EricWF updated this revision to Diff 115161.
EricWF marked an inline comment as done.
EricWF added a comment.

- Reimplement without rewriting the AST and instead during the substitution 
during constant expression evaluation and code gen.

I still haven't implemented Richards suggestion to reduce the size of 
`source_location` struct, but I think that would be better done as a separate 
patch. These builtins still need to be implemented, and to act like their GNU 

I haven't cleaned this patch up yet, but I plan to do so tomorrow. There are 
going to be silly mistakes until then.


Index: test/SemaCXX/test.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaCXX/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+struct SL {
+  static constexpr SL current(
+          const char* f = __builtin_FUNCTION(),
+          unsigned l = __builtin_LINE()) {
+    return {f, l};
+  }
+  const char* function;
+  unsigned line;
+constexpr bool is_equal(const char *LHS, const char *RHS) {
+  while (*LHS != 0 && *RHS != 0) {
+    if (*LHS != *RHS)
+      return false;
+    ++LHS;
+    ++RHS;
+  }
+  return *LHS == 0 && *RHS == 0;
+template <class T, class U = SL>
+constexpr const char* test_func_template(T, U u = U::current()) {
+  static_assert(is_equal(U::current().function, __func__));
+  static_assert(is_equal(U::current().function, ""));
+  static_assert(U::current().line==  __LINE__);
+  static_assert(U::current().line==  __LINE__);
+  return u.function;
+template <class T>
+void func_template_tests() {
+  constexpr auto P = test_func_template(42);
+template void func_template_tests<int>();
Index: test/SemaCXX/source_location.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaCXX/source_location.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1z -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -verify %s
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+#define assert(...) ((__VA_ARGS__) ? ((void)0) : throw 42)
+#define CURRENT_FROM_MACRO() SL::current()
+#define FORWARD(...) __VA_ARGS__
+namespace std {
+namespace experimental {
+struct source_location {
+  unsigned int __m_line = 0;
+  unsigned int __m_col = 0;
+  const char *__m_file = nullptr;
+  const char *__m_func = nullptr;
+  static constexpr source_location current(
+      const char *__file = __builtin_FILE(),
+      const char *__func = __builtin_FUNCTION(),
+      unsigned int __line = __builtin_LINE(),
+      unsigned int __col = __builtin_COLUMN()) noexcept {
+    source_location __loc;
+    __loc.__m_line = __line;
+    __loc.__m_col = __col;
+    __loc.__m_file = __file;
+    __loc.__m_func = __func;
+    return __loc;
+  }
+  constexpr source_location() = default;
+  constexpr source_location(source_location const &) = default;
+  constexpr unsigned int line() const noexcept { return __m_line; }
+  constexpr unsigned int column() const noexcept { return __m_col; }
+  constexpr const char *file() const noexcept { return __m_file; }
+  constexpr const char *function() const noexcept { return __m_func; }
+} // namespace experimental
+} // namespace std
+using SL = std::experimental::source_location;
+#include "Inputs/source-location-file.h"
+namespace SLF = source_location_file;
+constexpr bool is_equal(const char *LHS, const char *RHS) {
+  while (*LHS != 0 && *RHS != 0) {
+    if (*LHS != *RHS)
+      return false;
+    ++LHS;
+    ++RHS;
+  }
+  return *LHS == 0 && *RHS == 0;
+template <class T>
+constexpr T identity(T t) {
+  return t;
+template <class T, class U>
+struct Pair {
+  T first;
+  U second;
+template <class T, class U>
+constexpr bool is_same = false;
+template <class T>
+constexpr bool is_same<T, T> = true;
+// test types
+static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_LINE()), unsigned>);
+static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_COLUMN()), unsigned>);
+static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_FILE()), const char *>);
+static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_FUNCTION()), const char *>);
+// test noexcept
+//                            __builtin_LINE()
+namespace test_line {
+static_assert(SL::current().line() == __LINE__);
+static_assert(SL::current().line() == CURRENT_FROM_MACRO().line());
+static constexpr SL GlobalS = SL::current();
+static_assert(GlobalS.line() == __LINE__ - 2);
+// clang-format off
+constexpr bool test_line_fn() {
+  constexpr SL S = SL::current();
+  static_assert(S.line() == (__LINE__ - 1), "");
+  // The start of the call expression to `current()` begins at the token `SL`
+  constexpr int ExpectLine = __LINE__ + 3;
+  constexpr SL S2
+  =
+  SL // Call expression starts here
+  ::
+  current
+  (
+  )
+  ;
+  static_assert(S2.line() == ExpectLine, "");
+  static_assert(
+          FORWARD(
+             __builtin_LINE
+            (
+            )
+          )
+    == __LINE__ - 1, "");
+  static_assert(\
+  __builtin_LINE()\
+  == __LINE__ - 2, "");
+  static_assert(\
+          _\
+          == __LINE__ - 2, "");
+  return true;
+// clang-format on
+static_assert(__builtin_LINE() == __LINE__, "");
+constexpr int baz() { return 101; }
+constexpr int test_line_fn_simple(int z = baz(), int x = __builtin_LINE()) {
+  return x;
+void bar() {
+  static_assert(test_line_fn_simple() == __LINE__, "");
+  static_assert(test_line_fn_simple() == __LINE__, "");
+struct CallExpr {
+  constexpr int operator()(int x = __builtin_LINE()) const { return x; }
+constexpr CallExpr get_call() { return CallExpr{}; }
+static_assert(get_call()() == __LINE__, "");
+template <class T>
+constexpr bool test_line_fn_template(T Expect, int L = __builtin_LINE()) {
+  return Expect == L;
+struct InMemInit {
+  constexpr bool check(int expect) const {
+    return info.line() == expect;
+  }
+  SL info = SL::current();
+  InMemInit() = default;
+  constexpr InMemInit(int) {}
+static_assert(InMemInit{}.check(__LINE__ - 3), "");
+static_assert(InMemInit{42}.check(__LINE__ - 3), "");
+template <class T, class U = SL>
+struct InMemInitTemplate {
+  constexpr bool check(int expect) const {
+    return info.line() == expect;
+  }
+  U info = U::current();
+  InMemInitTemplate() = default;
+  constexpr InMemInitTemplate(T) {}
+  constexpr InMemInitTemplate(T, T) : info(U::current()) {}
+  template <class V = U> constexpr InMemInitTemplate(T, T, T, V info = U::current())
+      : info(info) {}
+void test_mem_init_template() {
+  constexpr int line_offset = 8;
+  static_assert(InMemInitTemplate<int>{}.check(__LINE__ - line_offset), "");
+  static_assert(InMemInitTemplate<unsigned>{42}.check(__LINE__ - line_offset), "");
+  static_assert(InMemInitTemplate<unsigned>{42, 42}.check(__LINE__ - line_offset), "");
+  static_assert(InMemInitTemplate<unsigned>{42, 42, 42}.check(__LINE__), "");
+struct AggInit {
+  int x;
+  int y = __builtin_LINE();
+  constexpr bool check(int expect) const {
+    return y == expect;
+  }
+constexpr AggInit AI{42};
+static_assert(AI.check(__LINE__ - 1), "");
+template <class T, class U = SL>
+struct AggInitTemplate {
+  constexpr bool check(int expect) const {
+    return expect == info.line();
+  }
+  T x;
+  U info = U::current();
+template <class T, class U = SL>
+constexpr U test_fn_template(T, U u = U::current()) {
+  return u;
+void fn_template_tests() {
+  static_assert(test_fn_template(42).line() == __LINE__, "");
+struct TestMethodTemplate {
+  template <class T, class U = SL, class U2 = SL>
+  constexpr U get(T, U u = U::current(), U2 u2 = identity(U2::current())) const {
+    assert(u.line() == u2.line());
+    return u;
+  }
+void method_template_tests() {
+  static_assert(TestMethodTemplate{}.get(42).line() == __LINE__, "");
+struct InStaticInit {
+  static constexpr int LINE = __LINE__;
+  static constexpr const int x1 = __builtin_LINE();
+  static constexpr const int x2 = identity(__builtin_LINE());
+  static const int x3;
+  const int x4 = __builtin_LINE();
+  int x5 = __builtin_LINE();
+const int InStaticInit::x3 = __builtin_LINE();
+static_assert(InStaticInit::x1 == InStaticInit::LINE + 1, "");
+static_assert(InStaticInit::x2 == InStaticInit::LINE + 2, "");
+template <class T, int N = __builtin_LINE(), int Expect = -1>
+constexpr void check_fn_template_param(T) {
+  constexpr int RealExpect = Expect == -1 ? __LINE__ - 2 : Expect;
+  static_assert(N == RealExpect);
+template void check_fn_template_param(int);
+template void check_fn_template_param<long, 42, 42>(long);
+#line 100
+struct AggBase {
+#line 200
+  int x = __builtin_LINE();
+  int y = __builtin_LINE();
+  int z = __builtin_LINE();
+#line 300
+struct AggDer : AggBase {
+#line 400
+static_assert(AggDer{}.x == 400, "");
+struct ClassBase {
+#line 400
+  int x = __builtin_LINE();
+  int y = 0;
+  int z = 0;
+#line 500
+  ClassBase() = default;
+  constexpr ClassBase(int yy, int zz = __builtin_LINE())
+      : y(yy), z(zz) {}
+struct ClassDer : ClassBase {
+#line 600
+  ClassDer() = default;
+  constexpr ClassDer(int yy) : ClassBase(yy) {}
+  constexpr ClassDer(int yy, int zz) : ClassBase(yy, zz) {}
+#line 700
+static_assert(ClassDer{}.x == 500, "");
+static_assert(ClassDer{42}.x == 501, "");
+static_assert(ClassDer{42}.z == 601, "");
+static_assert(ClassDer{42, 42}.x == 501, "");
+struct ClassAggDer : AggBase {
+#line 800
+  ClassAggDer() = default;
+  constexpr ClassAggDer(int, int x = __builtin_LINE()) : AggBase{x} {}
+static_assert(ClassAggDer{}.x == 100, "");
+} // namespace test_line
+//                            __builtin_FILE()
+namespace test_file {
+constexpr const char *test_file_simple(const char *__f = __builtin_FILE()) {
+  return __f;
+void test_function() {
+#line 900
+  static_assert(is_equal(test_file_simple(), __FILE__));
+  static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function().file(), __FILE__), "");
+  static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function_template(42).file(), __FILE__), "");
+  static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function_indirect().file(), SLF::global_info.file()), "");
+  static_assert(is_equal(SLF::test_function_template_indirect(42).file(), SLF::global_info.file()), "");
+  static_assert(test_file_simple() != nullptr);
+  static_assert(!is_equal(test_file_simple(), "source_location.cpp"));
+void test_class() {
+#line 313
+  using SLF::TestClass;
+  constexpr TestClass Default;
+  constexpr TestClass InParam{42};
+  constexpr TestClass Template{42, 42};
+  static_assert(is_equal(, SLF::FILE), "");
+  static_assert(is_equal(, SLF::FILE), "");
+  static_assert(is_equal(InParam.ctor_info.file(), __FILE__), "");
+void test_aggr_class() {
+  using Agg = SLF::AggrClass<>;
+  constexpr Agg Default{};
+  constexpr Agg InitOne{42};
+  static_assert(is_equal(Default.init_info.file(), __FILE__), "");
+  static_assert(is_equal(InitOne.init_info.file(), __FILE__), "");
+} // namespace test_file
+//                            __builtin_FUNCTION()
+namespace test_func {
+constexpr const char *test_func_simple(const char *__f = __builtin_FUNCTION()) {
+  return __f;
+constexpr const char *get_function() {
+  return __func__;
+constexpr bool test_function() {
+  return is_equal(__func__, test_func_simple()) &&
+         !is_equal(get_function(), test_func_simple());
+template <class T, class U = SL>
+constexpr Pair<U, U> test_func_template(T, U u = U::current()) {
+  static_assert(is_equal(__func__, U::current().function()));
+  return {u, U::current()};
+template <class T>
+void func_template_tests() {
+  constexpr auto P = test_func_template(42);
+  //static_assert(is_equal(P.first.function(), __func__), "");
+  //static_assert(!is_equal(P.second.function(), __func__), "");
+template void func_template_tests<int>();
+template <class = int, class T = SL>
+struct TestCtor {
+  T info = T::current();
+  T ctor_info;
+  TestCtor() = default;
+  template <class U = SL>
+  constexpr TestCtor(int, U u = U::current()) : ctor_info(u) {}
+void ctor_tests() {
+  constexpr TestCtor<> Default;
+  constexpr TestCtor<> Template{42};
+  static_assert(!is_equal(, __func__));
+  static_assert(is_equal(, "TestCtor"));
+  static_assert(is_equal(, "TestCtor"));
+  static_assert(is_equal(Template.ctor_info.function(), __func__));
+constexpr SL global_sl = SL::current();
+static_assert(is_equal(global_sl.function(), ""));
+} // namespace test_func
+//                            __builtin_COLUMN()
+namespace test_column {
+// clang-format off
+constexpr bool test_column_fn() {
+  constexpr SL S = SL::current();
+  static_assert(S.line() == (__LINE__ - 1), "");
+  constexpr int Indent = 4;
+  {
+    // The start of the call expression to `current()` begins at the token `SL`
+    constexpr int ExpectCol = Indent + 3;
+    constexpr SL S2
+     =
+      SL // Call expression starts here
+        ::
+          current
+                 (
+                  )
+                   ;
+    static_assert(S2.column() == ExpectCol, "");
+  }
+  {
+    constexpr int ExpectCol = 2;
+    constexpr int C =
+ __builtin_COLUMN // Expect call expression to start here
+      ();
+    static_assert(C == ExpectCol);
+  }
+  return true;
+#line 420
+// Test that the column matches the start of the call expression 'SL::current()'
+static_assert(SL::current().column() == __builtin_strlen("static_assert(S"));
+struct TestClass {
+  int x = __builtin_COLUMN();
+   TestClass() = default; /* indented to 3 spaces for testing */
+  constexpr TestClass(int, int o = __builtin_COLUMN()) : x(o) {}
+struct TestAggClass {
+  int x = __builtin_COLUMN();
+constexpr bool test_class() {
+  auto check = [](int V, const char* S, int indent = 4) {
+    assert(V == (__builtin_strlen(S) + indent));
+  };
+  {
+    TestClass t{};
+    check(t.x, "   T", 0); // Start of default constructor decl.
+  }
+  {
+    TestClass t1
+            {42};
+    check(t1.x, "TestClass t"); // Start of variable being constructed.
+  }
+  {
+    TestAggClass t  { };
+    check(t.x, "TestAggClass t  { }");
+  }
+  {
+    TestAggClass t = { };
+    check(t.x, "TestAggClass t = { }");
+  }
+  return true;
+// clang-format on
+} // namespace test_column
+// Test [reflection.src_loc.creation]p2
+//  >  The value should be affected by #line (C++14 16.4) in the same manner as
+//  >  for __LINE__ and __FILE__.
+namespace test_pragma_line {
+constexpr int StartLine = 42;
+#line 42
+static_assert(__builtin_LINE() == StartLine);
+static_assert(__builtin_LINE() == StartLine + 1);
+static_assert(SL::current().line() == StartLine + 2);
+#line 44 "test_file.c"
+static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", __FILE__));
+static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", __builtin_FILE()));
+static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", SL::current().file()));
+static_assert(is_equal("test_file.c", SLF::test_function().file()));
+static_assert(is_equal(SLF::FILE, SLF::test_function_indirect().file()));
+} // end namespace test_pragma_line
Index: test/SemaCXX/loc2.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaCXX/loc2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1z -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -verify %s
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+#define assert(...) ((__VA_ARGS__) ? ((void)0) : throw 42)
+#define CURRENT_FROM_MACRO() SL::current()
+#define FORWARD(...) __VA_ARGS__
+constexpr bool is_equal(const char *LHS, const char *RHS) {
+  while (*LHS != 0 && *RHS != 0) {
+    if (*LHS != *RHS)
+      return false;
+    ++LHS;
+    ++RHS;
+  }
+  return *LHS == 0 && *RHS == 0;
+template <class T>
+constexpr T identity(T t) {
+  return t;
+template <class T, class U>
+struct Pair {
+  T first;
+  U second;
+template <class T, class U>
+constexpr bool is_same = false;
+template <class T>
+constexpr bool is_same<T, T> = true;
+// test types
+static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_LINE()), unsigned>);
+static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_COLUMN()), unsigned>);
+static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_FILE()), const char *>);
+static_assert(is_same<decltype(__builtin_FUNCTION()), const char *>);
+// test noexcept
+#line 500
+constexpr const int x = __builtin_LINE();
+const int x_static = __builtin_LINE();
+static_assert(x == 500, "");
+#line 600 "loc2.cpp"
+constexpr const char* y = __builtin_FILE();
+const char* const yy = __builtin_FILE();
+const char* const yyy = __FILE__;
+static_assert(is_equal(y, "loc2.cpp"), "");
+static_assert(!is_equal(y, "abc"), "");
+#line 10
+const volatile void* volatile sink = nullptr;
+void foo() {
+  sink = &yy;
+  sink = &yyy;
+  sink = __FUNCTION__;
+  sink = __FILE__;
+  constexpr const char *_ = __FUNCTION__;
+constexpr unsigned in_default(int x = __builtin_LINE()) {
+  return x;
+#line 700
+static_assert(in_default() == 700);
+constexpr unsigned in_body() {
+#line 800
+  return __builtin_LINE();
+static_assert(in_body() == 800, "");
Index: test/SemaCXX/Inputs/source-location-file.h
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaCXX/Inputs/source-location-file.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// NOTE: source_location.cpp must include this file after defining
+// std::source_location.
+namespace source_location_file {
+constexpr const char *FILE = __FILE__;
+constexpr SL global_info = SL::current();
+constexpr SL test_function(SL v = SL::current()) {
+  return v;
+constexpr SL test_function_indirect() {
+  return test_function();
+template <class T, class U = SL>
+constexpr U test_function_template(T, U u = U::current()) {
+  return u;
+template <class T, class U = SL>
+constexpr U test_function_template_indirect(T t) {
+  return test_function_template(t);
+struct TestClass {
+  SL info = SL::current();
+  SL ctor_info;
+  TestClass() = default;
+  constexpr TestClass(int, SL cinfo = SL::current()) : ctor_info(cinfo) {}
+  template <class T, class U = SL>
+  constexpr TestClass(int, T, U u = U::current()) : ctor_info(u) {}
+template <class T = SL>
+struct AggrClass {
+  int x;
+  T info;
+  T init_info = T::current();
+} // namespace source_location_file
Index: test/Sema/source_location.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Sema/source_location.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c90 -fconst-strings -DCONST_STRINGS -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c90 -verify %s
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+#define IsEqual(L, R) (__builtin_strcmp(L, R) == 0)
+const char *const FILE = __builtin_FILE();
+const char *const FUNC = __builtin_FUNCTION();
+const unsigned LINE = __builtin_LINE();
+const unsigned COL = __builtin_COLUMN();
+char *const NCFILE = __builtin_FILE();
+char *const NCFUNC = __builtin_FUNCTION();
+_Static_assert(IsEqual(__builtin_FILE(), __FILE__), "");
+_Static_assert(__builtin_LINE() == __LINE__, "");
+_Static_assert(IsEqual("", __builtin_FUNCTION()), "");
+#line 42 "my_file.c"
+_Static_assert(__builtin_LINE() == 42, "");
+_Static_assert(IsEqual(__builtin_FILE(), "my_file.c"), "");
+_Static_assert(__builtin_COLUMN() == __builtin_strlen("_Static_assert(_"), "");
+void foo() {
+  _Static_assert(IsEqual(__builtin_FUNCTION(), "foo"), "");
+#endif // CONST_STRINGS
Index: test/Parser/builtin_source_location.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Parser/builtin_source_location.c
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+int main() {
+  int line = __builtin_LINE();
+  __builtin_LINE(42); // expected-error {{expected ')'}}
+  __builtin_LINE(double); // expected-error {{expected ')'}}
+  int column = __builtin_COLUMN();
+  __builtin_COLUMN(42); // expected-error {{expected ')'}}
+  __builtin_COLUMN(double); // expected-error {{expected ')'}}
+  const char *func = __builtin_FUNCTION();
+  __builtin_FUNCTION(42); // expected-error {{expected ')'}}
+  __builtin_FUNCTION(double); // expected-error {{expected ')'}}
+  const char *file = __builtin_FILE();
+  __builtin_FILE(42); // expected-error {{expected ')'}}
+  __builtin_FILE(double); // expected-error {{expected ')'}}
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info-line.cpp
--- test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info-line.cpp
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info-line.cpp
@@ -291,6 +291,13 @@
+// CHECK-LABEL: define
+void f25_a(int x = __builtin_LINE()) {}
+void f25() {
+  // CHECK: call void @_Z5f25_ai(i32 2700)
+#line 2700
+  f25_a();
 // CHECK: [[DBG_F1]] = !DILocation(line: 100,
 // CHECK: [[DBG_FOO_VALUE]] = !DILocation(line: 200,
 // CHECK: [[DBG_FOO_REF]] = !DILocation(line: 202,
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/builtin_LINE.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/builtin_LINE.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1z -fblocks %s -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
+extern "C" int sink;
+extern "C" const volatile void* volatile ptr_sink = nullptr;
+struct Tag1 {};
+struct Tag2 {};
+struct Tag3 {};
+struct Tag4 {};
+constexpr int get_line_constexpr(int l = __builtin_LINE()) {
+  return l;
+int get_line_nonconstexpr(int l = __builtin_LINE()) {
+  return l;
+// CHECK: @global_one = global i32 [[@LINE+1]], align 4
+int global_one = __builtin_LINE();
+// CHECK-NEXT: @global_two = global i32 [[@LINE+1]], align 4
+int global_two = get_line_constexpr();
+// CHECK: @_ZL12global_three = internal constant i32 [[@LINE+1]], align 4
+const int global_three(get_line_constexpr());
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @__cxx_global_var_init
+// CHECK: %call = call i32 @_Z21get_line_nonconstexpri(i32 [[@LINE+2]])
+// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 %call, i32* @global_four, align 4
+int global_four = get_line_nonconstexpr();
+struct InClassInit {
+  int Init = __builtin_LINE();
+  InClassInit() = default;
+  constexpr InClassInit(Tag1, int l = __builtin_LINE()) : Init(l) {}
+  constexpr InClassInit(Tag2) : Init(__builtin_LINE()) {}
+  InClassInit(Tag3, int l = __builtin_LINE()) : Init(l) {}
+  InClassInit(Tag4) : Init(__builtin_LINE()) {}
+  static void test_class();
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_ZN11InClassInit10test_classEv()
+void InClassInit::test_class() {
+  // CHECK: call void @_ZN11InClassInitC1Ev(%struct.InClassInit* %test_one)
+  InClassInit test_one;
+  // CHECK-NEXT: call void @_ZN11InClassInitC1E4Tag1i(%struct.InClassInit* %test_two, i32 [[@LINE+1]])
+  InClassInit test_two{Tag1{}};
+  // CHECK-NEXT: call void @_ZN11InClassInitC1E4Tag2(%struct.InClassInit* %test_three)
+  InClassInit test_three{Tag2{}};
+  // CHECK-NEXT: call void @_ZN11InClassInitC1E4Tag3i(%struct.InClassInit* %test_four, i32 [[@LINE+1]])
+  InClassInit test_four(Tag3{});
+  // CHECK-NEXT: call void @_ZN11InClassInitC1E4Tag4(%struct.InClassInit* %test_five)
+  InClassInit test_five{Tag4{}};
+int get_line(int l = __builtin_LINE()) {
+  return l;
+// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z13get_line_testv()
+void get_line_test() {
+  // CHECK: %[[CALL:.+]] = call i32 @_Z8get_linei(i32 [[@LINE+2]])
+  // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 %[[CALL]], i32* @sink, align 4
+  sink = get_line();
+  // CHECK-NEXT:  store i32 [[@LINE+1]], i32* @sink, align 4
+  sink = __builtin_LINE();
+  ptr_sink = &global_three;
+void foo() {
+  const int N[] = {__builtin_LINE(), get_line_constexpr()};
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/builtin_FUNCTION.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/builtin_FUNCTION.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1z -fblocks %s -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
+namespace test_func {
+constexpr const char *test_default_arg(const char *f = __builtin_FUNCTION()) {
+  return f;
+// CHECK: @[[EMPTY_STR:.+]] = private unnamed_addr constant [1 x i8] zeroinitializer, align 1
+// CHECK: @_ZN9test_func6globalE = global i8* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i8], [1 x i8]* @[[EMPTY_STR]], i32 0, i32 0), align 8
+const char *global = test_default_arg();
+// CHECK: @_ZN9test_func10global_twoE = global i8* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i8], [1 x i8]* @[[EMPTY_STR]], i32 0, i32 0), align 8
+const char *global_two = __builtin_FUNCTION();
+const char * const global_three = test_default_arg();
+// CHECK: @[[STR_ONE:.+]] = private unnamed_addr constant [14 x i8] c"test_func_one\00", align 1
+// CHECK: @[[STR_TWO:.+]] = private unnamed_addr constant [14 x i8] c"test_func_two\00", align 1
+// CHECK: @[[STR_THREE:.+]] = private unnamed_addr constant [20 x i8] c"do_default_arg_test\00", align 1
+// CHECK: define i8* @_ZN9test_func13test_func_oneEv()
+// CHECK: ret i8* getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8], [14 x i8]* @[[STR_ONE]], i32 0, i32 0)
+const char *test_func_one() {
+  return __builtin_FUNCTION();
+// CHECK: define i8* @_ZN9test_func13test_func_twoEv()
+// CHECK: ret i8* getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8], [14 x i8]* @[[STR_TWO]], i32 0, i32 0)
+const char *test_func_two() {
+  return __builtin_FUNCTION();
+// CHECK: define void @_ZN9test_func19do_default_arg_testEv()
+// CHECK: %call = call i8* @_ZN9test_func16test_default_argEPKc(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i8], [20 x i8]* @[[STR_THREE]], i32 0, i32 0))
+void do_default_arg_test() {
+  test_default_arg();
+template <class>
+void test_template(const char *f = __builtin_FUNCTION()) {
+  (void)__builtin_FUNCTION();
+void do_template_test() {
+  test_template<int>();
+} // namespace test_func
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngine.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngine.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngine.cpp
@@ -1021,6 +1021,7 @@
     case Stmt::NoInitExprClass:
     case Stmt::SizeOfPackExprClass:
     case Stmt::StringLiteralClass:
+    case Stmt::SourceLocExprClass:
     case Stmt::ObjCStringLiteralClass:
     case Stmt::CXXPseudoDestructorExprClass:
     case Stmt::SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExprClass:
Index: lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
@@ -843,6 +843,15 @@
   Code = serialization::EXPR_VA_ARG;
+void ASTStmtWriter::VisitSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr *E) {
+  VisitExpr(E);
+  Record.AddDeclRef(cast_or_null<Decl>(E->getParentContext()));
+  Record.AddSourceLocation(E->getLocStart());
+  Record.AddSourceLocation(E->getLocEnd());
+  Record.push_back(E->getIdentType());
+  Code = serialization::EXPR_SOURCE_LOC;
 void ASTStmtWriter::VisitAddrLabelExpr(AddrLabelExpr *E) {
@@ -1386,13 +1395,15 @@
 void ASTStmtWriter::VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExpr *E) {
+  Record.AddDeclRef(cast_or_null<Decl>(E->getUsedContext()));
   Code = serialization::EXPR_CXX_DEFAULT_ARG;
 void ASTStmtWriter::VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr(CXXDefaultInitExpr *E) {
+  Record.AddDeclRef(cast_or_null<Decl>(E->getUsedContext()));
   Code = serialization::EXPR_CXX_DEFAULT_INIT;
Index: lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
@@ -862,6 +862,14 @@
+void ASTStmtReader::VisitSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr *E) {
+  VisitExpr(E);
+  E->setParentContext(ReadDeclAs<DeclContext>());
+  E->setLocStart(ReadSourceLocation());
+  E->setLocEnd(ReadSourceLocation());
+  E->setIdentType(static_cast<SourceLocExpr::IdentType>(Record.readInt()));
 void ASTStmtReader::VisitAddrLabelExpr(AddrLabelExpr *E) {
@@ -1376,12 +1384,14 @@
 void ASTStmtReader::VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExpr *E) {
   E->Param = ReadDeclAs<ParmVarDecl>();
+  E->UsedContext = ReadDeclAs<DeclContext>();
   E->Loc = ReadSourceLocation();
 void ASTStmtReader::VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr(CXXDefaultInitExpr *E) {
   E->Field = ReadDeclAs<FieldDecl>();
+  E->UsedContext = ReadDeclAs<DeclContext>();
   E->Loc = ReadSourceLocation();
@@ -3342,6 +3352,10 @@
       S = new (Context) VAArgExpr(Empty);
+    case EXPR_SOURCE_LOC:
+      S = new (Context) SourceLocExpr(Empty);
+      break;
     case EXPR_ADDR_LABEL:
       S = new (Context) AddrLabelExpr(Empty);
Index: lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
--- lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
+++ lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
@@ -2660,9 +2660,9 @@
   /// By default, builds a new default-argument expression, which does not
   /// require any semantic analysis. Subclasses may override this routine to
   /// provide different behavior.
-  ExprResult RebuildCXXDefaultArgExpr(SourceLocation Loc,
-                                            ParmVarDecl *Param) {
-    return CXXDefaultArgExpr::Create(getSema().Context, Loc, Param);
+  ExprResult RebuildCXXDefaultArgExpr(SourceLocation Loc, ParmVarDecl *Param) {
+    return CXXDefaultArgExpr::Create(getSema().Context, Loc, Param,
+                                     getSema().CurContext);
   /// \brief Build a new C++11 default-initialization expression.
@@ -2672,7 +2672,8 @@
   /// routine to provide different behavior.
   ExprResult RebuildCXXDefaultInitExpr(SourceLocation Loc,
                                        FieldDecl *Field) {
-    return CXXDefaultInitExpr::Create(getSema().Context, Loc, Field);
+    return CXXDefaultInitExpr::Create(getSema().Context, Loc, Field,
+                                      getSema().CurContext);
   /// \brief Build a new C++ zero-initialization expression.
@@ -2928,6 +2929,18 @@
                                   RParenLoc, Length, PartialArgs);
+  /// \brief Build a new expression representing a call to a source location
+  ///  builtin.
+  ///
+  /// By default, performs semantic analysis to build the new expression.
+  /// Subclasses may override this routine to provide different behavior.
+  ExprResult RebuildSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr::IdentType Type,
+                                  SourceLocation BuiltinLoc,
+                                  SourceLocation RPLoc,
+                                  DeclContext *ParentContext) {
+    return getSema().BuildSourceLocExpr(Type, BuiltinLoc, RPLoc, ParentContext);
+  }
   /// \brief Build a new Objective-C boxed expression.
   /// By default, performs semantic analysis to build the new expression.
@@ -9793,6 +9806,20 @@
 template <typename Derived>
+ExprResult TreeTransform<Derived>::TransformSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr *E) {
+  bool NeedRebuildFunc = E->getIdentType() == SourceLocExpr::Function &&
+                         isa<FunctionDecl>(getSema().CurContext) &&
+                         getSema().CurContext != E->getParentContext();
+  if (!getDerived().AlwaysRebuild() && !NeedRebuildFunc)
+    return E;
+  return getDerived().RebuildSourceLocExpr(E->getIdentType(), E->getLocStart(),
+                                           E->getLocEnd(),
+                                           getSema().CurContext);
+template<typename Derived>
 TreeTransform<Derived>::TransformCUDAKernelCallExpr(CUDAKernelCallExpr *E) {
   // Transform the callee.
@@ -10026,8 +10053,8 @@
   if (!Param)
     return ExprError();
-  if (!getDerived().AlwaysRebuild() &&
-      Param == E->getParam())
+  if (!getDerived().AlwaysRebuild() && Param == E->getParam() &&
+      E->getUsedContext() == SemaRef.CurContext)
     return E;
   return getDerived().RebuildCXXDefaultArgExpr(E->getUsedLocation(), Param);
@@ -10042,7 +10069,8 @@
   if (!Field)
     return ExprError();
-  if (!getDerived().AlwaysRebuild() && Field == E->getField())
+  if (!getDerived().AlwaysRebuild() && Field == E->getField() &&
+      E->getUsedContext() == SemaRef.CurContext)
     return E;
   return getDerived().RebuildCXXDefaultInitExpr(E->getExprLoc(), Field);
Index: lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
@@ -4588,7 +4588,7 @@
                                         FunctionDecl *FD, ParmVarDecl *Param) {
   if (CheckCXXDefaultArgExpr(CallLoc, FD, Param))
     return ExprError();
-  return CXXDefaultArgExpr::Create(Context, CallLoc, Param);
+  return CXXDefaultArgExpr::Create(Context, CallLoc, Param, CurContext);
@@ -4846,8 +4846,7 @@
     } else {
       assert(Param && "can't use default arguments without a known callee");
-      ExprResult ArgExpr =
-        BuildCXXDefaultArgExpr(CallLoc, FDecl, Param);
+      ExprResult ArgExpr = BuildCXXDefaultArgExpr(CallLoc, FDecl, Param);
       if (ArgExpr.isInvalid())
         return true;
@@ -12869,6 +12868,22 @@
   return new (Context) GNUNullExpr(Ty, TokenLoc);
+ExprResult Sema::ActOnSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr::IdentType Type,
+                                    SourceLocation BuiltinLoc,
+                                    SourceLocation RPLoc) {
+  return BuildSourceLocExpr(Type, BuiltinLoc, RPLoc, CurContext);
+ExprResult Sema::BuildSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr::IdentType Type,
+                                    SourceLocation BuiltinLoc,
+                                    SourceLocation RPLoc,
+                                    DeclContext *ParentContext) {
+  return new (Context) SourceLocExpr(
+      Type, BuiltinLoc, RPLoc,
+      SourceLocExpr::BuildSourceLocExprType(Context, Type), ParentContext);
 bool Sema::ConversionToObjCStringLiteralCheck(QualType DstType, Expr *&Exp,
                                               bool Diagnose) {
   if (!getLangOpts().ObjC1)
Index: lib/Sema/SemaExceptionSpec.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaExceptionSpec.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaExceptionSpec.cpp
@@ -1271,6 +1271,7 @@
   case Expr::PredefinedExprClass:
   case Expr::SizeOfPackExprClass:
   case Expr::StringLiteralClass:
+  case Expr::SourceLocExprClass:
     // These expressions can never throw.
     return CT_Cannot;
Index: lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
@@ -12402,7 +12402,7 @@
   // If we already have the in-class initializer nothing needs to be done.
   if (Field->getInClassInitializer())
-    return CXXDefaultInitExpr::Create(Context, Loc, Field);
+    return CXXDefaultInitExpr::Create(Context, Loc, Field, CurContext);
   // If we might have already tried and failed to instantiate, don't try again.
   if (Field->isInvalidDecl())
@@ -12442,7 +12442,7 @@
       return ExprError();
-    return CXXDefaultInitExpr::Create(Context, Loc, Field);
+    return CXXDefaultInitExpr::Create(Context, Loc, Field, CurContext);
   // DR1351:
Index: lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
--- lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
+++ lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
@@ -619,6 +619,10 @@
 /// [GNU]   '__builtin_offsetof' '(' type-name ',' offsetof-member-designator')'
 /// [GNU]   '__builtin_choose_expr' '(' assign-expr ',' assign-expr ','
 ///                                     assign-expr ')'
+/// [GNU]   '__builtin_FILE' '(' ')'
+/// [GNU]   '__builtin_FUNCTION' '(' ')'
+/// [GNU]   '__builtin_LINE' '(' ')'
+/// [CLANG] '__builtin_COLUMN' '(' ')'
 /// [GNU]   '__builtin_types_compatible_p' '(' type-name ',' type-name ')'
 /// [GNU]   '__null'
 /// [OBJC]  '[' objc-message-expr ']'
@@ -1072,6 +1076,10 @@
   case tok::kw___builtin_choose_expr:
   case tok::kw___builtin_astype: // primary-expression: [OCL] as_type()
   case tok::kw___builtin_convertvector:
+  case tok::kw___builtin_COLUMN:
+  case tok::kw___builtin_FILE:
+  case tok::kw___builtin_FUNCTION:
+  case tok::kw___builtin_LINE:
     return ParseBuiltinPrimaryExpression();
   case tok::kw___null:
     return Actions.ActOnGNUNullExpr(ConsumeToken());
@@ -1992,6 +2000,10 @@
 /// [GNU]   '__builtin_choose_expr' '(' assign-expr ',' assign-expr ','
 ///                                     assign-expr ')'
 /// [GNU]   '__builtin_types_compatible_p' '(' type-name ',' type-name ')'
+/// [GNU]   '__builtin_FILE' '(' ')'
+/// [GNU]   '__builtin_FUNCTION' '(' ')'
+/// [GNU]   '__builtin_LINE' '(' ')'
+/// [CLANG] '__builtin_COLUMN' '(' ')'
 /// [OCL]   '__builtin_astype' '(' assignment-expression ',' type-name ')'
 /// [GNU] offsetof-member-designator:
@@ -2211,6 +2223,33 @@
+  case tok::kw___builtin_COLUMN:
+  case tok::kw___builtin_FILE:
+  case tok::kw___builtin_FUNCTION:
+  case tok::kw___builtin_LINE: {
+    // Attempt to consume the r-paren.
+    if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
+      Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected) << tok::r_paren;
+      SkipUntil(tok::r_paren, StopAtSemi);
+      return ExprError();
+    }
+    SourceLocExpr::IdentType Type = [&] {
+      switch (T) {
+      case tok::kw___builtin_FILE:
+        return SourceLocExpr::File;
+      case tok::kw___builtin_FUNCTION:
+        return SourceLocExpr::Function;
+      case tok::kw___builtin_LINE:
+        return SourceLocExpr::Line;
+      case tok::kw___builtin_COLUMN:
+        return SourceLocExpr::Column;
+      default:
+        llvm_unreachable("invalid keyword");
+      }
+    }();
+    Res = Actions.ActOnSourceLocExpr(Type, StartLoc, ConsumeParen());
+    break;
+  }
   if (Res.isInvalid())
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
@@ -1247,6 +1247,55 @@
   SourceLocation LastStopPoint;
+  class SourceLocExprScopeBase;
+  SourceLocExprScopeBase *CurCXXDefaultArgScope = nullptr;
+  SourceLocExprScopeBase *CurCXXDefaultInitScope = nullptr;
+  class SourceLocExprScopeBase {
+    bool isSameCurCodeDecl() const { return CGF.CurCodeDecl == CurCodeDecl; }
+    static bool ShouldEnable(CodeGenFunction &CGF) {
+      return CGF.CurCXXDefaultArgScope == nullptr ||
+             !CGF.CurCXXDefaultArgScope->isSameCurCodeDecl();
+    }
+    SourceLocExprScopeBase(CodeGenFunction &CGF, SourceLocation Loc,
+                           const DeclContext *CurContext,
+                           SourceLocExprScopeBase **Dest, bool Enable)
+        : CGF(CGF), Loc(Loc), CurContext(CurContext), Dest(Dest), OldVal(*Dest),
+          CurCodeDecl(CGF.CurCodeDecl), Enable(Enable) {
+      if (Enable)
+        *Dest = this;
+    }
+  protected:
+    SourceLocExprScopeBase(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXDefaultArgExpr *E)
+        : SourceLocExprScopeBase(CGF, E->getUsedLocation(), E->getUsedContext(),
+                                 &CGF.CurCXXDefaultArgScope,
+                                 ShouldEnable(CGF)) {}
+    SourceLocExprScopeBase(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXDefaultInitExpr *E)
+        : SourceLocExprScopeBase(CGF, E->getLocStart(), E->getUsedContext(),
+                                 &CGF.CurCXXDefaultInitScope, true) {}
+    ~SourceLocExprScopeBase() {
+      if (Enable)
+        *Dest = OldVal;
+    }
+  public:
+    CodeGenFunction &CGF;
+    SourceLocation Loc;
+    const DeclContext *CurContext;
+  private:
+    SourceLocExprScopeBase **Dest;
+    SourceLocExprScopeBase *OldVal;
+    const Decl *CurCodeDecl;
+    bool Enable;
+  };
   /// A scope within which we are constructing the fields of an object which
   /// might use a CXXDefaultInitExpr. This stashes away a 'this' value to use
   /// if we need to evaluate a CXXDefaultInitExpr within the evaluation.
@@ -1267,10 +1316,12 @@
   /// The scope of a CXXDefaultInitExpr. Within this scope, the value of 'this'
   /// is overridden to be the object under construction.
-  class CXXDefaultInitExprScope {
+  class CXXDefaultInitExprScope : public SourceLocExprScopeBase {
+    using Base = SourceLocExprScopeBase;
-    CXXDefaultInitExprScope(CodeGenFunction &CGF)
-      : CGF(CGF), OldCXXThisValue(CGF.CXXThisValue),
+    CXXDefaultInitExprScope(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXDefaultInitExpr *E)
+        : Base(CGF, E), OldCXXThisValue(CGF.CXXThisValue),
           OldCXXThisAlignment(CGF.CXXThisAlignment) {
       CGF.CXXThisValue = CGF.CXXDefaultInitExprThis.getPointer();
       CGF.CXXThisAlignment = CGF.CXXDefaultInitExprThis.getAlignment();
@@ -1281,11 +1332,18 @@
-    CodeGenFunction &CGF;
     llvm::Value *OldCXXThisValue;
     CharUnits OldCXXThisAlignment;
+  class CXXDefaultArgExprScope : public SourceLocExprScopeBase {
+    using Base = SourceLocExprScopeBase;
+  public:
+    CXXDefaultArgExprScope(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXDefaultArgExpr *E)
+        : Base(CGF, E) {}
+  };
   /// The scope of an ArrayInitLoopExpr. Within this scope, the value of the
   /// current loop index is overridden.
   class ArrayInitLoopExprScope {
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGExprScalar.cpp
@@ -577,12 +577,33 @@
   Value *VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr(const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *E) {
     return EmitLoadOfLValue(E);
+  Value *VisitSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr *SLE) {
+    auto &Ctx = CGF.getContext();
+    SourceLocation Loc = SLE->getLocation();
+    const DeclContext *DC = SLE->getParentContext();
+    if (auto *DIS = CGF.CurCXXDefaultInitScope) {
+      Loc = DIS->Loc;
+      DC = DIS->CurContext;
+    }
+    else if (auto *DAS = CGF.CurCXXDefaultArgScope) {
+      Loc = DAS->Loc;
+      DC = DAS->CurContext;
+    }
+    if (SLE->isLineOrColumn()) {
+      auto Val = SLE->getIntValue(Ctx, Loc);
+      return Builder.getInt(Val);
+    } else {
+      StringLiteral *Str = SLE->getStringValue(Ctx, Loc, DC);
+      return CGF.EmitArrayToPointerDecay(Str).getPointer();
+    }
+    llvm_unreachable("missing return");
+  }
   Value *VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExpr *DAE) {
+    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultArgExprScope Scope(CGF, DAE);
     return Visit(DAE->getExpr());
   Value *VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr(CXXDefaultInitExpr *DIE) {
-    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultInitExprScope Scope(CGF);
+    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultInitExprScope Scope(CGF, DIE);
     return Visit(DIE->getExpr());
   Value *VisitCXXThisExpr(CXXThisExpr *TE) {
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGExprComplex.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGExprComplex.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGExprComplex.cpp
@@ -210,10 +210,11 @@
     return Visit(E->getSubExpr());
   ComplexPairTy VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExpr *DAE) {
+    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultArgExprScope Scope(CGF, DAE);
     return Visit(DAE->getExpr());
   ComplexPairTy VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr(CXXDefaultInitExpr *DIE) {
-    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultInitExprScope Scope(CGF);
+    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultInitExprScope Scope(CGF, DIE);
     return Visit(DIE->getExpr());
   ComplexPairTy VisitExprWithCleanups(ExprWithCleanups *E) {
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGExprAgg.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGExprAgg.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGExprAgg.cpp
@@ -159,10 +159,11 @@
   void VisitImplicitValueInitExpr(ImplicitValueInitExpr *E);
   void VisitNoInitExpr(NoInitExpr *E) { } // Do nothing.
   void VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExpr *DAE) {
+    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultArgExprScope(CGF, DAE);
   void VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr(CXXDefaultInitExpr *DIE) {
-    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultInitExprScope Scope(CGF);
+    CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultInitExprScope Scope(CGF, DIE);
   void VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr(CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGExpr.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGExpr.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGExpr.cpp
@@ -1169,11 +1169,15 @@
     return LV;
-  case Expr::CXXDefaultArgExprClass:
-    return EmitLValue(cast<CXXDefaultArgExpr>(E)->getExpr());
+  case Expr::CXXDefaultArgExprClass: {
+    auto *DAE = cast<CXXDefaultArgExpr>(E);
+    CXXDefaultArgExprScope Scope(*this, DAE);
+    return EmitLValue(DAE->getExpr());
+  }
   case Expr::CXXDefaultInitExprClass: {
-    CXXDefaultInitExprScope Scope(*this);
-    return EmitLValue(cast<CXXDefaultInitExpr>(E)->getExpr());
+    auto *DIE = cast<CXXDefaultInitExpr>(E);
+    CXXDefaultInitExprScope Scope(*this, DIE);
+    return EmitLValue(DIE->getExpr());
   case Expr::CXXTypeidExprClass:
     return EmitCXXTypeidLValue(cast<CXXTypeidExpr>(E));
Index: lib/AST/StmtProfile.cpp
--- lib/AST/StmtProfile.cpp
+++ lib/AST/StmtProfile.cpp
@@ -1811,6 +1811,11 @@
+void StmtProfiler::VisitSourceLocExpr(const SourceLocExpr *E) {
+  VisitExpr(E);
+  // FIXME(EricWF) Something to do?
 void StmtProfiler::VisitObjCStringLiteral(const ObjCStringLiteral *S) {
Index: lib/AST/StmtPrinter.cpp
--- lib/AST/StmtPrinter.cpp
+++ lib/AST/StmtPrinter.cpp
@@ -1308,6 +1308,10 @@
 //  Expr printing methods.
+void StmtPrinter::VisitSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr *Node) {
+  OS << Node->getBuiltinStr() << "()";
 void StmtPrinter::VisitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *Node) {
   if (auto *OCED = dyn_cast<OMPCapturedExprDecl>(Node->getDecl())) {
     OCED->getInit()->IgnoreImpCasts()->printPretty(OS, nullptr, Policy);
Index: lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
--- lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
@@ -3429,7 +3429,7 @@
   case Expr::AsTypeExprClass:
   case Expr::PseudoObjectExprClass:
   case Expr::AtomicExprClass:
-  {
+  case Expr::SourceLocExprClass: {
     if (!NullOut) {
       // As bad as this diagnostic is, it's better than crashing.
       DiagnosticsEngine &Diags = Context.getDiags();
Index: lib/AST/ExprConstant.cpp
--- lib/AST/ExprConstant.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ExprConstant.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   struct LValue;
   struct CallStackFrame;
   struct EvalInfo;
+  struct SourceLocContextRAIIBase;
   static QualType getType(APValue::LValueBase B) {
     if (!B) return QualType();
     if (const ValueDecl *D = B.dyn_cast<const ValueDecl*>())
@@ -588,6 +588,9 @@
     /// \brief Whether or not we're currently speculatively evaluating.
     bool IsSpeculativelyEvaluating;
+    SourceLocContextRAIIBase *EvaluatingDefaultArg;
+    SourceLocContextRAIIBase *EvaluatingDefaultMemberInit;
     enum EvaluationMode {
       /// Evaluate as a constant expression. Stop if we find that the expression
       /// is not a constant expression.
@@ -661,6 +664,7 @@
           EvaluatingDecl((const ValueDecl *)nullptr),
           EvaluatingDeclValue(nullptr), HasActiveDiagnostic(false),
           HasFoldFailureDiagnostic(false), IsSpeculativelyEvaluating(false),
+          EvaluatingDefaultArg(nullptr), EvaluatingDefaultMemberInit(nullptr),
           EvalMode(Mode) {}
     void setEvaluatingDecl(APValue::LValueBase Base, APValue &Value) {
@@ -960,6 +964,54 @@
+  /// Temporarily override 'this'.
+  struct SourceLocContextRAIIBase {
+  protected:
+    SourceLocContextRAIIBase(EvalInfo &Info, SourceLocation NewLoc,
+                             const DeclContext *CurContext,
+                             SourceLocContextRAIIBase **Dest, bool Enable)
+        : Info(Info), Loc(NewLoc), CurContext(CurContext),
+          CurrentCall(Info.CurrentCall), Dest(Dest), OldVal(*Dest),
+          Enable(Enable) {
+      if (Enable)
+        *Dest = this;
+    }
+    ~SourceLocContextRAIIBase() { if (Enable) *Dest = OldVal; }
+  public:
+    EvalInfo &Info;
+    SourceLocation Loc;
+    const DeclContext *CurContext;
+    CallStackFrame *CurrentCall;
+    bool isInSameCurrentCall() const { return CurrentCall == Info.CurrentCall;}
+  private:
+    SourceLocContextRAIIBase **Dest;
+    SourceLocContextRAIIBase *OldVal;
+    bool Enable;
+  };
+  class SourceLocDefaultArgContextRAII : public SourceLocContextRAIIBase {
+    static bool ShouldEnable(EvalInfo &Info) {
+      return !Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg ||
+              !Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg->isInSameCurrentCall();
+    }
+  public:
+    SourceLocDefaultArgContextRAII(EvalInfo &Info, SourceLocation Loc,
+                                   const DeclContext *CurContext)
+        : SourceLocContextRAIIBase(Info, Loc, CurContext,
+                                   &Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg,
+                                   ShouldEnable(Info)) {}
+  };
+  class SourceLocDefaultMemberInitContextRAII
+      : public SourceLocContextRAIIBase {
+  public:
+    SourceLocDefaultMemberInitContextRAII(EvalInfo &Info, SourceLocation Loc,
+                                          const DeclContext *CurContext,
+                                          bool Enable = true)
+        : SourceLocContextRAIIBase(Info, Loc, CurContext,
+                                   &Info.EvaluatingDefaultMemberInit, Enable) {}
+  };
   /// RAII object used to treat the current evaluation as the correct pointer
   /// offset fold for the current EvalMode
   struct FoldOffsetRAII {
@@ -4245,6 +4297,7 @@
                                   const CXXConstructorDecl *Definition,
                                   EvalInfo &Info, APValue &Result) {
   SourceLocation CallLoc = E->getExprLoc();
   if (!Info.CheckCallLimit(CallLoc))
     return false;
@@ -4502,14 +4555,20 @@
     { return StmtVisitorTy::Visit(E->getResultExpr()); }
   bool VisitSubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr(const SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr *E)
     { return StmtVisitorTy::Visit(E->getReplacement()); }
-  bool VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(const CXXDefaultArgExpr *E)
-    { return StmtVisitorTy::Visit(E->getExpr()); }
+  bool VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(const CXXDefaultArgExpr *E) {
+    SourceLocDefaultArgContextRAII Guard(Info, E->getUsedLocation(),
+                                         E->getUsedContext());
+    return StmtVisitorTy::Visit(E->getExpr());
+  }
   bool VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr(const CXXDefaultInitExpr *E) {
     // The initializer may not have been parsed yet, or might be erroneous.
     if (!E->getExpr())
       return Error(E);
+    SourceLocDefaultMemberInitContextRAII Guard(Info, E->getLocStart(),
+                                                E->getUsedContext());
     return StmtVisitorTy::Visit(E->getExpr());
   // We cannot create any objects for which cleanups are required, so there is
   // nothing to do here; all cleanups must come from unevaluated subexpressions.
   bool VisitExprWithCleanups(const ExprWithCleanups *E)
@@ -5485,7 +5544,6 @@
   bool visitNonBuiltinCallExpr(const CallExpr *E);
   PointerExprEvaluator(EvalInfo &info, LValue &Result, bool InvalidBaseOK)
       : ExprEvaluatorBaseTy(info), Result(Result),
         InvalidBaseOK(InvalidBaseOK) {}
@@ -5555,6 +5613,38 @@
     return true;
+  bool VisitSourceLocExpr(const SourceLocExpr *E) {
+    assert(E && !E->isLineOrColumn());
+    Expr *Value = nullptr;
+    SourceLocContextRAIIBase *ArgCtx = Info.EvaluatingDefaultMemberInit;
+    if (!ArgCtx && Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg
+     && Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg->isInSameCurrentCall())
+      ArgCtx = Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg;
+    if (ArgCtx) {
+      assert(ArgCtx->CurContext);
+      Value = E->getValue(Info.Ctx, ArgCtx->Loc, ArgCtx->CurContext);
+    } else
+      Value = E->getValue(Info.Ctx);
+    if (!Value)
+      return Error(E);
+    LValue Obj;
+    assert(Value->isGLValue());
+    if (!evaluateLValue(Value, Result))
+      return Error(E);
+    // The result is a pointer to the first element of the array.
+    if (const ConstantArrayType *CAT
+          = Info.Ctx.getAsConstantArrayType(Value->getType()))
+      Result.addArray(Info, Value, CAT);
+    else
+      Result.Designator.setInvalid();
+    assert(Result.Designator.Invalid == false);
+    return true;
+  }
   // FIXME: Missing: @protocol, @selector
 } // end anonymous namespace
@@ -6186,9 +6276,10 @@
     if (!HandleLValueMember(Info, InitExpr, Subobject, Field, &Layout))
       return false;
+    const auto *DIE = dyn_cast<CXXDefaultInitExpr>(InitExpr);
     // Temporarily override This, in case there's a CXXDefaultInitExpr in here.
     ThisOverrideRAII ThisOverride(*Info.CurrentCall, &This,
-                                  isa<CXXDefaultInitExpr>(InitExpr));
+                                  DIE != nullptr);
     return EvaluateInPlace(Result.getUnionValue(), Info, Subobject, InitExpr);
@@ -6930,7 +7021,6 @@
   //                            Visitor Methods
   bool VisitIntegerLiteral(const IntegerLiteral *E) {
     return Success(E->getValue(), E);
@@ -7003,7 +7093,7 @@
   bool VisitCXXNoexceptExpr(const CXXNoexceptExpr *E);
   bool VisitSizeOfPackExpr(const SizeOfPackExpr *E);
+  bool VisitSourceLocExpr(const SourceLocExpr *E);
   // FIXME: Missing: array subscript of vector, member of vector
 } // end anonymous namespace
@@ -7035,7 +7125,17 @@
   Result = Val.getInt();
   return true;
+bool IntExprEvaluator::VisitSourceLocExpr(const SourceLocExpr *E) {
+    assert(E && E->isLineOrColumn());
+    llvm::APInt Result;
+    SourceLocation Loc = E->getLocStart();
+    if (Info.EvaluatingDefaultMemberInit)
+      Loc = Info.EvaluatingDefaultMemberInit->Loc;
+    else if (Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg && Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg->isInSameCurrentCall())
+      Loc = Info.EvaluatingDefaultArg->Loc;
+    Result = E->getIntValue(Info.Ctx, Loc);
+    return Success(Result, E);
 /// Check whether the given declaration can be directly converted to an integral
 /// rvalue. If not, no diagnostic is produced; there are other things we can
 /// try.
@@ -10278,6 +10378,7 @@
   case Expr::SizeOfPackExprClass:
   case Expr::GNUNullExprClass:
+  case Expr::SourceLocExprClass:
     // GCC considers the GNU __null value to be an integral constant expression.
     return NoDiag();
Index: lib/AST/ExprClassification.cpp
--- lib/AST/ExprClassification.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ExprClassification.cpp
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@
   case Expr::ArrayInitIndexExprClass:
   case Expr::NoInitExprClass:
   case Expr::DesignatedInitUpdateExprClass:
+  case Expr::SourceLocExprClass:
     return Cl::CL_PRValue;
     // Next come the complicated cases.
Index: lib/AST/ExprCXX.cpp
--- lib/AST/ExprCXX.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ExprCXX.cpp
@@ -707,13 +707,14 @@
 CXXDefaultInitExpr::CXXDefaultInitExpr(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation Loc,
-                                       FieldDecl *Field, QualType T)
+                                       FieldDecl *Field, QualType T,
+                                       DeclContext *UsedContext)
     : Expr(CXXDefaultInitExprClass, T.getNonLValueExprType(C),
-           T->isLValueReferenceType() ? VK_LValue : T->isRValueReferenceType()
-                                                        ? VK_XValue
-                                                        : VK_RValue,
+           T->isLValueReferenceType()
+               ? VK_LValue
+               : T->isRValueReferenceType() ? VK_XValue : VK_RValue,
            /*FIXME*/ OK_Ordinary, false, false, false, false),
-      Field(Field), Loc(Loc) {
+      Field(Field), UsedContext(UsedContext), Loc(Loc) {
Index: lib/AST/Expr.cpp
--- lib/AST/Expr.cpp
+++ lib/AST/Expr.cpp
@@ -1829,13 +1829,116 @@
   return OverOps[Opc];
+SourceLocExpr::SourceLocExpr(IdentType Type, SourceLocation BLoc,
+                             SourceLocation RParenLoc, QualType Ty,
+                             DeclContext *ParentContext)
+    : Expr(SourceLocExprClass, Ty, VK_RValue, OK_Ordinary, false, false, false,
+           false),
+      BuiltinLoc(BLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc), ParentContext(ParentContext) {
+  SourceLocExprBits.Type = Type;
+  assert(!Ty->isDependentType() && "Type should never be dependent");
+  assert(!Ty->isArrayType() && "Type should never be an array");
+StringRef SourceLocExpr::getBuiltinStr() const {
+  switch (getIdentType()) {
+  case File:
+    return "__builtin_FILE";
+  case Function:
+    return "__builtin_FUNCTION";
+  case Line:
+    return "__builtin_LINE";
+  case Column:
+    return "__builtin_COLUMN";
+  }
+static PresumedLoc getPresumedSourceLoc(const ASTContext &Ctx,
+                                        SourceLocation Loc) {
+  auto &SourceMgr = Ctx.getSourceManager();
+  PresumedLoc PLoc =
+      SourceMgr.getPresumedLoc(SourceMgr.getExpansionRange(Loc).second);
+  assert(PLoc.isValid()); // FIXME: Learn how to handle this.
+  return PLoc;
+llvm::APInt SourceLocExpr::getIntValue(const ASTContext &Ctx,
+                                       SourceLocation Loc) const {
+  auto PLoc = getPresumedSourceLoc(Ctx, Loc);
+  unsigned Value = [&]() {
+    switch (getIdentType()) {
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("should not be here");
+    case Line:
+      return PLoc.getLine();
+    case Column:
+      return PLoc.getColumn();
+    }
+  }();
+  unsigned MaxWidth = Ctx.getTargetInfo().getIntWidth();
+  return llvm::APInt(MaxWidth, Value);
+StringLiteral *
+SourceLocExpr::getStringValue(const ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation Loc,
+                              const DeclContext *CurContext) const {
+  auto PLoc = getPresumedSourceLoc(Ctx, Loc);
+  auto CreateString = [&](StringRef SVal) {
+    QualType StrTy = BuildSourceLocExprType(Ctx, getIdentType(),
+                                            /*IsArray*/ true, SVal.size() + 1);
+    StringLiteral *Lit = StringLiteral::Create(Ctx, SVal, StringLiteral::Ascii,
+                                               /*Pascal*/ false, StrTy, Loc);
+    assert(Lit && "should not be null");
+    return Lit;
+  };
+  switch (getIdentType()) {
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("should not be here");
+  case SourceLocExpr::File:
+    return CreateString(PLoc.getFilename());
+  case SourceLocExpr::Function: {
+    DeclarationName Name;
+    if (const auto *FD = dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionDecl>(CurContext))
+      Name = FD->getDeclName();
+    return CreateString(Name ? Name.getAsString() : "");
+  }
+  }
+QualType SourceLocExpr::BuildSourceLocExprType(const ASTContext &Ctx,
+                                               IdentType Type, bool MakeArray,
+                                               int ArraySize) {
+  assert(MakeArray == (ArraySize != -1));
+  bool IsIntType = Type == SourceLocExpr::Line || Type == SourceLocExpr::Column;
+  assert(!IsIntType || (IsIntType && !MakeArray));
+  if (IsIntType)
+    return Ctx.UnsignedIntTy;
+  QualType Ty = Ctx.CharTy;
+  // A C++ string literal has a const-qualified element type (C++ 2.13.4p1).
+  if (Ctx.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus || Ctx.getLangOpts().ConstStrings)
+    Ty = Ty.withConst();
+  if (!MakeArray)
+    return Ctx.getPointerType(Ty);
+  return Ctx.getConstantArrayType(Ty, llvm::APInt(32, ArraySize),
+                                  ArrayType::Normal, 0);
+Expr *SourceLocExpr::getValue(const ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation Loc,
+                              const DeclContext *CurContext) const {
+  if (isLineOrColumn()) {
+    return IntegerLiteral::Create(Ctx, getIntValue(Ctx, Loc), Ctx.UnsignedIntTy,
+                                  Loc);
+  }
+  return getStringValue(Ctx, Loc, CurContext);
 InitListExpr::InitListExpr(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation lbraceloc,
                            ArrayRef<Expr *> initExprs, SourceLocation rbraceloc)
     : Expr(InitListExprClass, QualType(), VK_RValue, OK_Ordinary, false, false,
            false, false),
-    InitExprs(C, initExprs.size()),
-    LBraceLoc(lbraceloc), RBraceLoc(rbraceloc), AltForm(nullptr, true)
+      InitExprs(C, initExprs.size()), LBraceLoc(lbraceloc),
+      RBraceLoc(rbraceloc), AltForm(nullptr, true) {
   for (unsigned I = 0; I != initExprs.size(); ++I) {
     if (initExprs[I]->isTypeDependent())
@@ -1860,9 +1963,11 @@
     InitExprs.resize(C, NumInits, nullptr);
-Expr *InitListExpr::updateInit(const ASTContext &C, unsigned Init, Expr *expr) {
+  Expr *InitListExpr::updateInit(const ASTContext &C, unsigned Init,
+                                 Expr *expr) {
     if (Init >= InitExprs.size()) {
-    InitExprs.insert(C, InitExprs.end(), Init - InitExprs.size() + 1, nullptr);
+      InitExprs.insert(C, InitExprs.end(), Init - InitExprs.size() + 1,
+                       nullptr);
       setInit(Init, expr);
       return nullptr;
@@ -1905,8 +2010,8 @@
       return true;
-  // Otherwise, we're sugar if and only if we have exactly one initializer that
-  // is of the same type.
+    // Otherwise, we're sugar if and only if we have exactly one initializer
+    // that is of the same type.
     if (getNumInits() != 1 || !getInit(0))
       return false;
@@ -1960,19 +2065,15 @@
   const FunctionProtoType *BlockExpr::getFunctionType() const {
     // The block pointer is never sugared, but the function type might be.
     return cast<BlockPointerType>(getType())
-           ->getPointeeType()->castAs<FunctionProtoType>();
+        ->getPointeeType()
+        ->castAs<FunctionProtoType>();
   SourceLocation BlockExpr::getCaretLocation() const {
     return TheBlock->getCaretLocation();
-const Stmt *BlockExpr::getBody() const {
-  return TheBlock->getBody();
-Stmt *BlockExpr::getBody() {
-  return TheBlock->getBody();
+  const Stmt *BlockExpr::getBody() const { return TheBlock->getBody(); }
+  Stmt *BlockExpr::getBody() { return TheBlock->getBody(); }
   // Generic Expression Routines
@@ -1999,14 +2100,15 @@
       R1 = getSourceRange();
       return true;
     case ParenExprClass:
-    return cast<ParenExpr>(this)->getSubExpr()->
-      isUnusedResultAWarning(WarnE, Loc, R1, R2, Ctx);
+      return cast<ParenExpr>(this)->getSubExpr()->isUnusedResultAWarning(
+          WarnE, Loc, R1, R2, Ctx);
     case GenericSelectionExprClass:
-    return cast<GenericSelectionExpr>(this)->getResultExpr()->
-      isUnusedResultAWarning(WarnE, Loc, R1, R2, Ctx);
+      return cast<GenericSelectionExpr>(this)
+          ->getResultExpr()
+          ->isUnusedResultAWarning(WarnE, Loc, R1, R2, Ctx);
     case ChooseExprClass:
-    return cast<ChooseExpr>(this)->getChosenSubExpr()->
-      isUnusedResultAWarning(WarnE, Loc, R1, R2, Ctx);
+      return cast<ChooseExpr>(this)->getChosenSubExpr()->isUnusedResultAWarning(
+          WarnE, Loc, R1, R2, Ctx);
     case UnaryOperatorClass: {
       const UnaryOperator *UO = cast<UnaryOperator>(this);
@@ -2034,7 +2136,8 @@
           return false;
       case UO_Extension:
-      return UO->getSubExpr()->isUnusedResultAWarning(WarnE, Loc, R1, R2, Ctx);
+        return UO->getSubExpr()->isUnusedResultAWarning(WarnE, Loc, R1, R2,
+                                                        Ctx);
       WarnE = this;
       Loc = UO->getOperatorLoc();
@@ -2954,6 +3057,7 @@
   case ObjCAvailabilityCheckExprClass:
   case CXXUuidofExprClass:
   case OpaqueValueExprClass:
+  case SourceLocExprClass:
     // These never have a side-effect.
     return false;
Index: lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
--- lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
@@ -5077,8 +5077,13 @@
   if (!Param)
     return nullptr;
-  return CXXDefaultArgExpr::Create(
-        Importer.getToContext(), Importer.Import(E->getUsedLocation()), Param);
+  DeclContext *DC = Importer.ImportContext(E->getUsedContext());
+  if (!DC)
+    return nullptr;
+  return CXXDefaultArgExpr::Create(Importer.getToContext(),
+                                   Importer.Import(E->getUsedLocation()), Param,
+                                   DC);
 Expr *ASTNodeImporter::VisitCXXScalarValueInitExpr(CXXScalarValueInitExpr *E) {
@@ -5451,8 +5456,13 @@
   if (!ToField && DIE->getField())
     return nullptr;
-  return CXXDefaultInitExpr::Create(
-      Importer.getToContext(), Importer.Import(DIE->getLocStart()), ToField);
+  DeclContext *DC = Importer.ImportContext(DIE->getUsedContext());
+  if (!DC)
+    return nullptr;
+  return CXXDefaultInitExpr::Create(Importer.getToContext(),
+                                    Importer.Import(DIE->getLocStart()),
+                                    ToField, DC);
 Expr *ASTNodeImporter::VisitCXXNamedCastExpr(CXXNamedCastExpr *E) {
Index: include/clang/Serialization/ASTBitCodes.h
--- include/clang/Serialization/ASTBitCodes.h
+++ include/clang/Serialization/ASTBitCodes.h
@@ -1343,6 +1343,8 @@
       /// \brief A GNUNullExpr record.
+      /// \brief A SourceLocExpr record
       /// \brief A ShuffleVectorExpr record.
       /// \brief A ConvertVectorExpr record.
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -4396,6 +4396,21 @@
   ExprResult BuildVAArgExpr(SourceLocation BuiltinLoc, Expr *E,
                             TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, SourceLocation RPLoc);
+  // __builtin_LINE(), __builtin_FUNCTION(), __builtin_FILE(),
+  // __builtin_COLUMN()
+  ExprResult ActOnSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr::IdentType Type,
+                                SourceLocation BuiltinLoc,
+                                SourceLocation RPLoc);
+  /// \brief build a potentially resolved SourceLocExpr.
+  ///
+  /// \param SubExpr - null when the SourceLocExpr is unresolved, otherwise
+  /// SubExpr will be a literal expression representing the value of the
+  /// builtin call.
+  ExprResult BuildSourceLocExpr(SourceLocExpr::IdentType Type,
+                                SourceLocation BuiltinLoc, SourceLocation RPLoc,
+                                DeclContext *ParentContext);
   // __null
   ExprResult ActOnGNUNullExpr(SourceLocation TokenLoc);
Index: include/clang/Basic/TokenKinds.def
--- include/clang/Basic/TokenKinds.def
+++ include/clang/Basic/TokenKinds.def
@@ -391,6 +391,11 @@
 KEYWORD(__attribute                 , KEYALL)
 KEYWORD(__builtin_choose_expr       , KEYALL)
 KEYWORD(__builtin_offsetof          , KEYALL)
+KEYWORD(__builtin_FILE              , KEYALL)
+KEYWORD(__builtin_FUNCTION          , KEYALL)
+KEYWORD(__builtin_LINE              , KEYALL)
+KEYWORD(__builtin_COLUMN            , KEYALL)
 // __builtin_types_compatible_p is a GNU C extension that we handle like a C++
 // type trait.
 TYPE_TRAIT_2(__builtin_types_compatible_p, TypeCompatible, KEYNOCXX)
Index: include/clang/Basic/
--- include/clang/Basic/
+++ include/clang/Basic/
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
 def VAArgExpr : DStmt<Expr>;
 def GenericSelectionExpr : DStmt<Expr>;
 def PseudoObjectExpr : DStmt<Expr>;
+def SourceLocExpr : DStmt<Expr>;
 // Atomic expressions
 def AtomicExpr : DStmt<Expr>;
Index: include/clang/AST/Stmt.h
--- include/clang/AST/Stmt.h
+++ include/clang/AST/Stmt.h
@@ -261,6 +261,16 @@
     unsigned IsImplicit : 1;
+  class SourceLocExprBitfields {
+    friend class SourceLocExpr;
+    unsigned : NumExprBits;
+    /// \brief The type of source location builtin represented by the
+    /// SourceLocExpr. Ex. __builtin_LINE, __builtin_FUNCTION, ect.
+    unsigned Type : 2;
+  };
   union {
     StmtBitfields StmtBits;
     CompoundStmtBitfields CompoundStmtBits;
@@ -278,6 +288,7 @@
     InitListExprBitfields InitListExprBits;
     TypeTraitExprBitfields TypeTraitExprBits;
     CoawaitExprBitfields CoawaitBits;
+    SourceLocExprBitfields SourceLocExprBits;
   friend class ASTStmtReader;
Index: include/clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h
--- include/clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h
+++ include/clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h
@@ -2495,6 +2495,8 @@
 DEF_TRAVERSE_STMT(ShuffleVectorExpr, {})
 DEF_TRAVERSE_STMT(ConvertVectorExpr, {})
+DEF_TRAVERSE_STMT(SourceLocExpr, {})
 DEF_TRAVERSE_STMT(UnresolvedLookupExpr, {
   if (S->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) {
Index: include/clang/AST/ExprCXX.h
--- include/clang/AST/ExprCXX.h
+++ include/clang/AST/ExprCXX.h
@@ -983,26 +983,33 @@
   /// \brief The parameter whose default is being used.
   ParmVarDecl *Param;
+  /// \brief The context where the default argument expression was used.
+  DeclContext *UsedContext;
   /// \brief The location where the default argument expression was used.
   SourceLocation Loc;
-  CXXDefaultArgExpr(StmtClass SC, SourceLocation Loc, ParmVarDecl *param)
+  CXXDefaultArgExpr(StmtClass SC, SourceLocation Loc, ParmVarDecl *param,
+                    DeclContext *UsedContext)
       : Expr(SC,
                  ? param->getType().getNonReferenceType()
                  : param->getDefaultArg()->getType(),
-           param->getDefaultArg()->getObjectKind(), false, false, false, false),
-      Param(param), Loc(Loc) { }
+             param->getDefaultArg()->getObjectKind(), false, false, false,
+             false),
+        Param(param), UsedContext(UsedContext), Loc(Loc) {}
   CXXDefaultArgExpr(EmptyShell Empty) : Expr(CXXDefaultArgExprClass, Empty) {}
   // \p Param is the parameter whose default argument is used by this
   // expression.
   static CXXDefaultArgExpr *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation Loc,
-                                   ParmVarDecl *Param) {
-    return new (C) CXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExprClass, Loc, Param);
+                                   ParmVarDecl *Param,
+                                   DeclContext *UsedContext) {
+    return new (C)
+        CXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExprClass, Loc, Param, UsedContext);
   // Retrieve the parameter that the argument was created from.
@@ -1017,6 +1024,8 @@
     return getParam()->getDefaultArg();
+  const DeclContext *getUsedContext() const { return UsedContext; }
+  DeclContext *getUsedContext() { return UsedContext; }
   /// \brief Retrieve the location where this default argument was actually
   /// used.
   SourceLocation getUsedLocation() const { return Loc; }
@@ -1053,20 +1062,25 @@
   /// \brief The field whose default is being used.
   FieldDecl *Field;
+  /// \brief The context where the default initializer expression was used.
+  DeclContext *UsedContext;
   /// \brief The location where the default initializer expression was used.
   SourceLocation Loc;
   CXXDefaultInitExpr(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation Loc, FieldDecl *Field,
-                     QualType T);
+                     QualType T, DeclContext *UsedContext);
   CXXDefaultInitExpr(EmptyShell Empty) : Expr(CXXDefaultInitExprClass, Empty) {}
   /// \p Field is the non-static data member whose default initializer is used
   /// by this expression.
   static CXXDefaultInitExpr *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation Loc,
-                                    FieldDecl *Field) {
-    return new (C) CXXDefaultInitExpr(C, Loc, Field, Field->getType());
+                                    FieldDecl *Field,
+                                    DeclContext *UsedContext) {
+    return new (C)
+        CXXDefaultInitExpr(C, Loc, Field, Field->getType(), UsedContext);
   /// \brief Get the field whose initializer will be used.
@@ -1083,6 +1097,9 @@
     return Field->getInClassInitializer();
+  const DeclContext *getUsedContext() const { return UsedContext; }
+  DeclContext *getUsedContext() { return UsedContext; }
   SourceLocation getLocStart() const LLVM_READONLY { return Loc; }
   SourceLocation getLocEnd() const LLVM_READONLY { return Loc; }
Index: include/clang/AST/Expr.h
--- include/clang/AST/Expr.h
+++ include/clang/AST/Expr.h
@@ -3811,6 +3811,85 @@
+/// SourceLocExpr - Represents a function call to one of
+/// __builtin_LINE(), __builtin_COLUMN(), __builtin_FUNCTION(), or
+/// __builtin_FILE()
+class SourceLocExpr final : public Expr {
+  enum IdentType { Function, File, Line, Column };
+  SourceLocation BuiltinLoc, RParenLoc;
+  DeclContext *ParentContext;
+  static QualType BuildSourceLocExprType(const ASTContext &Ctx, IdentType Type,
+                                         bool MakeArray = false,
+                                         int ArraySize = -1);
+  SourceLocExpr(IdentType Type, SourceLocation BLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+                QualType Ty, DeclContext *Context);
+  /// \brief Build an empty call expression.
+  explicit SourceLocExpr(EmptyShell Empty) : Expr(SourceLocExprClass, Empty) {}
+  /// \brief Return a string representing the name of the specific builtin
+  /// function.
+  StringRef getBuiltinStr() const LLVM_READONLY;
+  IdentType getIdentType() const LLVM_READONLY {
+    return static_cast<IdentType>(SourceLocExprBits.Type);
+  }
+  bool isLineOrColumn() const LLVM_READONLY {
+    return getIdentType() == Line || getIdentType() == Column;
+  }
+  llvm::APInt getIntValue(const ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation Loc) const;
+  llvm::APInt getIntValue(const ASTContext &Ctx) const {
+    return getIntValue(Ctx, BuiltinLoc);
+  }
+  StringLiteral *getStringValue(const ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation Loc,
+                                const DeclContext *UsedContext) const;
+  StringLiteral *getStringValue(const ASTContext &Ctx) const {
+    return getStringValue(Ctx, BuiltinLoc, ParentContext);
+  }
+  Expr *getValue(const ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation Loc,
+                 const DeclContext *UsedContext) const;
+  Expr *getValue(const ASTContext &Ctx) const {
+    return getValue(Ctx, BuiltinLoc, ParentContext);
+  }
+  /// \brief If the SourceLocExpr has been resolved return the subexpression
+  /// representing the resolved value. Otherwise return null.
+  const DeclContext *getParentContext() const { return ParentContext; }
+  DeclContext *getParentContext() { return ParentContext; }
+  SourceLocation getLocation() const LLVM_READONLY { return BuiltinLoc; }
+  SourceLocation getLocStart() const LLVM_READONLY { return BuiltinLoc; }
+  SourceLocation getLocEnd() const LLVM_READONLY { return RParenLoc; }
+  child_range children() {
+    return child_range(child_iterator(), child_iterator());
+  }
+  const_child_range children() const {
+    return const_child_range(child_iterator(), child_iterator());
+  }
+  static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
+    return T->getStmtClass() == SourceLocExprClass;
+  }
+  friend class ASTStmtReader;
+  void setIdentType(IdentType T) { SourceLocExprBits.Type = T; }
+  void setParentContext(DeclContext *DC) { ParentContext = DC; }
+  void setLocStart(SourceLocation L) { BuiltinLoc = L; }
+  void setLocEnd(SourceLocation L) { RParenLoc = L; }
 /// @brief Describes an C or C++ initializer list.
 /// InitListExpr describes an initializer list, which can be used to
Index: include/clang/AST/Decl.h
--- include/clang/AST/Decl.h
+++ include/clang/AST/Decl.h
@@ -2415,8 +2415,8 @@
   FieldDecl(Kind DK, DeclContext *DC, SourceLocation StartLoc,
-            SourceLocation IdLoc, IdentifierInfo *Id,
-            QualType T, TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, Expr *BW, bool Mutable,
+            SourceLocation IdLoc, IdentifierInfo *Id, QualType T,
+            TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, Expr *BW, bool Mutable,
             InClassInitStyle InitStyle)
     : DeclaratorDecl(DK, DC, IdLoc, Id, T, TInfo, StartLoc),
       BitField(false), Mutable(Mutable), CachedFieldIndex(0),
Index: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
--- docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
+++ docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
@@ -2067,6 +2067,61 @@
 token `none`. If a user calls `__builin_suspend`, clang will insert `token none`
 as the first argument to the intrinsic.
+Source location builtins
+Clang provides experimental builtins to support C++ standard library implementation
+of `std::experimental::source_location` as specified in
+With the exception of `__builtin_COLUMN`, these builtins are also implemented by
+.. code-block:: c
+  const char *__builtin_FILE();
+  const char *__builtin_FUNCTION();
+  unsigned    __builtin_LINE();
+  unsigned    __builtin_COLUMN(); // Clang only
+**Example of use**:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  void my_assert(bool pred, int line = __builtin_LINE(), // Captures line of caller
+                 const char* file = __builtin_FILE(),
+                 const char* function = __builtin_FUNCTION()) {
+    if (pred) return;
+    printf("%s:%d assertion failed in function %s\n", file, line, function);
+    std::abort();
+  }
+  struct MyAggregateType {
+    int x;
+    int line = __builtin_LINE(); // captures line where aggregate initialization occurs
+  };
+  static_assert(MyAggregateType{42}.line == __LINE__);
+  struct MyClassType {
+    int line = __builtin_LINE(); // captures line of the constructor used during initialization
+    constexpr MyClassType(int) { assert(line == __LINE__); }
+  };
+The builtins `__builtin_LINE`, `__builtin_FUNCTION`, and `__builtin_FILE` return
+the values, at the "invocation point", for `__LINE__`, `__FUNCTION__`, and
+`__FILE__` respectively. These builtins are constant expressions.
+When the builtins appears as part of a default function argument the invocation
+point is the location of the caller. When the builtins appear as part of a
+default member initializer, the invocation point is the location of the
+constructor or aggregate initialization used to create the object. Otherwise
+the invocation point is the same as the location of the builtin.
+When the invocation point of `__builtin_FUNCTION` is not a function scope the
+empty string is returned.
 Non-standard C++11 Attributes
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