yaxunl updated this revision to Diff 116704.
yaxunl marked 5 inline comments as done.
yaxunl added a comment.

Rebase to ToT and clean up logic.



Index: test/SemaOpenCL/null_literal.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/null_literal.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/null_literal.cl
@@ -1,29 +1,68 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -cl-std=CL2.0 -DCL20 -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -cl-std=CL2.0 -verify %s
 #define NULL ((void*)0)
 void foo(){
+  global int *g1 = NULL;
+  global int *g2 = (global void *)0;
+  global int *g3 = (constant void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__global int *' with an expression of type '__constant void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  global int *g4 = (local void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__global int *' with an expression of type '__local void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  global int *g5 = (private void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__global int *' with an expression of type '__private void *' changes address space of pointer}}
-global int* ptr1 = NULL;
+  constant int *c1 = NULL;
+  constant int *c2 = (global void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__constant int *' with an expression of type '__global void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  constant int *c3 = (constant void *)0;
+  constant int *c4 = (local void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__constant int *' with an expression of type '__local void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  constant int *c5 = (private void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__constant int *' with an expression of type '__private void *' changes address space of pointer}}
-global int* ptr2 = (global void*)0;
+  local int *l1 = NULL;
+  local int *l2 = (global void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__local int *' with an expression of type '__global void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  local int *l3 = (constant void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__local int *' with an expression of type '__constant void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  local int *l4 = (local void *)0;
+  local int *l5 = (private void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__local int *' with an expression of type '__private void *' changes address space of pointer}}
-constant int* ptr3 = NULL;
+  private int *p1 = NULL;
+  private int *p2 = (global void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__private int *' with an expression of type '__global void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  private int *p3 = (constant void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__private int *' with an expression of type '__constant void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  private int *p4 = (local void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__private int *' with an expression of type '__local void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  private int *p5 = (private void *)0;
-constant int* ptr4 = (global void*)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__constant int *' with an expression of type '__global void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+#if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= 200
+  // Assigning a pointer to a pointer to narrower address space causes an error unless there is an valid explicit cast.
+  global int *g6 = (generic void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__global int *' with an expression of type '__generic void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  constant int *c6 = (generic void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__constant int *' with an expression of type '__generic void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  local int *l6 = (generic void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__local int *' with an expression of type '__generic void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  private int *p6 = (generic void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__private int *' with an expression of type '__generic void *' changes address space of pointer}}
-#ifdef CL20
-// Accept explicitly pointer to generic address space in OpenCL v2.0.
-global int* ptr5 = (generic void*)0;
-global int* ptr6 = (local void*)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__global int *' with an expression of type '__local void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  global int *g7 = (global void*)(generic void *)0;
+  constant int *c7 = (constant void*)(generic void *)0; //expected-error{{casting '__generic void *' to type '__constant void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  local int *l7 = (local void*)(generic void *)0;
+  private int *p7 = (private void*)(generic void *)0;
-bool cmp = ptr1 == NULL;
+  generic int *ge1 = NULL;
+  generic int *ge2 = (global void *)0;
+  generic int *ge3 = (constant void *)0; // expected-error{{initializing '__generic int *' with an expression of type '__constant void *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  generic int *ge4 = (local void *)0;
+  generic int *ge5 = (private void *)0;
+  generic int *ge6 = (generic void *)0;
-cmp = ptr1 == (local void*)0; // expected-error{{comparison between  ('__global int *' and '__local void *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
+  bool cmp;
+  cmp = g1 == NULL;
+  cmp = g1 == (global void *)0;
+  cmp = g1 == (constant void *)0; // expected-error{{comparison between  ('__global int *' and '__constant void *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
+  cmp = g1 == (local void *)0; // expected-error{{comparison between  ('__global int *' and '__local void *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
+  cmp = g1 == (private void *)0; // expected-error{{comparison between  ('__global int *' and '__private void *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
-cmp = ptr3 == NULL;
+#if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= 200
+  cmp = g1 == (generic void *)0;
+  cmp = ge1 == NULL;
+  cmp = ge1 == (global void *)0;
+  cmp = ge1 == (constant void *)0; // expected-error{{comparison between  ('__generic int *' and '__constant void *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
+  cmp = ge1 == (local void *)0;
+  cmp = ge1 == (private void *)0;
+  cmp = ge1 == (generic void *)0;
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/invalid-pipes-cl2.0.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/invalid-pipes-cl2.0.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/invalid-pipes-cl2.0.cl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 global pipe int gp;            // expected-error {{type '__global read_only pipe int' can only be used as a function parameter in OpenCL}}
 global reserve_id_t rid;          // expected-error {{the '__global reserve_id_t' type cannot be used to declare a program scope variable}}
-extern pipe write_only int get_pipe(); // expected-error {{type '__global write_only pipe int ()' can only be used as a function parameter in OpenCL}}
+extern pipe write_only int get_pipe(); // expected-error {{type 'write_only pipe int ()' can only be used as a function parameter in OpenCL}}
 kernel void test_invalid_reserved_id(reserve_id_t ID) { // expected-error {{'reserve_id_t' cannot be used as the type of a kernel parameter}}
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/invalid-block.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/invalid-block.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/invalid-block.cl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-  bl1 = bl2;          // expected-error{{invalid operands to binary expression ('int (__generic ^const)(void)' and 'int (__generic ^const)(void)')}}
+  bl1 = bl2;          // expected-error{{invalid operands to binary expression ('int (^const)(void)' and 'int (^const)(void)')}}
   int (^const bl3)(); // expected-error{{invalid block variable declaration - must be initialized}}
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
 // A block cannot be the return value of a function.
 typedef int (^bl_t)(void);
-bl_t f3(bl_t bl); // expected-error{{declaring function return value of type 'bl_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const)(void)') is not allowed}}
+bl_t f3(bl_t bl); // expected-error{{declaring function return value of type 'bl_t' (aka 'int (^const)(void)') is not allowed}}
 struct bl_s {
-  int (^bl)(void); // expected-error {{the 'int (__generic ^const)(void)' type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field}}
+  int (^bl)(void); // expected-error {{the 'int (^const)(void)' type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field}}
 void f4() {
@@ -53,18 +53,18 @@
   bl2_t bl2 = ^(int i) {
     return 2;
-  bl2_t arr[] = {bl1, bl2}; // expected-error {{array of 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const)(int)') type is invalid in OpenCL}}
+  bl2_t arr[] = {bl1, bl2}; // expected-error {{array of 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const)(int)') type is invalid in OpenCL}}
   int tmp = i ? bl1(i)      // expected-error {{block type cannot be used as expression in ternary expression in OpenCL}}
               : bl2(i);     // expected-error {{block type cannot be used as expression in ternary expression in OpenCL}}
 // A block pointer type and all pointer operations are disallowed
-void f6(bl2_t *bl_ptr) { // expected-error{{pointer to type '__generic bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const __generic)(int)') is invalid in OpenCL}}
+void f6(bl2_t *bl_ptr) { // expected-error{{pointer to type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const)(int)') is invalid in OpenCL}}
   bl2_t bl = ^(int i) {
     return 1;
-  bl2_t *p; // expected-error {{pointer to type '__generic bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const __generic)(int)') is invalid in OpenCL}}
-  *bl;      // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const)(int)') to unary expression}}
-  &bl;      // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (__generic ^const)(int)') to unary expression}}
+  bl2_t *p; // expected-error {{pointer to type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const)(int)') is invalid in OpenCL}}
+  *bl;      // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const)(int)') to unary expression}}
+  &bl;      // expected-error {{invalid argument type 'bl2_t' (aka 'int (^const)(int)') to unary expression}}
 // A block can't reference another block
 kernel void f7() {
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/cl20-device-side-enqueue.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/cl20-device-side-enqueue.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/cl20-device-side-enqueue.cl
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
 kernel void bar(global int *buf)
-  ndrange_t n;
+  __private ndrange_t n;
   buf[0] = get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange(n, ^(){});
   buf[0] = get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange(0, ^(){}); // expected-error{{illegal call to 'get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange', expected 'ndrange_t' argument type}}
   buf[0] = get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange(n, 1); // expected-error{{illegal call to 'get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange', expected block argument type}}
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
@@ -41,24 +41,24 @@
        intptr_t *P, float *D, struct S *s1, struct S *s2,
        global atomic_int *i_g, local atomic_int *i_l, private atomic_int *i_p,
        constant atomic_int *i_c) {
-  __opencl_atomic_init(I, 5); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type ('__generic int *' invalid)}}
-  __opencl_atomic_init(ci, 5); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const __generic atomic_int *' (aka 'const __generic _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_init(I, 5); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type ('int *' invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_init(ci, 5); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const atomic_int *' (aka 'const _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_load(0); // expected-error {{too few arguments to function call, expected 3, have 1}}
   __opencl_atomic_load(0, 0, 0, 0); // expected-error {{too many arguments to function call, expected 3, have 4}}
   __opencl_atomic_store(0,0,0,0); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer}}
-  __opencl_atomic_store((int *)0, 0, 0, 0); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type ('__generic int *' invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_store((int *)0, 0, 0, 0); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type ('int *' invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_store(i, 0, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group);
-  __opencl_atomic_store(ci, 0, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const __generic atomic_int *' (aka 'const __generic _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_store(ci, 0, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const atomic_int *' (aka 'const _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_store(i_g, 0, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_store(i_l, 0, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_store(i_p, 0, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_store(i_c, 0, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-constant _Atomic type ('__constant atomic_int *' (aka '__constant _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_load(i, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_load(p, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_load(d, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
-  __opencl_atomic_load(ci, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const __generic atomic_int *' (aka 'const __generic _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_load(ci, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const atomic_int *' (aka 'const _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_store(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_store(p, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
@@ -69,35 +69,35 @@
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(p, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
-  __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer ('__generic atomic_float *' (aka '__generic _Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer ('atomic_float *' (aka '_Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_and(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_and(p, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
-  __opencl_atomic_fetch_and(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to bitwise atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer ('__generic atomic_float *' (aka '__generic _Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_fetch_and(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to bitwise atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer ('atomic_float *' (aka '_Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_min(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_max(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
-  __opencl_atomic_fetch_min(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer ('__generic atomic_float *' (aka '__generic _Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
-  __opencl_atomic_fetch_max(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer ('__generic atomic_float *' (aka '__generic _Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_fetch_min(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer ('atomic_float *' (aka '_Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_fetch_max(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer ('atomic_float *' (aka '_Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
   bool cmpexch_1 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(i, I, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   bool cmpexch_2 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(p, P, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
-  bool cmpexch_3 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(d, I, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types passing '__generic int *' to parameter of type '__generic float *'}}
-  (void)__opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(i, CI, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-warning {{passing 'const __generic int *' to parameter of type '__generic int *' discards qualifiers}}
+  bool cmpexch_3 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(d, I, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types passing 'int *' to parameter of type '__generic float *'}}
+  (void)__opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_strong(i, CI, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-warning {{passing 'const int *' to parameter of type '__generic int *' discards qualifiers}}
   bool cmpexchw_1 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(i, I, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   bool cmpexchw_2 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(p, P, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
-  bool cmpexchw_3 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(d, I, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types passing '__generic int *' to parameter of type '__generic float *'}}
-  (void)__opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(i, CI, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-warning {{passing 'const __generic int *' to parameter of type '__generic int *' discards qualifiers}}
+  bool cmpexchw_3 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(d, I, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types passing 'int *' to parameter of type '__generic float *'}}
+  (void)__opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(i, CI, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-warning {{passing 'const int *' to parameter of type '__generic int *' discards qualifiers}}
   // Pointers to different address spaces are allowed.
   bool cmpexch_10 = __opencl_atomic_compare_exchange_strong((global atomic_int *)0x308, (constant int *)0x309, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
-  __opencl_atomic_init(ci, 0); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const __generic atomic_int *' (aka 'const __generic _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
-  __opencl_atomic_store(ci, 0, memory_order_release, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const __generic atomic_int *' (aka 'const __generic _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
-  __opencl_atomic_load(ci, memory_order_acquire, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const __generic atomic_int *' (aka 'const __generic _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_init(ci, 0); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const atomic_int *' (aka 'const _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_store(ci, 0, memory_order_release, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const atomic_int *' (aka 'const _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_load(ci, memory_order_acquire, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const atomic_int *' (aka 'const _Atomic(int) *') invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_init(&gn, 456);
-  __opencl_atomic_init(&gn, (void*)0); // expected-warning{{incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing '__generic void *' to parameter of type 'int'}}
+  __opencl_atomic_init(&gn, (void*)0); // expected-warning{{incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing 'void *' to parameter of type 'int'}}
 void memory_checks(atomic_int *Ap, int *p, int val) {
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
@@ -1,42 +1,65 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -verify -pedantic -fsyntax-only
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -verify -pedantic -fsyntax-only
 __constant int ci = 1;
 __kernel void foo(__global int *gip) {
   __local int li;
   __local int lj = 2; // expected-error {{'__local' variable cannot have an initializer}}
   int *ip;
+#if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ < 200
   ip = gip; // expected-error {{assigning '__global int *' to 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   ip = &li; // expected-error {{assigning '__local int *' to 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   ip = &ci; // expected-error {{assigning '__constant int *' to 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  ip = gip;
+  ip = &li;
+  ip = &ci; // expected-error {{assigning '__constant int *' to 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
 void explicit_cast(global int* g, local int* l, constant int* c, private int* p, const constant int *cc)
   g = (global int*) l;    // expected-error {{casting '__local int *' to type '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   g = (global int*) c;    // expected-error {{casting '__constant int *' to type '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   g = (global int*) cc;   // expected-error {{casting 'const __constant int *' to type '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
-  g = (global int*) p;    // expected-error {{casting 'int *' to type '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  g = (global int*) p;    // expected-error {{casting '__private int *' to type '__global int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   l = (local int*) g;     // expected-error {{casting '__global int *' to type '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   l = (local int*) c;     // expected-error {{casting '__constant int *' to type '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   l = (local int*) cc;    // expected-error {{casting 'const __constant int *' to type '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
-  l = (local int*) p;     // expected-error {{casting 'int *' to type '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  l = (local int*) p;     // expected-error {{casting '__private int *' to type '__local int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   c = (constant int*) g;  // expected-error {{casting '__global int *' to type '__constant int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   c = (constant int*) l;  // expected-error {{casting '__local int *' to type '__constant int *' changes address space of pointer}}
-  c = (constant int*) p;  // expected-error {{casting 'int *' to type '__constant int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  c = (constant int*) p;  // expected-error {{casting '__private int *' to type '__constant int *' changes address space of pointer}}
-  p = (private int*) g;   // expected-error {{casting '__global int *' to type 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
-  p = (private int*) l;   // expected-error {{casting '__local int *' to type 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
-  p = (private int*) c;   // expected-error {{casting '__constant int *' to type 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
-  p = (private int*) cc;  // expected-error {{casting 'const __constant int *' to type 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  p = (private int*) g;   // expected-error {{casting '__global int *' to type '__private int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  p = (private int*) l;   // expected-error {{casting '__local int *' to type '__private int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  p = (private int*) c;   // expected-error {{casting '__constant int *' to type '__private int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  p = (private int*) cc;  // expected-error {{casting 'const __constant int *' to type '__private int *' changes address space of pointer}}
 void ok_explicit_casts(global int *g, global int* g2, local int* l, local int* l2, private int* p, private int* p2)
   g = (global int*) g2;
   l = (local int*) l2;
   p = (private int*) p2;
+__private int func_return_priv(void);       //expected-error {{return value cannot be qualified with address space}}
+__global int func_return_global(void);      //expected-error {{return value cannot be qualified with address space}}
+__local int func_return_local(void);        //expected-error {{return value cannot be qualified with address space}}
+__constant int func_return_constant(void);  //expected-error {{return value cannot be qualified with address space}}
+#if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= 200
+__generic int func_return_generic(void);    //expected-error {{return value cannot be qualified with address space}}
+void func_multiple_addr(void) {
+  typedef __private int private_int_t;
+  __local __private int var1;   // expected-error {{multiple address spaces specified for type}}
+  __local __private int *var2;  // expected-error {{multiple address spaces specified for type}}
+  __local private_int_t var3;   // expected-error {{multiple address spaces specified for type}}
+  __local private_int_t *var4;  // expected-error {{multiple address spaces specified for type}}
Index: test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces-conversions-cl2.0.cl
--- test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces-conversions-cl2.0.cl
+++ test/SemaOpenCL/address-spaces-conversions-cl2.0.cl
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   AS int *var_init4 = arg_priv;
 #ifndef GENERIC
-// expected-error-re@-2{{initializing '__{{global|constant}} int *' with an expression of type 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+// expected-error-re@-2{{initializing '__{{global|constant}} int *' with an expression of type '__private int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   AS int *var_init5 = arg_gen;
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
   AS int *var_cast4 = (AS int *)arg_priv;
 #ifndef GENERIC
-// expected-error-re@-2{{casting 'int *' to type '__{{global|constant}} int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+// expected-error-re@-2{{casting '__private int *' to type '__{{global|constant}} int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   AS int *var_cast5 = (AS int *)arg_gen;
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
   var_impl = arg_priv;
 #ifndef GENERIC
-// expected-error-re@-2{{assigning 'int *' to '__{{global|constant}} int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+// expected-error-re@-2{{assigning '__private int *' to '__{{global|constant}} int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   var_impl = arg_gen;
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
   var_cast4 = (AS int *)arg_priv;
 #ifndef GENERIC
-// expected-error-re@-2{{casting 'int *' to type '__{{global|constant}} int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+// expected-error-re@-2{{casting '__private int *' to type '__{{global|constant}} int *' changes address space of pointer}}
   var_cast5 = (AS int *)arg_gen;
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
   b = var_cmp <= arg_priv;
 #ifndef GENERIC
-// expected-error-re@-2{{comparison between  ('__{{global|constant}} int *' and 'int *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
+// expected-error-re@-2{{comparison between  ('__{{global|constant}} int *' and '__private int *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
   b = var_cmp >= arg_gen;
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
   b = var_sub - arg_priv;
 #ifndef GENERIC
-// expected-error-re@-2{{arithmetic operation with operands of type  ('__{{global|constant}} int *' and 'int *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
+// expected-error-re@-2{{arithmetic operation with operands of type  ('__{{global|constant}} int *' and '__private int *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
   b = var_sub - arg_gen;
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
 // expected-error-re@-2{{passing '__{{global|generic}} int *' to parameter of type '__constant int *' changes address space of pointer}}
-  f_priv(var_sub); // expected-error-re{{passing '__{{global|constant|generic}} int *' to parameter of type 'int *' changes address space of pointer}}
+  f_priv(var_sub); // expected-error-re{{passing '__{{global|constant|generic}} int *' to parameter of type '__private int *' changes address space of pointer}}
 #ifdef CONSTANT
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
   private int *var_priv;
   var_gen = 0 ? var_cond : var_priv;
 #ifndef GENERIC
-// expected-error-re@-2{{conditional operator with the second and third operands of type  ('__{{global|constant}} int *' and 'int *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
+// expected-error-re@-2{{conditional operator with the second and third operands of type  ('__{{global|constant}} int *' and '__private int *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
   var_gen = 0 ? var_cond : var_gen;
@@ -293,9 +293,9 @@
   private char *var_priv_ch;
   var_void_gen = 0 ? var_cond : var_priv_ch;
 #ifndef GENERIC
-// expected-error-re@-2{{conditional operator with the second and third operands of type  ('__{{global|constant}} int *' and 'char *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
+// expected-error-re@-2{{conditional operator with the second and third operands of type  ('__{{global|constant}} int *' and '__private char *') which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces}}
-// expected-warning@-4{{pointer type mismatch ('__generic int *' and 'char *')}}
+// expected-warning@-4{{pointer type mismatch ('__generic int *' and '__private char *')}}
   generic char *var_gen_ch;
Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
--- test/CodeGenOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/address-spaces.cl
@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -O0 -triple amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,SPIR %s
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -O0 -triple r600-- -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,SPIR %s
+// SPIR: %struct.S = type { i32, i32, i32* }
+// CL20SPIR: %struct.S = type { i32, i32, i32 addrspace(4)* }
+struct S {
+  int x;
+  int y;
+  int *z;
+#ifdef CL20
+// CL20-DAG: @g_s = common addrspace(1) global %struct.S zeroinitializer
+struct S g_s;
 // SPIR: i32* %arg
 // GIZ: i32 addrspace(5)* %arg
 void f__p(__private int *arg) {}
@@ -58,3 +70,31 @@
 // CL20-DAG: @f.ii = internal addrspace(1) global i32 0
+typedef int int_td;
+typedef int *intp_td;
+// SPIR: define void @test_typedef(i32 addrspace(1)* %x, i32 addrspace(2)* %y, i32* %z)
+void test_typedef(global int_td *x, constant int_td *y, intp_td z) {
+  *x = *y;
+  *z = 0;
+// SPIR: define void @test_struct()
+void test_struct() {
+  // SPIR: %ps = alloca %struct.S*
+  // CL20SPIR: %ps = alloca %struct.S addrspace(4)*
+  struct S *ps;
+  // SPIR: store i32 0, i32* %x
+  // CL20SPIR: store i32 0, i32 addrspace(4)* %x
+  ps->x = 0;
+#ifdef CL20
+  // CL20SPIR: store i32 0, i32 addrspace(1)* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.S, %struct.S addrspace(1)* @g_s, i32 0, i32 0)
+  g_s.x = 0;
+// SPIR: define void @test_void_par()
+void test_void_par(void) {}
+// SPIR: define i32 @test_func_return_type()
+int test_func_return_type(void) {}
Index: test/CodeGenOpenCL/address-spaces-mangling.cl
--- test/CodeGenOpenCL/address-spaces-mangling.cl
+++ test/CodeGenOpenCL/address-spaces-mangling.cl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -ffake-address-space-map -faddress-space-map-mangling=yes -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=ASMANG %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -ffake-address-space-map -faddress-space-map-mangling=no -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=NOASMANG %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -ffake-address-space-map -faddress-space-map-mangling=yes -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck -check-prefixes=ASMANG,ASMAN10 %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -ffake-address-space-map -faddress-space-map-mangling=yes -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck -check-prefixes=ASMANG,ASMAN20 %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -ffake-address-space-map -faddress-space-map-mangling=no -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck -check-prefixes=NOASMANG,NOASMAN10 %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -ffake-address-space-map -faddress-space-map-mangling=no -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck -check-prefixes=NOASMANG,NOASMAN20 %s
 // We check that the address spaces are mangled the same in both version of OpenCL
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple spir-unknown-unknown -cl-std=CL2.0 -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=OCL-20 %s
@@ -10,15 +12,17 @@
 // warnings, but we do want it for comparison purposes.
 void ff(int *arg) { }
-// ASMANG: @_Z2ffPi
-// NOASMANG: @_Z2ffPi
+// ASMANG10: @_Z2ffPi
+// ASMANG20: @_Z2ffPU3AS4i
+// NOASMANG10: @_Z2ffPi
+// NOASMANG20: @_Z2ffPU9CLgenerici
 // OCL-20-DAG: @_Z2ffPU3AS4i
 // OCL-12-DAG: @_Z2ffPi
 void f(private int *arg) { }
 // ASMANG: @_Z1fPi
-// NOASMANG: @_Z1fPi
+// NOASMANG: @_Z1fPU9CLprivatei
 // OCL-20-DAG: @_Z1fPi
 // OCL-12-DAG: @_Z1fPi
@@ -42,3 +46,11 @@
 // NOASMANG: @_Z1fPU10CLconstanti
 // OCL-20-DAG: @_Z1fPU3AS2i
 // OCL-12-DAG: @_Z1fPU3AS2i
+#if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= 200
+void f(generic int *arg) { }
+// ASMANG20: @_Z1fPU3AS4i
+// NOASMANG20: @_Z1fPU9CLgenerici
+// OCL-20-DAG: @_Z1fPU3AS4i
Index: test/CodeGen/blocks-opencl.cl
--- test/CodeGen/blocks-opencl.cl
+++ test/CodeGen/blocks-opencl.cl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -O0 %s -ffake-address-space-map -emit-llvm -o - -fblocks -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -cl-std=CL2.0 -O0 %s -ffake-address-space-map -emit-llvm -o - -fblocks -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown | FileCheck %s
 // This used to crash due to trying to generate a bitcase from a cstring
 // in the constant address space to i8* in AS0.
Index: lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
@@ -4834,7 +4834,6 @@
   TypeSourceInfo *ReturnTypeInfo = nullptr;
   QualType T = GetDeclSpecTypeForDeclarator(state, ReturnTypeInfo);
   if (D.isPrototypeContext() && getLangOpts().ObjCAutoRefCount)
     inferARCWriteback(state, T);
@@ -5574,7 +5573,7 @@
       ASIdx = LangAS::opencl_generic; break;
       assert(Attr.getKind() == AttributeList::AT_OpenCLPrivateAddressSpace);
-      ASIdx = 0; break;
+      ASIdx = LangAS::opencl_private; break;
@@ -6806,6 +6805,101 @@
+static void deduceOpenCLImplicitAddrSpace(TypeProcessingState &State,
+                                          QualType &T, TypeAttrLocation TAL) {
+  if (!State.getSema().getLangOpts().OpenCL ||
+      T.getAddressSpace() != LangAS::Default)
+    return;
+  Declarator &D = State.getDeclarator();
+  // Handle the cases where address space should not be deduced.
+  //
+  // The pointee type of a pointer type is alwasy deduced since a pointer always
+  // points to some memory location which should has an address space.
+  //
+  // There are situations that at the point of certain declarations, the address
+  // space may be unknown and better to be left as default. For example, when
+  // definining a typedef or struct type, they are not associated with any
+  // specific address space. Later on, they may be used with any address space
+  // to declare a variable.
+  //
+  // The return value of a function is r-value, therefore should not have
+  // address space.
+  //
+  // The void type does not occupy memory, therefore should not have address
+  // space, except when it is used as a pointee type.
+  //
+  // Since LLVM assumes function type is in default address space, it should not
+  // have address space.
+  auto ChunkIndex = State.getCurrentChunkIndex();
+  bool IsPointee =
+      ChunkIndex > 0 &&
+      (D.getTypeObject(ChunkIndex - 1).Kind == DeclaratorChunk::Pointer ||
+       D.getTypeObject(ChunkIndex - 1).Kind == DeclaratorChunk::BlockPointer);
+  bool IsFuncReturnType =
+      ChunkIndex > 0 &&
+      D.getTypeObject(ChunkIndex - 1).Kind == DeclaratorChunk::Function;
+  bool IsFuncType =
+      ChunkIndex < D.getNumTypeObjects() &&
+      D.getTypeObject(ChunkIndex).Kind == DeclaratorChunk::Function;
+  if ( // Do not deduce addr space for function return type and function type,
+       // otherwise it will fail some sema check.
+      IsFuncReturnType || IsFuncType ||
+      // Do not deduce addr space for member types of struct, except the pointee
+      // type of a pointer member type.
+      (D.getContext() == Declarator::MemberContext && !IsPointee) ||
+      // Do not deduce addr space for types used to define a typedef and the
+      // typedef itself, except the pointee type of a pointer type which is used
+      // to define the typedef.
+      (D.getDeclSpec().getStorageClassSpec() == DeclSpec::SCS_typedef &&
+       !IsPointee) ||
+      // Do not deduce addr space of the void type, e.g. in f(void), otherwise
+      // it will fail some sema check.
+      (T->isVoidType() && !IsPointee))
+    return;
+  unsigned ImpAddr;
+  bool IsStatic = D.getDeclSpec().getStorageClassSpec() == DeclSpec::SCS_static;
+  // Put OpenCL automatic variable in private address space.
+  // OpenCL v1.2 s6.5:
+  // The default address space name for arguments to a function in a
+  // program, or local variables of a function is __private. All function
+  // arguments shall be in the __private address space.
+  if (State.getSema().getLangOpts().OpenCLVersion <= 120) {
+    if (IsPointee)
+      ImpAddr = LangAS::opencl_private;
+    else if (IsStatic)
+      ImpAddr = LangAS::opencl_global;
+    else
+      ImpAddr = LangAS::opencl_private;
+  } else {
+    // If address space is not set, OpenCL 2.0 defines non private default
+    // address spaces for some cases:
+    // OpenCL 2.0, section 6.5:
+    // The address space for a variable at program scope or a static variable
+    // inside a function can either be __global or __constant, but defaults to
+    // __global if not specified.
+    // (...)
+    // Pointers that are declared without pointing to a named address space
+    // point to the generic address space.
+    if (IsPointee) {
+      ImpAddr = LangAS::opencl_generic;
+    } else {
+      if (D.getContext() == Declarator::FileContext) {
+        ImpAddr = LangAS::opencl_global;
+      } else {
+        if (IsStatic) {
+          ImpAddr = LangAS::opencl_global;
+        } else {
+          ImpAddr = LangAS::opencl_private;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  T = State.getSema().Context.getAddrSpaceQualType(T, ImpAddr, true);
 static void processTypeAttrs(TypeProcessingState &state, QualType &type,
                              TypeAttrLocation TAL, AttributeList *attrs) {
   // Scan through and apply attributes to this type where it makes sense.  Some
@@ -6976,40 +7070,7 @@
-  // If address space is not set, OpenCL 2.0 defines non private default
-  // address spaces for some cases:
-  // OpenCL 2.0, section 6.5:
-  // The address space for a variable at program scope or a static variable
-  // inside a function can either be __global or __constant, but defaults to
-  // __global if not specified.
-  // (...)
-  // Pointers that are declared without pointing to a named address space point
-  // to the generic address space.
-  if (state.getSema().getLangOpts().OpenCLVersion >= 200 &&
-      !hasOpenCLAddressSpace && type.getAddressSpace() == 0 &&
-      (TAL == TAL_DeclSpec || TAL == TAL_DeclChunk)) {
-    Declarator &D = state.getDeclarator();
-    if (state.getCurrentChunkIndex() > 0 &&
-        (D.getTypeObject(state.getCurrentChunkIndex() - 1).Kind ==
-             DeclaratorChunk::Pointer ||
-         D.getTypeObject(state.getCurrentChunkIndex() - 1).Kind ==
-             DeclaratorChunk::BlockPointer)) {
-      type = state.getSema().Context.getAddrSpaceQualType(
-          type, LangAS::opencl_generic);
-    } else if (state.getCurrentChunkIndex() == 0 &&
-               D.getContext() == Declarator::FileContext &&
-               !D.isFunctionDeclarator() && !D.isFunctionDefinition() &&
-               D.getDeclSpec().getStorageClassSpec() != DeclSpec::SCS_typedef &&
-               !type->isSamplerT())
-      type = state.getSema().Context.getAddrSpaceQualType(
-          type, LangAS::opencl_global);
-    else if (state.getCurrentChunkIndex() == 0 &&
-             D.getContext() == Declarator::BlockContext &&
-             D.getDeclSpec().getStorageClassSpec() == DeclSpec::SCS_static)
-      type = state.getSema().Context.getAddrSpaceQualType(
-          type, LangAS::opencl_global);
-  }
+  deduceOpenCLImplicitAddrSpace(state, type, TAL);
 void Sema::completeExprArrayBound(Expr *E) {
Index: lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@
     // The event type cannot be used with the __local, __constant and __global
     // address space qualifiers.
     if (R->isEventT()) {
-      if (R.getAddressSpace()) {
+      if (R.getAddressSpace() != LangAS::opencl_private) {
         Diag(D.getLocStart(), diag::err_event_t_addr_space_qual);
@@ -7339,7 +7339,7 @@
-      } else if (T.getAddressSpace() != LangAS::Default) {
+      } else if (T.getAddressSpace() != LangAS::opencl_private) {
         // Do not allow other address spaces on automatic variable.
         Diag(NewVD->getLocation(), diag::err_as_qualified_auto_decl) << 1;
@@ -7974,7 +7974,8 @@
     if (PointeeType->isPointerType())
       return PtrPtrKernelParam;
     if (PointeeType.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::opencl_generic ||
-        PointeeType.getAddressSpace() == 0)
+        PointeeType.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::opencl_private ||
+        PointeeType.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::Default)
       return InvalidAddrSpacePtrKernelParam;
     return PtrKernelParam;
@@ -8744,9 +8745,7 @@
     // OpenCL v1.1 s6.5: Using an address space qualifier in a function return
     // type declaration will generate a compilation error.
     unsigned AddressSpace = NewFD->getReturnType().getAddressSpace();
-    if (AddressSpace == LangAS::opencl_local ||
-        AddressSpace == LangAS::opencl_global ||
-        AddressSpace == LangAS::opencl_constant) {
+    if (AddressSpace != LangAS::Default) {
@@ -11856,13 +11855,13 @@
   // duration shall not be qualified by an address-space qualifier."
   // Since all parameters have automatic store duration, they can not have
   // an address space.
-  if (T.getAddressSpace() != 0) {
-    // OpenCL allows function arguments declared to be an array of a type
-    // to be qualified with an address space.
-    if (!(getLangOpts().OpenCL && T->isArrayType())) {
-      Diag(NameLoc, diag::err_arg_with_address_space);
-      New->setInvalidDecl();
-    }
+  if (T.getAddressSpace() != LangAS::Default &&
+      // OpenCL allows function arguments declared to be an array of a type
+      // to be qualified with an address space.
+      !(getLangOpts().OpenCL &&
+        (T->isArrayType() || T.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::opencl_private))) {
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::err_arg_with_address_space);
+    New->setInvalidDecl();
   return New;
Index: lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
   // First argument is an ndrange_t type.
   Expr *NDRangeArg = TheCall->getArg(0);
-  if (NDRangeArg->getType().getAsString() != "ndrange_t") {
+  if (NDRangeArg->getType().getUnqualifiedType().getAsString() != "ndrange_t") {
         << TheCall->getDirectCallee() << "'ndrange_t'";
@@ -784,8 +784,11 @@
   case Builtin::BIto_local:
+  case Builtin::BIto_private:
+    Qual.setAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_private);
+    break;
-    Qual.removeAddressSpace();
+    llvm_unreachable("Invalid builtin function");
       RT.getUnqualifiedType(), Qual)));
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
@@ -956,7 +956,9 @@
 CodeGenFunction::EmitAutoVarAlloca(const VarDecl &D) {
   QualType Ty = D.getType();
-  assert(Ty.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::Default);
+  assert(
+      Ty.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::Default ||
+      (Ty.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::opencl_private && getLangOpts().OpenCL));
   AutoVarEmission emission(D);
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/TCE.h
--- lib/Basic/Targets/TCE.h
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/TCE.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
     3, // opencl_global
     4, // opencl_local
     5, // opencl_constant
+    0, // opencl_private
     // FIXME: generic has to be added to the target
     0, // opencl_generic
     0, // cuda_device
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/SPIR.h
--- lib/Basic/Targets/SPIR.h
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/SPIR.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
     1, // opencl_global
     3, // opencl_local
     2, // opencl_constant
+    0, // opencl_private
     4, // opencl_generic
     0, // cuda_device
     0, // cuda_constant
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/NVPTX.h
--- lib/Basic/Targets/NVPTX.h
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/NVPTX.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
     1, // opencl_global
     3, // opencl_local
     4, // opencl_constant
+    0, // opencl_private
     // FIXME: generic has to be added to the target
     0, // opencl_generic
     1, // cuda_device
Index: lib/Basic/Targets/AMDGPU.cpp
--- lib/Basic/Targets/AMDGPU.cpp
+++ lib/Basic/Targets/AMDGPU.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
     1, // opencl_global
     3, // opencl_local
     2, // opencl_constant
+    0, // opencl_private
     4, // opencl_generic
     1, // cuda_device
     2, // cuda_constant
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@
     1, // opencl_global
     3, // opencl_local
     2, // opencl_constant
+    5, // opencl_private
     0, // opencl_generic
     1, // cuda_device
     2, // cuda_constant
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@
     1, // opencl_global
     3, // opencl_local
     2, // opencl_constant
+    0, // opencl_private
     4, // opencl_generic
     1, // cuda_device
     2, // cuda_constant
@@ -80,6 +83,7 @@
     1, // opencl_global
     3, // opencl_local
     2, // opencl_constant
+    5, // opencl_private
     0, // opencl_generic
     1, // cuda_device
     2, // cuda_constant
Index: lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
--- lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
+++ lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
@@ -1662,11 +1662,12 @@
     OS << "__unaligned";
     addSpace = true;
-  if (unsigned addrspace = getAddressSpace()) {
-    if (addSpace)
-      OS << ' ';
-    addSpace = true;
-    switch (addrspace) {
+  if (!getImplicitAddressSpaceFlag()) {
+    if (unsigned addrspace = getAddressSpace()) {
+      if (addSpace)
+        OS << ' ';
+      addSpace = true;
+      switch (addrspace) {
       case LangAS::opencl_global:
         OS << "__global";
@@ -1677,6 +1678,9 @@
       case LangAS::cuda_constant:
         OS << "__constant";
+      case LangAS::opencl_private:
+        OS << "__private";
+        break;
       case LangAS::opencl_generic:
         OS << "__generic";
@@ -1691,6 +1695,7 @@
         OS << "__attribute__((address_space(";
         OS << addrspace - LangAS::FirstTargetAddressSpace;
         OS << ")))";
+      }
   if (Qualifiers::GC gc = getObjCGCAttr()) {
Index: lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
--- lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
@@ -2213,23 +2213,26 @@
     if (Context.getASTContext().addressSpaceMapManglingFor(AS)) {
       //  <target-addrspace> ::= "AS" <address-space-number>
       unsigned TargetAS = Context.getASTContext().getTargetAddressSpace(AS);
-      ASString = "AS" + llvm::utostr(TargetAS);
+      if (TargetAS != 0)
+        ASString = "AS" + llvm::utostr(TargetAS);
     } else {
       switch (AS) {
       default: llvm_unreachable("Not a language specific address space");
-      //  <OpenCL-addrspace> ::= "CL" [ "global" | "local" | "constant |
-      //                                "generic" ]
+      //  <OpenCL-addrspace> ::= "CL" [ "global" | "local" | "constant" |
+      //                                "private"| "generic" ]
       case LangAS::opencl_global:   ASString = "CLglobal";   break;
       case LangAS::opencl_local:    ASString = "CLlocal";    break;
       case LangAS::opencl_constant: ASString = "CLconstant"; break;
+      case LangAS::opencl_private:  ASString = "CLprivate";  break;
       case LangAS::opencl_generic:  ASString = "CLgeneric";  break;
       //  <CUDA-addrspace> ::= "CU" [ "device" | "constant" | "shared" ]
       case LangAS::cuda_device:     ASString = "CUdevice";   break;
       case LangAS::cuda_constant:   ASString = "CUconstant"; break;
       case LangAS::cuda_shared:     ASString = "CUshared";   break;
-    mangleVendorQualifier(ASString);
+    if (!ASString.empty())
+      mangleVendorQualifier(ASString);
   // The ARC ownership qualifiers start with underscores.
Index: lib/AST/Expr.cpp
--- lib/AST/Expr.cpp
+++ lib/AST/Expr.cpp
@@ -3282,20 +3282,16 @@
       // Check that it is a cast to void*.
       if (const PointerType *PT = CE->getType()->getAs<PointerType>()) {
         QualType Pointee = PT->getPointeeType();
-        Qualifiers Q = Pointee.getQualifiers();
-        // In OpenCL v2.0 generic address space acts as a placeholder
-        // and should be ignored.
-        bool IsASValid = true;
-        if (Ctx.getLangOpts().OpenCLVersion >= 200) {
-          if (Pointee.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::opencl_generic)
-            Q.removeAddressSpace();
-          else
-            IsASValid = false;
-        }
-        if (IsASValid && !Q.hasQualifiers() &&
-            Pointee->isVoidType() &&                      // to void*
-            CE->getSubExpr()->getType()->isIntegerType()) // from int.
+        // Only (void*)0 or equivalent are treated as nullptr. If pointee type
+        // has non-default address space it is not treated as nullptr.
+        // (__generic void*)0 in OpenCL 2.0 should not be treated as nullptr
+        // since it cannot be assigned to a pointer to constant address space.
+        bool PointeeHasDefaultAS =
+            Pointee.getAddressSpace() == LangAS::Default ||
+            Pointee.getQualifiers().getImplicitAddressSpaceFlag();
+        if (PointeeHasDefaultAS && Pointee->isVoidType() && // to void*
+            CE->getSubExpr()->getType()->isIntegerType())   // from int.
           return CE->getSubExpr()->isNullPointerConstant(Ctx, NPC);
Index: lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
--- lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
@@ -707,6 +707,7 @@
       1, // opencl_global
       3, // opencl_local
       2, // opencl_constant
+      0, // opencl_private
       4, // opencl_generic
       5, // cuda_device
       6, // cuda_constant
@@ -2282,10 +2283,11 @@
   return QualType(eq, fastQuals);
-ASTContext::getAddrSpaceQualType(QualType T, unsigned AddressSpace) const {
+QualType ASTContext::getAddrSpaceQualType(QualType T, unsigned AddressSpace,
+                                          bool ImplicitFlag) const {
   QualType CanT = getCanonicalType(T);
-  if (CanT.getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace)
+  if (CanT.getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace &&
+      CanT.getQualifiers().getImplicitAddressSpaceFlag() == ImplicitFlag)
     return T;
   // If we are composing extended qualifiers together, merge together
@@ -2298,6 +2300,7 @@
   assert(!Quals.hasAddressSpace() &&
          "Type cannot be in multiple addr spaces!");
+  Quals.setImplicitAddressSpaceFlag(ImplicitFlag);
   return getExtQualType(TypeNode, Quals);
@@ -8102,6 +8105,7 @@
   // If the qualifiers are different, the types aren't compatible... mostly.
   Qualifiers LQuals = LHSCan.getLocalQualifiers();
   Qualifiers RQuals = RHSCan.getLocalQualifiers();
+  RQuals.setImplicitAddressSpaceFlag(LQuals.getImplicitAddressSpaceFlag());
   if (LQuals != RQuals) {
     // If any of these qualifiers are different, we have a type
     // mismatch.
Index: include/clang/Basic/AddressSpaces.h
--- include/clang/Basic/AddressSpaces.h
+++ include/clang/Basic/AddressSpaces.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+  opencl_private,
   // CUDA specific address spaces.
Index: include/clang/AST/Type.h
--- include/clang/AST/Type.h
+++ include/clang/AST/Type.h
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
   enum {
     /// The maximum supported address space number.
-    /// 23 bits should be enough for anyone.
-    MaxAddressSpace = 0x7fffffu,
+    /// 22 bits should be enough for anyone.
+    MaxAddressSpace = 0x3fffffu,
     /// The width of the "fast" qualifier mask.
     FastWidth = 3,
@@ -329,6 +329,17 @@
     return (lifetime == OCL_Strong || lifetime == OCL_Weak);
+  /// True if the non-default address space is not explicit in the source
+  /// code but deduced by context. This flag is used when printing
+  /// types or performing semantic checks if the explicity of an address
+  /// space makes difference.
+  bool getImplicitAddressSpaceFlag() const { return Mask & IMask; }
+  void setImplicitAddressSpaceFlag(bool Value) {
+    Mask = (Mask & ~IMask) | (((uint32_t)Value) << IShift);
+  }
+  void removeImplicitAddressSpaceFlag() {
+    setImplicitAddressSpaceFlag(false);
+  }
   bool hasAddressSpace() const { return Mask & AddressSpaceMask; }
   unsigned getAddressSpace() const { return Mask >> AddressSpaceShift; }
   bool hasTargetSpecificAddressSpace() const {
@@ -353,7 +364,10 @@
     Mask = (Mask & ~AddressSpaceMask)
          | (((uint32_t) space) << AddressSpaceShift);
-  void removeAddressSpace() { setAddressSpace(0); }
+  void removeAddressSpace() {
+    setAddressSpace(0);
+    removeImplicitAddressSpaceFlag();
+  }
   void addAddressSpace(unsigned space) {
@@ -536,20 +550,21 @@
-  // bits:     |0 1 2|3|4 .. 5|6  ..  8|9   ...   31|
-  //           |C R V|U|GCAttr|Lifetime|AddressSpace|
+  // bits:     |0 1 2|3|4 .. 5|6  ..  8|9|10   ...   31|
+  //           |C R V|U|GCAttr|Lifetime|I|AddressSpace |
   uint32_t Mask;
   static const uint32_t UMask = 0x8;
   static const uint32_t UShift = 3;
   static const uint32_t GCAttrMask = 0x30;
   static const uint32_t GCAttrShift = 4;
   static const uint32_t LifetimeMask = 0x1C0;
   static const uint32_t LifetimeShift = 6;
+  static const uint32_t IMask = 0x200;
+  static const uint32_t IShift = 9;
   static const uint32_t AddressSpaceMask =
-      ~(CVRMask | UMask | GCAttrMask | LifetimeMask);
-  static const uint32_t AddressSpaceShift = 9;
+      ~(CVRMask | UMask | GCAttrMask | LifetimeMask | IMask);
+  static const uint32_t AddressSpaceShift = 10;
 /// A std::pair-like structure for storing a qualified type split
Index: include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
--- include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
+++ include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
@@ -1068,7 +1068,8 @@
   /// The resulting type has a union of the qualifiers from T and the address
   /// space. If T already has an address space specifier, it is silently
   /// replaced.
-  QualType getAddrSpaceQualType(QualType T, unsigned AddressSpace) const;
+  QualType getAddrSpaceQualType(QualType T, unsigned AddressSpace,
+                                bool IsImplicit = false) const;
   /// \brief Apply Objective-C protocol qualifiers to the given type.
   /// \param allowOnPointerType specifies if we can apply protocol
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