFD->setMultiVersionKind(FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::Partial);
+    return true;
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Invalid option for MultiVersionKind");
 /// \brief Perform semantic checking of a new function declaration.
 /// Performs semantic analysis of the new function declaration
@@ -9349,6 +9522,12 @@
+  // Attribute target requires all declarations to have the 'target'
+  // attribute.
+  if (!TestAndSetDeclForMultiVersion(NewFD,
+                                     dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionDecl>(OldDecl)))
+    NewFD->setInvalidDecl();
   if (Redeclaration) {
     // NewFD and OldDecl represent declarations that need to be
     // merged.
@@ -11997,6 +12176,28 @@
   return MissingPrototype;
+// Check to see if this 'redefinition' should be allowed in order to support
+// attribute 'target' redefinition.
+static bool isValidMultiVersion(FunctionDecl *NewFD,
+                                const FunctionDecl *ExistingFD) {
+  if (NewFD->getMultiVersionKind() !=
+      FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::MultiVersion)
+    return false;
+  const auto *NewTA = NewFD->getAttr<TargetAttr>();
+  const TargetAttr::ParsedTargetAttr NewTAParsed = NewTA->parse();
+  // Prohibit duplicate definitions.
+  for (const auto *FD : ExistingFD->redecls()) {
+    if (FD->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
+      const auto *TA = FD->getAttr<TargetAttr>();
+      if (TA && !TA->isInherited() &&
+          TA->parse() == NewTAParsed)
+        return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
 Sema::CheckForFunctionRedefinition(FunctionDecl *FD,
                                    const FunctionDecl *EffectiveDefinition,
@@ -12009,6 +12210,9 @@
   if (canRedefineFunction(Definition, getLangOpts()))
+  if (isValidMultiVersion(FD, Definition))
+    return;
   // Don't emit an error when this is redefinition of a typo-corrected
   // definition.
   if (TypoCorrectedFunctionDefinitions.count(Definition))
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.h
@@ -323,6 +323,7 @@
   /// List of alias we have emitted. Used to make sure that what they point to
   /// is defined once we get to the end of the of the translation unit.
   std::vector<GlobalDecl> Aliases;
+  std::vector<GlobalDecl> MultiVersionFuncs;
   typedef llvm::StringMap<llvm::TrackingVH<llvm::Constant> > ReplacementsTy;
   ReplacementsTy Replacements;
@@ -747,6 +748,7 @@
                                      llvm::Type *Ty = nullptr,
                                      ForDefinition_t IsForDefinition
                                        = NotForDefinition);
+  std::string MakeMultiVersionName(StringRef MangledName, const Decl *D);
   /// Return the address of the given function. If Ty is non-null, then this
   /// function will use the specified type if it has to create it.
@@ -1225,6 +1227,11 @@
       bool DontDefer = false, bool IsThunk = false,
       llvm::AttributeList ExtraAttrs = llvm::AttributeList(),
       ForDefinition_t IsForDefinition = NotForDefinition);
+  llvm::Constant *GetOrCreateLLVMFunctionOrMultiVersion(
+      StringRef MangledName, llvm::Type *Ty, GlobalDecl D, bool ForVTable,
+      bool DontDefer = false, bool IsThunk = false,
+      llvm::AttributeList ExtraAttrs = llvm::AttributeList(),
+      ForDefinition_t IsForDefinition = NotForDefinition);
   llvm::Constant *GetOrCreateLLVMGlobal(StringRef MangledName,
                                         llvm::PointerType *PTy,
@@ -1240,8 +1247,14 @@
                              ForDefinition_t IsForDefinition);
   void EmitGlobalDefinition(GlobalDecl D, llvm::GlobalValue *GV = nullptr);
+  void EmitMultiVersionResolver(StringRef ResolverName, const FunctionDecl *FD);
   void EmitGlobalFunctionDefinition(GlobalDecl GD, llvm::GlobalValue *GV);
+  llvm::GlobalValue *GetOrCreateMultiVersionIFunc(GlobalDecl GD,
+                                                  llvm::Type *DeclTy,
+                                                  StringRef MangledName,
+                                                  const FunctionDecl *FD,
+                                                  llvm::GlobalValue *GV);
   void EmitGlobalVarDefinition(const VarDecl *D, bool IsTentative = false);
   void EmitAliasDefinition(GlobalDecl GD);
   void emitIFuncDefinition(GlobalDecl GD);
@@ -1297,6 +1310,7 @@
   void applyGlobalValReplacements();
   void checkAliases();
+  void checkMultiversions();
   /// Emit any vtables which we deferred and still have a use for.
   void EmitDeferredVTables();
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp
@@ -285,6 +285,49 @@
+void CodeGenModule::EmitMultiVersionResolver(StringRef MangledName,
+                                             const FunctionDecl *FD) {
+  llvm::Function *ResolverFunc =
+      cast<llvm::Function>(GetGlobalValue((MangledName + ".resolver").str()));
+  SmallVector<CodeGenFunction::ResolverOption, 8> ResolverOptions;
+  for (FunctionDecl *CurFD : FD->redecls()) {
+    std::string FuncName = MakeMultiVersionName(MangledName, CurFD);
+    llvm::Constant *Func = GetGlobalValue(FuncName);
+    if (!Func) {
+      GlobalDecl GD{CurFD};
+      if (CurFD->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
+        // If the function is defined, make sure we emit it.
+        EmitGlobalDefinition(GD);
+        Func = GetGlobalValue(FuncName);
+      } else {
+        // We still need to create declarations, since the resolver needs them.
+        const CGFunctionInfo &FI = getTypes().arrangeGlobalDeclaration(GD);
+        llvm::FunctionType *Ty = getTypes().GetFunctionType(FI);
+        Func = GetAddrOfFunction(GD, Ty, /*ForVTable=*/false,
+                                 /*DontDefer=*/false, ForDefinition);
+      }
+      assert(Func && "This should have just been created");
+    }
+    ResolverOptions.emplace_back(CurFD->getAttr<TargetAttr>()->parse(),
+                                 cast<llvm::Function>(Func));
+  }
+  // Sort resolver options.
+  auto *TargetInfo = &Context.getTargetInfo();
+  auto CmpFunc = [TargetInfo](StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS) {
+    return TargetInfo->compareCpusAndFeatures(LHS, RHS);
+  };
+  std::sort(std::begin(ResolverOptions), std::end(ResolverOptions),
+            [CmpFunc](const CodeGenFunction::ResolverOption &LHS,
+                      const CodeGenFunction::ResolverOption &RHS) {
+              return CmpFunc(LHS.AttrInfo.getHighestPriority(CmpFunc),
+                             RHS.AttrInfo.getHighestPriority(CmpFunc));
+            });
+  CodeGenFunction CGF(*this);
+  CGF.EmitMultiVersionResolver(ResolverFunc, ResolverOptions);
 void CodeGenModule::checkAliases() {
   // Check if the constructed aliases are well formed. It is really unfortunate
   // that we have to do this in CodeGen, but we only construct mangled names
@@ -362,6 +405,40 @@
+void CodeGenModule::checkMultiversions() {
+  // Cleanup the IFuncs calls for multiversioning.
+  for (const GlobalDecl &GD : MultiVersionFuncs) {
+    bool DefaultFound = false;
+    for (auto *Decl : GD.getDecl()->getMostRecentDecl()->redecls())
+      if (Decl->getAttr<TargetAttr>()->getFeaturesStr() == "default")
+        DefaultFound = true;
+    StringRef MangledName = getMangledName(GD);
+    llvm::GlobalValue *BaseFunc = GetGlobalValue(MangledName);
+    llvm::GlobalValue *IFunc = GetGlobalValue((MangledName + ".ifunc").str());
+    assert(IFunc && "Multiversioning not legal without an IFunc");
+    if (!DefaultFound && cast<FunctionDecl>(GD.getDecl())->isDefined()) {
+      Diags.Report(
+          cast<FunctionDecl>(GD.getDecl())->getFirstDecl()->getLocation(),
+          diag::err_target_without_default);
+      // In the error case, replace all uses with an undef.
+      if (BaseFunc) {
+        BaseFunc->replaceAllUsesWith(
+            llvm::UndefValue::get(BaseFunc->getType()));
+        BaseFunc->eraseFromParent();
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (cast<FunctionDecl>(GD.getDecl())->isDefined())
+      EmitMultiVersionResolver(
+          MangledName, cast<FunctionDecl>(GD.getDecl()->getMostRecentDecl()));
+    if (BaseFunc)
+      BaseFunc->replaceAllUsesWith(
+          llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(IFunc, BaseFunc->getType()));
+  }
 void CodeGenModule::clear() {
   if (OpenMPRuntime)
@@ -391,6 +468,7 @@
+  checkMultiversions();
@@ -2038,6 +2116,73 @@
 static void ReplaceUsesOfNonProtoTypeWithRealFunction(llvm::GlobalValue *Old,
                                                       llvm::Function *NewFn);
+std::string CodeGenModule::MakeMultiVersionName(StringRef MangledName,
+                                                const Decl *D) {
+  assert(D && "Decl cannot be null");
+  const auto *TA = D->getAttr<TargetAttr>();
+  assert(TA && "Decl must have a Target Attribute");
+  auto Append = TA->multiVersionMangleAddition();
+  if (Append.empty())
+    return MangledName;
+  return (MangledName + "." + Append).str();
+llvm::GlobalValue *CodeGenModule::GetOrCreateMultiVersionIFunc(
+    GlobalDecl GD, llvm::Type *DeclTy, StringRef MangledName,
+    const FunctionDecl *FD, llvm::GlobalValue *GV) {
+  std::string IFuncName = (MangledName + ".ifunc").str();
+  llvm::GlobalValue *IFuncGV = GetGlobalValue(IFuncName);
+  if (IFuncGV)
+    return IFuncGV;
+  // Since this is the first time we've created this IFunc, make sure
+  // that we put this multiversioned function into the list to be 
+  // replaced later.
+  MultiVersionFuncs.push_back(GD);
+  std::string ResolverName = (MangledName + ".resolver").str();
+  llvm::Type *ResolverType = llvm::FunctionType::get(
+      llvm::PointerType::get(DeclTy,
+                             Context.getTargetAddressSpace(FD->getType())),
+      false);
+  llvm::Constant *Resolver =
+      GetOrCreateLLVMFunction(ResolverName, ResolverType, GlobalDecl{},
+                              /*ForVTable=*/false);
+  llvm::GlobalIFunc *GIF = llvm::GlobalIFunc::create(
+      DeclTy, 0, llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, "", Resolver, &getModule());
+  GIF->setName(IFuncName);
+  SetCommonAttributes(FD, GIF);
+  return GIF;
+/// GetOrCreateLLVMFunctionOrMultiVersion - Wrapper for GetOrCreateLLVMFunction
+/// that will also check to see if this is a FunctionDecl that is
+/// multiversioned. In the case where this is NOT for a definition, this will
+/// create the llvm GlobalValue, but return the iFunc. If this FOR definition,
+/// it will return the newly mangled name.
+llvm::Constant *CodeGenModule::GetOrCreateLLVMFunctionOrMultiVersion(
+    StringRef MangledName, llvm::Type *Ty, GlobalDecl GD, bool ForVTable,
+    bool DontDefer, bool IsThunk, llvm::AttributeList ExtraAttrs,
+    ForDefinition_t IsForDefinition) {
+  const FunctionDecl *FD = cast<FunctionDecl>(GD.getDecl());
+  std::string MVName;
+  if (FD->getMultiVersionKind() ==
+      FunctionDecl::MultiVersionKind::MultiVersion) {
+    llvm::GlobalValue *ExistingDef = GetGlobalValue(MangledName);
+    GetOrCreateMultiVersionIFunc(GD, Ty, MangledName, FD, ExistingDef);
+    if (IsForDefinition == ForDefinition) {
+      MVName = MakeMultiVersionName(MangledName, FD);
+      MangledName = MVName;
+    }
+  }
+  return GetOrCreateLLVMFunction(MangledName, Ty, GD, ForVTable, DontDefer,
+                                 IsThunk, ExtraAttrs, IsForDefinition);
 /// GetOrCreateLLVMFunction - If the specified mangled name is not in the
 /// module, create and return an llvm Function with the specified type. If there
 /// is something in the module with the specified name, return it potentially
@@ -2215,9 +2360,9 @@
   StringRef MangledName = getMangledName(GD);
-  return GetOrCreateLLVMFunction(MangledName, Ty, GD, ForVTable, DontDefer,
-                                 /*IsThunk=*/false, llvm::AttributeList(),
-                                 IsForDefinition);
+  return GetOrCreateLLVMFunctionOrMultiVersion(
+      MangledName, Ty, GD, ForVTable, DontDefer,
+      /*IsThunk=*/false, llvm::AttributeList(), IsForDefinition);
 static const FunctionDecl *
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
@@ -3726,6 +3726,16 @@
   /// point operation, expressed as the maximum relative error in ulp.
   void SetFPAccuracy(llvm::Value *Val, float Accuracy);
+  struct ResolverOption {
+    TargetAttr::ParsedTargetAttr AttrInfo;
+    llvm::Function *Function;
+    ResolverOption(TargetAttr::ParsedTargetAttr &&AttrInfo,
+                   llvm::Function *Function)
+        : AttrInfo(std::move(AttrInfo)), Function(Function) {}
+  };
+  void EmitMultiVersionResolver(llvm::Function *ResolverFunc,
+                                ArrayRef<ResolverOption> ResolverOptions);
   llvm::MDNode *getRangeForLoadFromType(QualType Ty);
   void EmitReturnOfRValue(RValue RV, QualType Ty);
@@ -3901,7 +3911,8 @@
   llvm::Value *EmitX86CpuIs(StringRef CPUStr);
   llvm::Value *EmitX86CpuSupports(const CallExpr *E);
   llvm::Value *EmitX86CpuSupports(ArrayRef<StringRef> FeatureStrs);
-  llvm::Value *EmitX86CpuInit();
+  llvm::Value *EmitX86CpuInit(CGBuilderTy &Builder);
+  llvm::Value *FormResolverCondition(const ResolverOption &RO);
 /// Helper class with most of the code for saving a value for a
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp
@@ -2274,3 +2274,58 @@
   return llvm::DebugLoc();
+llvm::Value *
+CodeGenFunction::FormResolverCondition(const ResolverOption &RO) {
+  llvm::Value *TrueCondition = nullptr;
+  if (!RO.AttrInfo.Architecture.empty())
+    TrueCondition = EmitX86CpuIs(RO.AttrInfo.Architecture);
+  if (!RO.AttrInfo.Features.empty()) {
+    SmallVector<StringRef, 8> FeatureList;
+    std::for_each(std::begin(RO.AttrInfo.Features),
+                  std::end(RO.AttrInfo.Features),
+                  [&FeatureList](const std::string &Feature) {
+                    FeatureList.push_back(StringRef{Feature}.substr(1));
+                  });
+    llvm::Value *FeatureCmp = EmitX86CpuSupports(FeatureList);
+    TrueCondition = TrueCondition
+                        ? Builder.CreateAnd(TrueCondition, FeatureCmp)
+                        : FeatureCmp;
+  }
+  return TrueCondition;
+void CodeGenFunction::EmitMultiVersionResolver(
+    llvm::Function *ResolverFunc, ArrayRef<ResolverOption> ResolverOptions) {
+  assert((getContext().getTargetInfo().getTriple().getArch() ==
+              llvm::Triple::x86 ||
+          getContext().getTargetInfo().getTriple().getArch() ==
+              llvm::Triple::x86_64) &&
+         "Only implemented for x86 targets");
+  // Main function's basic block.
+  llvm::BasicBlock *CurBlock = createBasicBlock("entry", ResolverFunc);
+  Builder.SetInsertPoint(CurBlock);
+  EmitX86CpuInit(Builder);
+  llvm::Function *DefaultFunc = nullptr;
+  for (const ResolverOption &RO : ResolverOptions) {
+    Builder.SetInsertPoint(CurBlock);
+    llvm::Value *TrueCondition = FormResolverCondition(RO);
+    if (!TrueCondition) {
+      DefaultFunc = RO.Function;
+    } else {
+      llvm::BasicBlock *RetBlock = createBasicBlock("ro_ret", ResolverFunc);
+      llvm::IRBuilder<> RetBuilder(RetBlock);
+      RetBuilder.CreateRet(RO.Function);
+      CurBlock = createBasicBlock("ro_else", ResolverFunc);
+      Builder.CreateCondBr(TrueCondition, RetBlock, CurBlock);
+    }
+  }
+  assert(DefaultFunc && "No default version?");
+  // Emit return from the 'else-ist' block.
+  Builder.SetInsertPoint(CurBlock);
+  Builder.CreateRet(DefaultFunc);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
@@ -7708,7 +7708,7 @@
   return Builder.CreateICmpNE(Bitset, llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, 0));
-Value *CodeGenFunction::EmitX86CpuInit() {
+Value *CodeGenFunction::EmitX86CpuInit(CGBuilderTy &Builder) {
   llvm::FunctionType *FTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(VoidTy,
                                                     /*Variadic*/ false);
   llvm::Constant *Func = CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(FTy, "__cpu_indicator_init");
@@ -7722,7 +7722,7 @@
   if (BuiltinID == X86::BI__builtin_cpu_supports)
     return EmitX86CpuSupports(E);
   if (BuiltinID == X86::BI__builtin_cpu_init)
-    return EmitX86CpuInit();
+    return EmitX86CpuInit(Builder);
   SmallVector<Value*, 4> Ops;
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/X86.h
--- lib/Basic/Targets/X86.h
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/X86.h
@@ -360,10 +360,22 @@
   ArrayRef<TargetInfo::AddlRegName> getGCCAddlRegNames() const override;
+  bool supportsFuncMultiversioning()  const  override { return true; }
+  bool validateMultiversionCpu(StringRef Name) const override {
+    // 'amdfam10' is a special case where 'march' supports it, but CpuIs
+    // does not officially (though the Emit function actually does) support
+    // it, it only supports 'amdfam10h'.
+    if (Name == "amdfam10")
+      return true;
+    return validateCpuIs(Name);
+  }
   bool validateCpuSupports(StringRef Name) const override;
   bool validateCpuIs(StringRef Name) const override;
+  bool compareCpusAndFeatures(StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS) const override;
   bool validateAsmConstraint(const char *&Name,
                              TargetInfo::ConstraintInfo &info) const override;
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/X86.cpp
--- lib/Basic/Targets/X86.cpp
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/X86.cpp
@@ -1322,6 +1322,92 @@
+bool X86TargetInfo::compareCpusAndFeatures(StringRef Lhs, StringRef Rhs) const {
+  // The following are in order from new to old.  These are required for the
+  // ordering of the GCC Target attribute.  The list has to match the
+  // implementation in in GCC 7.x in gcc/config/i386/i386.c
+  // ::get_builtin_code_for_version. This list is simplified from that source.
+  const auto TargetArray = {"avx512vpopcntdq",
+                            "avx5124fmaps",
+                            "avx5124vnniw",
+                            "avx512ifma",
+                            "avx512vbmi",
+                            "avx512pf",
+                            "avx512er",
+                            "avx512cd",
+                            "avx512dq",
+                            "avx512bw",
+                            "avx512vl",
+                            "knl",
+                            "avx512f",
+                            "znver1",
+                            "skylake-avx512",
+                            "skylake",
+                            "haswell",
+                            "broadwell",
+                            "bdver4",
+                            "avx2",
+                            "bmi2",
+                            "bdver3",
+                            "bdver2",
+                            "fma",
+                            "bdver1",
+                            "amdfam15h",
+                            "amdfam15",
+                            "xop",
+                            "fma4",
+                            "btver2",
+                            "bmi",
+                            "sandybridge",
+                            "ivybridge",
+                            "avx",
+                            "pclmul",
+                            "aes",
+                            "popcnt",
+                            "westmere",
+                            "slm",
+                            "silvermont",
+                            "nehalem",
+                            "corei7",
+                            "sse4.2",
+                            "sse4.1",
+                            "btver1",
+                            "istanbul",
+                            "shanghai",
+                            "barcelona",
+                            "amdfam10h",
+                            "amdfam10",
+                            "sse4a",
+                            "core2",
+                            "bonnell",
+                            "atom",
+                            "ssse3",
+                            "sse3",
+                            "sse2",
+                            "sse",
+                            "mmx",
+                            "cmov",
+                            "intel",
+                            "amd"};
+  if (Lhs == Rhs)
+    return false;
+  // Default location doesn't matter except that sort should be repeatable, but
+  // move default to the end.
+  if (Lhs.empty())
+    return false;
+  if (Rhs.empty())
+    return true;
+  for (const auto &Str : TargetArray) {
+    if (Lhs == Str)
+      return true;
+    else if (Rhs == Str)
+      return false;
+  }
+  assert(false && "Invalid item passed to compareCpusAndFeatures");
 bool X86TargetInfo::validateAsmConstraint(
     const char *&Name, TargetInfo::ConstraintInfo &Info) const {
   switch (*Name) {
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -1932,6 +1932,15 @@
                           SmallVectorImpl<CXXMethodDecl*> &OverloadedMethods);
   void NoteHiddenVirtualMethods(CXXMethodDecl *MD,
                           SmallVectorImpl<CXXMethodDecl*> &OverloadedMethods);
+  // Checks to see if attribute 'target' results in a valid situation.
+  bool TestAndSetDeclForMultiVersion(FunctionDecl *NewFD, FunctionDecl *OldFD);
+  // Helper function for CheckMultiVersionDecl to ensure that a declaration
+  // causing a Multi-version case doesn't cause invalid options.
+  bool CheckMultiVersionOptions(const FunctionDecl *NewFD,
+                                const FunctionDecl *OldFD);
+  bool CheckMultiVersionOption(const FunctionDecl *FD);
   // Returns true if the function declaration is a redeclaration
   bool CheckFunctionDeclaration(Scope *S,
                                 FunctionDecl *NewFD, LookupResult &Previous,
Index: include/clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h
--- include/clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h
+++ include/clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h
@@ -914,14 +914,31 @@
     return false;
+  // \brief Identify whether this target supports multiversioning of functions,
+  // which requires support for a cpu_supports and cpu_is functionality.
+  virtual bool supportsFuncMultiversioning() const { return false; }
+  // \brief Validate the architecture for function multiversioning.  Some
+  // will wish to override this, since there might be different rules for
+  // __builtin_cpu_is vs multiversioning strings.
+  virtual bool validateMultiversionCpu(StringRef Name) const {
+    return validateCpuIs(Name);
+  }
   // \brief Validate the contents of the __builtin_cpu_supports(const char*)
   // argument.
   virtual bool validateCpuSupports(StringRef Name) const { return false; }
   // \brief Validate the contents of the __builtin_cpu_is(const char*)
   // argument.
   virtual bool validateCpuIs(StringRef Name) const { return false; }
+  // \brief Provide ordering for the CPU Features and Names such that it can
+  // used for dispatchers.
+  virtual bool compareCpusAndFeatures(StringRef Lhs, StringRef Rhs) const {
+    return false;
+  }
   // \brief Returns maximal number of args passed in registers.
   unsigned getRegParmMax() const {
     assert(RegParmMax < 7 && "RegParmMax value is larger than AST can handle");
Index: include/clang/Basic/
--- include/clang/Basic/
+++ include/clang/Basic/
@@ -9294,4 +9294,20 @@
   InGroup<ShadowField>, DefaultIgnore;
 def note_shadow_field : Note<"declared here">;
+def err_target_required_in_redecl
+    : Error<"function redeclaration is missing 'target' attribute in a "
+            "multiversioned function">;
+def err_target_causes_illegal_multiversioning
+    : Error<"function redeclaration declares a multiversioned function, but a "
+            "previous declaration lacks a 'target' attribute">;
+def err_target_unimplemented_arch
+    : Error<"function multiversioning with 'target' is not supported on this "
+            "architecture and platform">;
+def err_bad_multiversion_option
+    : Error<"function multiversioning doesn't support "
+            "%select{feature|architecture}0 '%1'">;
+def err_target_without_default : Error<"function multiversioning with 'target' "
+                                       "requires a 'default' implementation">;
+def err_multiversion_virtual : Error<"function multiversioning with 'target' "
+                                     "doesn't support virtual functions yet">;
 } // end of sema component.
Index: include/clang/Basic/
--- include/clang/Basic/
+++ include/clang/Basic/
@@ -1826,12 +1826,39 @@
       std::vector<std::string> Features;
       StringRef Architecture;
       bool DuplicateArchitecture = false;
+      template <typename Comparer>
+      StringRef getHighestPriority(Comparer &Cmp) const {
+        // Default case.
+        if (Features.empty() && Architecture.empty())
+          return {};
+        StringRef Highest;
+        for (const auto &Feat : Features) {
+          if (Feat[0] == '+' &&
+              (Highest.empty() || Cmp(StringRef{Feat}.substr(1), Highest)))
+            Highest = StringRef{Feat}.substr(1);
+        }
+        if (Highest.empty() || Cmp(Architecture, Highest))
+          return Architecture;
+        return Highest;
+      }
+      bool operator==(const ParsedTargetAttr &Other) const {
+        return std::tie(Features, Architecture) ==
+               std::tie(Other.Features, Other.Architecture);
+      }
+      bool operator!=(const ParsedTargetAttr &Other) const {
+        return !(*this == Other);
+      }
     ParsedTargetAttr parse() const {
       return parse(getFeaturesStr());
     static ParsedTargetAttr parse(StringRef Features) {
       ParsedTargetAttr Ret;
+      if (Features == "default") return Ret;
       SmallVector<StringRef, 1> AttrFeatures;
       Features.split(AttrFeatures, ",");
@@ -1862,6 +1889,27 @@
       return Ret;
+    std::string multiVersionMangleAddition() const {
+      // Simply 'default' is empty.
+      if (getFeaturesStr() == "default")
+        return "";
+      SmallString<64> Buffer;
+      llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Buffer);
+      ParsedTargetAttr Info = parse();
+      // arch= becomes arch_, ',' separator becomes '.'.
+      // Arch goes first, everything else is alphabetical.
+      if (!Info.Architecture.empty())
+        OS << "arch_" << Info.Architecture;
+      std::sort(Info.Features.begin(), Info.Features.end());
+      for (auto &&Feat : Info.Features) {
+        if (!Buffer.empty())
+          OS << '_';
+        OS << StringRef{Feat}.substr(1);
+      }
+      return Buffer.str();
+    }
Index: include/clang/AST/Decl.h
--- include/clang/AST/Decl.h
+++ include/clang/AST/Decl.h
@@ -1637,6 +1637,17 @@
+  enum class MultiVersionKind {
+    None = 0, // No Decl of this function has a 'target' attribute.
+    All, // All Decls of this function have a 'target' attribute.  None differ
+         // in contents, so this is the 'hint' case.
+    MultiVersion, // All Decls of this function have a 'target' attribute, some
+                  // with different strings.  This causes a multi-version case.
+    Partial,      // This is NOT a MV case.  All Decls with a 'target' attribute
+                  // match, so this is simply the 'hint' case.
+    Error         // A previous decl caused an invalid MultiVersion, so reject
+                  // all further attempts at multiversioning/target.
+  };
   /// ParamInfo - new[]'d array of pointers to VarDecls for the formal
@@ -1679,6 +1690,7 @@
   /// Indicates if the function declaration will have a body, once we're done
   /// parsing it.
   unsigned WillHaveBody : 1;
+  unsigned MultiVersion : 3;
   /// \brief End part of this FunctionDecl's source range.
@@ -1764,6 +1776,7 @@
         IsLateTemplateParsed(false), IsConstexpr(isConstexprSpecified),
         UsesSEHTry(false), HasSkippedBody(false), WillHaveBody(false),
+        MultiVersion(static_cast<unsigned>(MultiVersionKind::None)),
         EndRangeLoc(NameInfo.getEndLoc()), TemplateOrSpecialization(),
         DNLoc(NameInfo.getInfo()) {}
@@ -2208,6 +2221,14 @@
   /// \brief What kind of templated function this is.
   TemplatedKind getTemplatedKind() const;
+  /// \brief The multiversion state of this function.
+  MultiVersionKind getMultiVersionKind() const {
+    return static_cast<MultiVersionKind>(MultiVersion);
+  }
+  void setMultiVersionKind(MultiVersionKind MV) {
+    MultiVersion = static_cast<unsigned>(MV);
+  }
   /// \brief If this function is an instantiation of a member function of a
   /// class template specialization, retrieves the member specialization
   /// information.
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