Anastasia added inline comments.

Comment at: test/CodeGenOpenCL/
+  // B32: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], 
i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{(.[0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* 
addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, 
%struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(2)* } addrspace(1)* 
@__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 
addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i32* {{.*}})
   // B64: [[SIZE:%[0-9]+]] = zext i8 {{%[0-9]+}} to i64
+  // B64: call i32 @__enqueue_kernel_vaargs(%opencl.queue_t{{.*}}* [[DEF_Q]], 
i32 [[FLAGS]], %struct.ndrange_t* [[NDR]]{{(.[0-9]+)?}}, i8 addrspace(4)* 
addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(1)* bitcast ({ i8**, i32, i32, i8*, 
%struct.__block_descriptor addrspace(2)* } addrspace(1)* 
@__block_literal_global{{(.[0-9]+)?}} to i8 addrspace(1)*) to i8 
addrspace(4)*), i32 1, i64* {{.*}})
This is no longer needed?

Could we check the code for array generation too?

Also could we modify one test to take more than argument to the block? It seems 
to be missing in testing.

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