george.burgess.iv added a comment.

I like the idea of fixing those things, too; I'll start poking them soon. :)

Even if we do end up fixing all of that, I still think it would be good to try 
to diagnose this in the frontend. So, if anyone has comments on this while I'm 
staring at the aarch64 backend, please let me know.

Comment at: test/CodeGen/aarch64-mgeneral_regs_only.c:2
+// RUN: %clang -target aarch64 -mgeneral-regs-only %s -o - -S -emit-llvm | 
FileCheck %s
+// %clang -target aarch64 -mgeneral-regs-only %s -o - -S | FileCheck %s 
Oops, forgot a `RUN:` here.

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