gamesh411 updated this revision to Diff 107923.


Index: test/Analysis/ostream-format.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Analysis/ostream-format.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-checker=alpha.cplusplus.OStreamFormat -verify -std=c++11 %s
+#include "Inputs/system-header-simulator-cxx-iostream.h"
+class StreamState {
+  StreamState(std::ostream &out)
+      : m_out(out), m_fmt(out.flags()), m_prec(out.precision()) {}
+  ~StreamState() {
+    m_out.precision(m_prec);
+    m_out.flags(m_fmt);
+  }
+  std::ostream &m_out;
+  std::ios_base::fmtflags m_fmt;
+  std::streamsize m_prec;
+void test1(int i) {
+  std::cout << std::hex << i;
+} // expected-warning{{Possibly forgotten ostream format modification in scope}}
+void test2(int i) { std::cout << std::hex << i << std::dec; } // OK.
+void test3(int i) {
+  std::cout << std::hex << i;
+  std::cout << std::dec;
+} // ok
+void test4(float f) {
+  std::cout << std::setprecision(2)
+            << f; // The stream state is chaged, but not restored.
+} // expected-warning{{Possibly forgotten ostream format modification in scope}}
+int test5() {
+  std::cout.setf(std::ios::hex,
+                 std::ios::basefield); // Set hex as the basefield.
+  std::cout.setf(std::ios::showbase);  // Activating showbase.
+  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
+  std::cout.unsetf(std::ios::showbase); // Deactivating showbase.
+  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
+  return 0; // The stream state is chaged, but not restored.
+} // expected-warning{{Possibly forgotten ostream format modification in scope}}
+void test6(const char *results) {
+  StreamState ss(std::cout);
+  std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
+            << std::setprecision(6); // The stream state is set here.
+  std::cout << results << std::endl;
+} // OK, stream state is recovered here.
+void test7(int i) {
+  std::cout << std::hex << i;
+  std::cout.setf(std::ios::dec);
+} // OK.
+void test8(float i) {
+  std::cout << std::setprecision(12) << i;
+  std::cout.precision(6);
+} // OK.
+void test9(float i) {
+  std::cout.precision(6);
+  std::cout << std::setprecision(12) << i;
+} // expected-warning{{Possibly forgotten ostream format modification in scope}}
+void test10(float i) {
+  std::cout.precision(12);
+  std::cout << std::setprecision(6) << i;
+} // OK.
Index: test/Analysis/Inputs/system-header-simulator-cxx-iostream.h
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Analysis/Inputs/system-header-simulator-cxx-iostream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// Like the compiler, the static analyzer treats some functions differently if
+// they come from a system header -- for example, it is assumed that system
+// functions do not arbitrarily free() their parameters, and that some bugs
+// found in system headers cannot be fixed by the user and should be
+// suppressed.
+#pragma clang system_header
+namespace std {
+typedef unsigned streamsize;
+namespace ios {
+int boolalpha;
+int dec;
+int fixed;
+int hex;
+int internal;
+int left;
+int oct;
+int right;
+int scientific;
+int showbase;
+int showpoint;
+int showpos;
+int skipws;
+int unitbuf;
+int uppercase;
+int adjustfield;
+int basefield;
+int floatfield;
+class ios_base {
+  typedef int fmtflags;
+  fmtflags m_fmt;
+  fmtflags flags() const;
+  fmtflags flags(fmtflags);
+  fmtflags setf(fmtflags);
+  fmtflags setf(fmtflags, fmtflags);
+  void unsetf(fmtflags);
+  streamsize precision() const;
+  streamsize precision(streamsize);
+  streamsize width() const;
+  streamsize width(streamsize);
+template <class T> class basic_ios : public ios_base {};
+// Simple manipulators.
+ios_base &boolalpha(ios_base &);
+ios_base &noboolalpha(ios_base &);
+ios_base &showbase(ios_base &);
+ios_base &noshowbase(ios_base &);
+ios_base &showpoint(ios_base &);
+ios_base &noshowpoint(ios_base &);
+ios_base &showpos(ios_base &);
+ios_base &noshowpos(ios_base &);
+ios_base &skipws(ios_base &);
+ios_base &noskipws(ios_base &);
+ios_base &uppercase(ios_base &);
+ios_base &nouppercase(ios_base &);
+ios_base &unitbuf(ios_base &);
+ios_base &nounitbuf(ios_base &);
+ios_base &internal(ios_base &);
+ios_base &left(ios_base &);
+ios_base &right(ios_base &);
+ios_base &dec(ios_base &);
+ios_base &hex(ios_base &);
+ios_base &oct(ios_base &);
+ios_base &fixed(ios_base &);
+ios_base &scientific(ios_base &);
+ios_base &hexfloat(ios_base &);
+ios_base &defaultfloat(ios_base &);
+template <class T> class basic_ostream : public basic_ios<T> {
+  basic_ostream &operator<<(int);
+  basic_ostream &operator<<(float);
+  basic_ostream &operator<<(double);
+  basic_ostream &operator<<(const char *);
+  basic_ostream &operator<<(const basic_ostream &);
+  basic_ostream &operator<<(basic_ostream &(*)(basic_ostream &));
+  basic_ostream &operator<<(basic_ios<T> &(*)(basic_ios<T> &));
+  basic_ostream &operator<<(ios_base &(*)(ios_base &));
+template <class T> basic_ostream<T> &endl(basic_ostream<T> &);
+template <class T> class basic_istream : public basic_ios<T> {
+  basic_istream &operator>>(int);
+  basic_istream &operator>>(float);
+  basic_istream &operator>>(double);
+  basic_istream &operator>>(const char *);
+  basic_istream &operator>>(const basic_istream &);
+  basic_istream &operator>>(basic_istream &(*)(basic_istream &));
+  basic_istream &operator>>(basic_ios<T> &(*)(basic_ios<T> &));
+  basic_istream &operator>>(ios_base &(*)(ios_base &));
+// Complex, parametric manipulators.
+class resetiosflags_manip {
+  explicit resetiosflags_manip(ios_base::fmtflags);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_istream<T> &operator>>(basic_istream<T> &,
+                                      const resetiosflags_manip &);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_ostream<T> &operator<<(basic_ostream<T> &,
+                                      const resetiosflags_manip &);
+class setiosflags_manip {
+  explicit setiosflags_manip(ios_base::fmtflags);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_istream<T> &operator>>(basic_istream<T> &,
+                                      const setiosflags_manip &);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_ostream<T> &operator<<(basic_ostream<T> &,
+                                      const setiosflags_manip &);
+class setprecision_manip {
+  int n;
+  explicit setprecision_manip(ios_base::fmtflags);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_istream<T> &operator>>(basic_istream<T> &,
+                                      const setprecision_manip &);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_ostream<T> &operator<<(basic_ostream<T> &,
+                                      const setprecision_manip &manip);
+class setbase_manip {
+  explicit setbase_manip(int);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_istream<T> &operator>>(basic_istream<T> &,
+                                      const setbase_manip &);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_ostream<T> &operator<<(basic_ostream<T> &,
+                                      const setbase_manip &);
+template <class T> class setfill_manip {
+  explicit setfill_manip(T);
+  friend basic_istream<T> &operator>>(basic_istream<T> &,
+                                      const setfill_manip &);
+  friend basic_ostream<T> &operator<<(basic_ostream<T> &,
+                                      const setfill_manip &);
+class setw_manip {
+  explicit setw_manip(int);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_istream<T> &operator>>(basic_istream<T> &, const setw_manip &);
+  template <class T>
+  friend basic_ostream<T> &operator<<(basic_ostream<T> &, const setw_manip &);
+resetiosflags_manip resetiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags fmtf) {
+  return resetiosflags_manip(fmtf);
+setiosflags_manip setiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags fmtf) {
+  return setiosflags_manip(fmtf);
+setprecision_manip setprecision(int prec) { return setprecision_manip(prec); }
+setbase_manip setbase(int base) { return setbase_manip(base); }
+template <class T> setfill_manip<T> setfill(T fill) {
+  return setfill_manip<T>(fill);
+setw_manip setw(int width) { return setw_manip(width); }
+typedef basic_ostream<char> ostream;
+typedef basic_istream<char> istream;
+extern istream cin;
+extern ostream cout;
+extern ostream cerr;
+extern ostream clog;
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/OStreamFormatChecker.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/OStreamFormatChecker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1030 @@
+//===-- OStreamFormatChecker.cpp ------------------------------*- C++ -*--//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines an ostream format state checker, that checks for possibly
+// forgotten format state modifications.
+// We identify the ostream objects by memory region, and check for "same scope"
+// modifications. That means the checker should warn if we have modified the
+// stream object's format, and forgotten to restore it before the end of the
+// function in which the modification occured.
+// Since istream behaves very similarly, this checker could easily be extended
+// to provide istream support as well.
+#include "ClangSACheckers.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugType.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Checker.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerContext.h"
+using namespace clang;
+using namespace ento;
+namespace {
+// Wrapper for each individual state category that
+// the checker tracks.
+// The first template argument should be a primitive type,
+// the second is the default value that the checker considers
+// "normal" format.
+// See Standard: N4606 basic_ios constructors.
+template <class StorageType, StorageType Default> class State {
+  static_assert(std::is_integral<StorageType>::value ||
+                    std::is_enum<StorageType>::value,
+                "Only integral types or enums are supported.");
+  State() : State(Default) {}
+  State(const StorageType &StateValue) : StateValue(StateValue) {}
+  bool operator==(const State &rhs) const {
+    return StateValue == rhs.StateValue;
+  }
+  StorageType getState() const { return StateValue; }
+  bool isDefault() const { return StateValue == Default; }
+  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
+    ID.AddInteger(static_cast<int>(StateValue));
+  }
+  StorageType StateValue;
+enum class NumericFormat { DEC = 0, OCT, HEX };
+typedef State<NumericFormat, NumericFormat::DEC> NumericFormatState;
+const unsigned DEFAULT_PRECISION = 6;
+typedef State<unsigned int, DEFAULT_PRECISION> NumericPrecisionState;
+enum class Justification { RIGHT = 0, LEFT, INTERNAL };
+typedef State<Justification, Justification::RIGHT> JustificationState;
+typedef State<bool, false> BoolAlphaState;
+typedef State<bool, false> ShowPosState;
+typedef State<bool, false> ShowBaseState;
+typedef State<bool, false> UpperCaseState;
+typedef State<bool, false> ShowPointState;
+enum class FloatingPoint { NOT_SET = 0, FIXED, SCIENTIFIC };
+typedef State<FloatingPoint, FloatingPoint::NOT_SET> FloatingPointState;
+typedef State<bool, false> FlagsCalledState;
+// This aggregate state stores the basic states that we track, and
+// also the scope, in which the first modification occured.
+class StoredState {
+  StoredState(const FunctionDecl *Scope) : Scope(Scope) {}
+  bool operator==(const StoredState &OtherState) const {
+    return Format == OtherState.Format && Precision == OtherState.Precision &&
+           Justification == OtherState.Justification &&
+           BoolAlpha == OtherState.BoolAlpha && ShowPos == OtherState.ShowPos &&
+           ShowBase == OtherState.ShowBase &&
+           UpperCase == OtherState.UpperCase &&
+           ShowPoint == OtherState.ShowPoint &&
+           FloatingPoint == OtherState.FloatingPoint &&
+           FlagsCalled == OtherState.FlagsCalled;
+  }
+  // A stream is considered default if every state is default, except
+  // FlagsCalled which behaves like an inverted state.
+  // We consider a stream default if there
+  // was a flag call on it. If someone calls flags() to copy the format flags
+  // we consider the stream saved, and dont report it.
+  // Consider following example:
+  //
+  // void safePrintFunction(int valueToPrint) {
+  //   StreamState SS(std::cout);
+  //   std::cout <<
+  //     "According to my calculations the hexadecimal value is " <<
+  //     std::hex <<
+  //     valueToPring <<
+  //     std::endl;
+  // }
+  //
+  // If SS is an object that calls flags() on its constructor argument,
+  // and in its destructor restores it in the original stream,
+  // then it effectively saves the formatting state of that stream.
+  // Example of such class:
+  //
+  // class StreamState {
+  // public:
+  //   StreamState(std::ostream& out)
+  //      : m_out(out), m_fmt(out.flags()), m_prec(out.precision()) {}
+  //
+  //   ~StreamState() {
+  //      m_out.precision(m_prec);
+  //      m_out.flags(m_fmt);
+  //   }
+  //
+  // private:
+  //   std::ostream& m_out;
+  //   std::ios_base::fmtflags m_fmt;
+  //   std::streamsize m_prec;
+  // };
+  //
+  // FIXME: A more elaborate solution could be added to support this
+  // stream saving logic.
+  bool isDefault() const {
+    return (Format.isDefault() && Precision.isDefault() &&
+            Justification.isDefault() && BoolAlpha.isDefault() &&
+            ShowPos.isDefault() && ShowBase.isDefault() &&
+            UpperCase.isDefault() && ShowPoint.isDefault() &&
+            FloatingPoint.isDefault()) ||
+           !FlagsCalled.isDefault();
+  }
+  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
+    ID.AddPointer(Scope);
+    Format.Profile(ID);
+    Precision.Profile(ID);
+    Justification.Profile(ID);
+    BoolAlpha.Profile(ID);
+    ShowPos.Profile(ID);
+    ShowBase.Profile(ID);
+    UpperCase.Profile(ID);
+    ShowPoint.Profile(ID);
+    FloatingPoint.Profile(ID);
+    FlagsCalled.Profile(ID);
+  }
+  const FunctionDecl *getScope() const { return Scope; }
+  // All apply functions behave like ProgramState, so when we modify
+  // a StoredState object we return a copy of the original. This
+  // ensures that we dont have accidentally have access to references of
+  // States from another ProgramState.
+  StoredState applyNumericState(const NumericFormat &format) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.Format = NumericFormatState(format);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState applyPrecisionState(unsigned int precision) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.Precision = NumericPrecisionState(precision);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState
+  applyJustificationState(const enum Justification &justification) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.Justification = JustificationState(justification);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState applyBoolAlphaState(bool boolAlpha) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.BoolAlpha = BoolAlphaState(boolAlpha);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState applyShowPosState(bool showPos) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.ShowPos = ShowPosState(showPos);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState applyShowBaseState(bool showBase) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.ShowBase = ShowBaseState(showBase);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState applyUpperCaseState(bool upperCase) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.UpperCase = UpperCaseState(upperCase);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState applyShowPointState(bool showPoint) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.ShowPoint = ShowPointState(showPoint);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState
+  applyFloatingPointState(const enum FloatingPoint &floatingPoint) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.FloatingPoint = FloatingPointState(floatingPoint);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  StoredState applyFlagsCalledState(bool flagsCalled) const {
+    StoredState Copy(*this);
+    Copy.FlagsCalled = FlagsCalledState(flagsCalled);
+    return Copy;
+  }
+  // We identify the scope of modification by the fully quailfied
+  // name of the enclosing function.
+  // Note that this does not account for example local
+  // block expressions, so at the end of our tracked scope the
+  // ostream variable could already be destroyed.
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope;
+  NumericFormatState Format;
+  NumericPrecisionState Precision;
+  JustificationState Justification;
+  BoolAlphaState BoolAlpha;
+  ShowPosState ShowPos;
+  ShowBaseState ShowBase;
+  UpperCaseState UpperCase;
+  ShowPointState ShowPoint;
+  FloatingPointState FloatingPoint;
+  FlagsCalledState FlagsCalled;
+// Most of the time only a small number of stream objects are
+// handled in a scope.
+typedef SmallVector<std::pair<const MemRegion *, StoredState>, 4>
+    SmallFormatVec;
+// The checker uses checkPreCall check to populate the
+// state map with modifications, and to keep track of
+// changes. The endFunction check is used to examine
+// the tracked states, and emit warnings if needed.
+class OStreamFormatChecker
+    : public Checker<eval::Call, check::PreCall, check::EndFunction> {
+  mutable std::unique_ptr<BugType> OStreamFormatBugType;
+  mutable IdentifierInfo *II_BasicOstream, *II_Flags, *II_Setf, *II_Unsetf,
+      *II_Setiosflags, *II_Resetiosflags, *II_Precision, *II_SetPrecision,
+      *II_BaseField, *II_Hex, *II_Dec, *II_Oct, *II_AdjustField, *II_Left,
+      *II_Right, *II_Internal, *II_BoolAlpha, *II_NoBoolAlpha, *II_ShowPos,
+      *II_NoShowPos, *II_ShowBase, *II_NoShowBase, *II_UpperCase,
+      *II_NoUpperCase, *II_ShowPoint, *II_NoShowPoint, *II_FloatField,
+      *II_Fixed, *II_Scientific;
+  OStreamFormatChecker()
+      : II_BasicOstream(nullptr), II_Flags(nullptr), II_Setf(nullptr),
+        II_Unsetf(nullptr), II_Setiosflags(nullptr), II_Resetiosflags(nullptr),
+        II_Precision(nullptr), II_SetPrecision(nullptr), II_BaseField(nullptr),
+        II_Hex(nullptr), II_Dec(nullptr), II_Oct(nullptr),
+        II_AdjustField(nullptr), II_Left(nullptr), II_Right(nullptr),
+        II_Internal(nullptr), II_BoolAlpha(nullptr), II_NoBoolAlpha(nullptr),
+        II_ShowPos(nullptr), II_NoShowPos(nullptr), II_ShowBase(nullptr),
+        II_NoShowBase(nullptr), II_UpperCase(nullptr), II_NoUpperCase(nullptr),
+        II_ShowPoint(nullptr), II_NoShowPoint(nullptr), II_FloatField(nullptr),
+        II_Fixed(nullptr), II_Scientific(nullptr) {}
+  void initIdents(const ASTContext &AC) const;
+  void reportFormatWarning(const SmallFormatVec &Streams,
+                           const ExplodedNode *ErrNode,
+                           CheckerContext &C) const;
+  bool evalCall(const CallExpr *CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
+  void checkPreCall(const CallEvent &CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
+  void checkEndFunction(CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef checkForManipulator(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OC,
+                                      ProgramStateRef S,
+                                      CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef checkForSimpleManip(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *LeftShift,
+                                      ProgramStateRef S,
+                                      CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef checkForComplexManip(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *LeftShift,
+                                       ProgramStateRef S,
+                                       CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef checkForMemberCall(const CXXMemberCall *MC, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                     CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef handleMethodFlags(const CXXMemberCall *MC,
+                                    const MemRegion *BMR, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                    CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef handleMethodSetf(const CXXMemberCall *MC,
+                                   const MemRegion *BMR, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                   CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef handleMethodUnsetf(const CXXMemberCall *MC,
+                                     const MemRegion *BMR, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                     CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef handleMethodPrecision(const CXXMemberCall *MC,
+                                        const MemRegion *BMR, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                        CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef handleSimpleManip(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE,
+                                    const FunctionDecl *FD, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                    CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef handleSetiosflags(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE,
+                                    const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                    CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef handleResetiosflags(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE,
+                                      const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                      CheckerContext &C) const;
+  ProgramStateRef handleSetprecision(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE,
+                                     const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                     CheckerContext &C) const;
+  StoredState applyStateFlagForSetting(const StoredState &OldState,
+                                       const IdentifierInfo *Modifier) const;
+  StoredState applyStateFlagForUnsetting(const StoredState &OldState,
+                                         const IdentifierInfo *Modifier) const;
+} // end anonymous namespace
+REGISTER_MAP_WITH_PROGRAMSTATE(OstreamStateMap, const MemRegion *, StoredState)
+// Helper functions.
+static const FunctionDecl *getContextAsFunc(CheckerContext &C) {
+  return C.getLocationContext()->getDecl()->getAsFunction();
+static const MemRegion *getMemRegionForExpr(const Expr *E, CheckerContext &C) {
+  ProgramStateRef S = C.getState();
+  const LocationContext *LC = C.getLocationContext();
+  return S->getSVal(E, LC).getAsRegion();
+// This function is meant to be used on a leftshift operator call.
+static const MemRegion *
+getMemRegionForFirstManipArg(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE,
+                             CheckerContext &C) {
+  return getMemRegionForExpr(OCE->getArg(0), C);
+static const IdentifierInfo *
+getIdentifierInfoForMethodArg(const CXXMemberCall *MC, unsigned int ArgIndex,
+                              CheckerContext &C) {
+  // The argument must exist.
+  if (MC->getNumArgs() <= ArgIndex)
+    return nullptr;
+  const auto *Arg =
+      dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(MC->getArgExpr(ArgIndex)->IgnoreCasts());
+  if (!Arg)
+    return nullptr;
+  // The argument must have a Decl.
+  const NamedDecl *ArgDecl = Arg->getFoundDecl();
+  if (!ArgDecl)
+    return nullptr;
+  // The argument must also be identifiable.
+  const IdentifierInfo *ArgII = ArgDecl->getIdentifier();
+  return ArgII;
+static Optional<int> tryEvaluateAsInt(const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                      CheckerContext C) {
+  const llvm::APSInt *Result =
+      C.getSValBuilder().getKnownValue(S, C.getSVal(E));
+  if (Result)
+    return Result->getExtValue();
+  return None;
+// Checker methods.
+void OStreamFormatChecker::initIdents(const ASTContext &AC) const {
+  if (!II_BasicOstream)
+    II_BasicOstream = &AC.Idents.get("basic_ostream");
+  if (!II_Flags)
+    II_Flags = &AC.Idents.get("flags");
+  if (!II_Setf)
+    II_Setf = &AC.Idents.get("setf");
+  if (!II_Unsetf)
+    II_Unsetf = &AC.Idents.get("unsetf");
+  if (!II_Setiosflags)
+    II_Setiosflags = &AC.Idents.get("setiosflags");
+  if (!II_Resetiosflags)
+    II_Resetiosflags = &AC.Idents.get("resetiosflags");
+  if (!II_Precision)
+    II_Precision = &AC.Idents.get("precision");
+  if (!II_SetPrecision)
+    II_SetPrecision = &AC.Idents.get("setprecision");
+  if (!II_BaseField)
+    II_BaseField = &AC.Idents.get("basefield");
+  if (!II_Hex)
+    II_Hex = &AC.Idents.get("hex");
+  if (!II_Dec)
+    II_Dec = &AC.Idents.get("dec");
+  if (!II_Oct)
+    II_Oct = &AC.Idents.get("oct");
+  if (!II_AdjustField)
+    II_AdjustField = &AC.Idents.get("adjustField");
+  if (!II_Left)
+    II_Left = &AC.Idents.get("left");
+  if (!II_Right)
+    II_Right = &AC.Idents.get("right");
+  if (!II_Internal)
+    II_Internal = &AC.Idents.get("internal");
+  if (!II_BoolAlpha)
+    II_BoolAlpha = &AC.Idents.get("boolalpha");
+  if (!II_NoBoolAlpha)
+    II_NoBoolAlpha = &AC.Idents.get("noboolalpha");
+  if (!II_ShowPos)
+    II_ShowPos = &AC.Idents.get("showPos");
+  if (!II_NoShowPos)
+    II_NoShowPos = &AC.Idents.get("noshowpos");
+  if (!II_ShowBase)
+    II_ShowBase = &AC.Idents.get("showbase");
+  if (!II_NoShowBase)
+    II_NoShowBase = &AC.Idents.get("noshowbase");
+  if (!II_UpperCase)
+    II_UpperCase = &AC.Idents.get("uppercase");
+  if (!II_NoUpperCase)
+    II_NoUpperCase = &AC.Idents.get("nouppercase");
+  if (!II_ShowPoint)
+    II_ShowPoint = &AC.Idents.get("showpoint");
+  if (!II_NoShowPoint)
+    II_NoShowPoint = &AC.Idents.get("noshowpoint");
+  if (!II_FloatField)
+    II_FloatField = &AC.Idents.get("floatfield");
+  if (!II_Scientific)
+    II_Scientific = &AC.Idents.get("scientific");
+  if (!II_Fixed)
+    II_Fixed = &AC.Idents.get("fixed");
+void OStreamFormatChecker::reportFormatWarning(const SmallFormatVec &Streams,
+                                               const ExplodedNode *warnNode,
+                                               CheckerContext &C) const {
+  if (!OStreamFormatBugType)
+    OStreamFormatBugType.reset(new BugType(
+        this, "Possibly forgotten ostream format modification in scope",
+        "OStream Format Warning"));
+  for (auto &Stream : Streams) {
+    auto R = llvm::make_unique<BugReport>(
+        *OStreamFormatBugType,
+        "Possibly forgotten ostream format modification in scope", warnNode);
+    R->markInteresting(Stream.first);
+    C.emitReport(std::move(R));
+  }
+bool OStreamFormatChecker::evalCall(const CallExpr *CE,
+                                    CheckerContext &C) const {
+  if (CE->getNumArgs() < 1)
+    return false;
+  const IdentifierInfo *Arg0II =
+      CE->getArg(0)->getType().getBaseTypeIdentifier();
+  if (Arg0II != II_BasicOstream)
+    return false;
+  const auto *OCE = dyn_cast<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(CE);
+  if (!OCE)
+    return false;
+  if (OCE->getOperator() != OO_LessLess)
+    return false;
+  ProgramStateRef CurrentState = C.getState();
+  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
+  const SVal InStream =
+      CurrentState->getSVal(CE->getArg(0), C.getLocationContext());
+  // The return value of this call is a reference to the stream object itself.
+  CurrentState = CurrentState->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, InStream);
+  ProgramStateManager &PSM = C.getStateManager();
+  CallEventManager &CEM = PSM.getCallEventManager();
+  const CallEventRef<> CEvt = CEM.getSimpleCall(CE, CurrentState, LCtx);
+  // Get the SVal of the stream object, which is the first argument.
+  const SVal StreamSV = CEvt->getArgSVal(0);
+  // Add the SVal of the StreamObject.
+  SmallVector<SVal, 1> ValuesToInvalidate{StreamSV};
+  RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits ETraits;
+  const int BlockCount = C.blockCount();
+  // The call possibly modifies the inner structure of the stream object.
+  const ProgramStateRef RegionsInvalidated =
+      CurrentState->invalidateRegions(ValuesToInvalidate, CE, BlockCount, LCtx,
+                                      false, nullptr, CEvt.get(), &ETraits);
+  C.addTransition(RegionsInvalidated);
+  return true;
+void OStreamFormatChecker::checkEndFunction(CheckerContext &C) const {
+  ProgramStateRef S = C.getState();
+  const ASTContext &AC = C.getASTContext();
+  initIdents(AC);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  // We iterate over the map, checking whether we are
+  // in the same scope as one of the tracked objects, and
+  // if it is not in default state.
+  // In such case, emit a warning.
+  OstreamStateMapTy Streams = S->get<OstreamStateMap>();
+  SmallVector<const MemRegion *, 4> ExpiredStreams;
+  SmallFormatVec ForgottenStreams;
+  for (const auto MapItem : Streams) {
+    auto StreamState = MapItem.second;
+    if (StreamState.getScope() != Scope)
+      continue;
+    ExpiredStreams.push_back(MapItem.first);
+    if (StreamState.isDefault())
+      continue;
+    ForgottenStreams.push_back(MapItem);
+  }
+  for (const MemRegion *ExpiredStream : ExpiredStreams)
+    S = S->remove<OstreamStateMap>(ExpiredStream);
+  if (ForgottenStreams.empty())
+    return;
+  ExplodedNode *warningNode = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(S);
+  if (!warningNode)
+    return;
+  reportFormatWarning(ForgottenStreams, warningNode, C);
+void OStreamFormatChecker::checkPreCall(const CallEvent &CE,
+                                        CheckerContext &C) const {
+  ProgramStateRef S = C.getState();
+  const ASTContext &AC = C.getASTContext();
+  initIdents(AC);
+  // We only check ostream objects.
+  // First we check if this CallEvent is a MemberCall.
+  const auto *MC = dyn_cast<CXXMemberCall>(&CE);
+  if (MC) {
+    // There must be a CXXThisExpr since *MC is valid.
+    // IgnoreCasts does not produce nullptr from a non-nullptr.
+    const IdentifierInfo *ObjectII =
+        MC->getCXXThisExpr()->IgnoreCasts()->getType().getBaseTypeIdentifier();
+    if (ObjectII != II_BasicOstream)
+      return;
+    S = checkForMemberCall(MC, S, C);
+  }
+  // Then we check for manipulators.
+  const auto *OC = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(CE.getOriginExpr());
+  if (OC) {
+    const IdentifierInfo *Arg0II =
+        OC->getArg(0)->getType().getBaseTypeIdentifier();
+    if (Arg0II != II_BasicOstream)
+      return;
+    S = checkForManipulator(OC, S, C);
+  }
+  C.addTransition(S);
+ProgramStateRef OStreamFormatChecker::checkForManipulator(
+    const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OC, ProgramStateRef S, CheckerContext &C) const {
+  // The check for manipulators is done by checking the operator<< calls.
+  // Specificly, it is the '<<' operator.
+  if (OC->getOperator() != clang::OverloadedOperatorKind::OO_LessLess)
+    return S;
+  // In most sensible usecases it has 2 arguments, but check it to be sure.
+  if (OC->getNumArgs() != 2)
+    return S;
+  S = checkForSimpleManip(OC, S, C);
+  S = checkForComplexManip(OC, S, C);
+  return S;
+// Check for modifications that are results of simple manipulator expressions
+// embedded in left shift operator chains that have no parameters
+// e.g. std::cout << std::hex.
+OStreamFormatChecker::checkForSimpleManip(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *LeftShift,
+                                          ProgramStateRef S,
+                                          CheckerContext &C) const {
+  // The right hand side of the operator is what we are interested in.
+  const auto *SimpleManip =
+      dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(LeftShift->getArg(1)->IgnoreCasts());
+  if (!SimpleManip)
+    return S;
+  const NamedDecl *SimpleDecl = SimpleManip->getFoundDecl();
+  const auto *SimpleFuncDecl = dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionDecl>(SimpleDecl);
+  if (!SimpleFuncDecl)
+    return S;
+  return handleSimpleManip(LeftShift, SimpleFuncDecl, S, C);
+// Used for setprecision, and setiosflags calls.
+OStreamFormatChecker::checkForComplexManip(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *LeftShift,
+                                           ProgramStateRef S,
+                                           CheckerContext &C) const {
+  const auto *ConstructExpr = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(LeftShift->getArg(1));
+  // The test header yields a MaterializeTemporaryExpr directly.
+  const auto *MTE = dyn_cast<MaterializeTemporaryExpr>(LeftShift->getArg(1));
+  // If its neither, don`t continue.
+  if (!ConstructExpr && !MTE)
+    return S;
+  // If we have CE, try to get MTE.
+  if (ConstructExpr && !MTE)
+    MTE = dyn_cast<MaterializeTemporaryExpr>(ConstructExpr->getArg(0));
+  // If it still fails, give up.
+  if (!MTE)
+    return S;
+  const auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(MTE->IgnoreCasts());
+  if (!CE)
+    return S;
+  const FunctionDecl *FD = CE->getDirectCallee();
+  if (!FD)
+    return S;
+  const IdentifierInfo *ComplexManipII = FD->getIdentifier();
+  if (!ComplexManipII)
+    return S;
+  if (ComplexManipII == II_Setiosflags)
+    S = handleSetiosflags(LeftShift, CE, S, C);
+  if (ComplexManipII == II_Resetiosflags)
+    S = handleResetiosflags(LeftShift, CE, S, C);
+  if (ComplexManipII == II_SetPrecision)
+    S = handleSetprecision(LeftShift, CE, S, C);
+  return S;
+ProgramStateRef OStreamFormatChecker::handleSimpleManip(
+    const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE, const FunctionDecl *FD, ProgramStateRef S,
+    CheckerContext &C) const {
+  const IdentifierInfo *SimpleManipII = FD->getIdentifier();
+  if (!SimpleManipII)
+    return S;
+  const MemRegion *StreamMemRegion = getMemRegionForFirstManipArg(OCE, C);
+  if (!StreamMemRegion)
+    return S;
+  const StoredState *TrackedState = S->get<OstreamStateMap>(StreamMemRegion);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  StoredState OldState = TrackedState ? *TrackedState : StoredState(Scope);
+  StoredState NewState = applyStateFlagForSetting(OldState, SimpleManipII);
+  return S->set<OstreamStateMap>(StreamMemRegion, NewState);
+ProgramStateRef OStreamFormatChecker::checkForMemberCall(
+    const CXXMemberCall *MC, ProgramStateRef S, CheckerContext &C) const {
+  // This call must meet some specific criteria in order to
+  // qualify as a stream modification.
+  // It's object argument must resolve to a valid MemRegion,
+  // We use it as the unique identifier for the stream.
+  const MemRegion *ThisMemRegion = MC->getCXXThisVal().getAsRegion();
+  if (!ThisMemRegion)
+    return S;
+  const MemRegion *BMR = ThisMemRegion->getBaseRegion();
+  // It must have a MethodDecl.
+  // Since *MC is a valid CXXMemberCall there must
+  // exist an OriginExpr as well.
+  const CXXMethodDecl *MethodDecl = MC->getOriginExpr()->getMethodDecl();
+  if (!MethodDecl)
+    return S;
+  // It must identifiable.
+  const IdentifierInfo *MethodII = MethodDecl->getIdentifier();
+  if (!MethodII)
+    return S;
+  // Effectively a switch statement on method identifiers.
+  // There is no implicit conversion from pointer to int,
+  // so we would need to cast the pointers. It may also be
+  // more readable this way.
+  if (MethodII == II_Flags)
+    S = handleMethodFlags(MC, BMR, S, C);
+  if (MethodII == II_Setf)
+    S = handleMethodSetf(MC, BMR, S, C);
+  if (MethodII == II_Unsetf)
+    S = handleMethodUnsetf(MC, BMR, S, C);
+  if (MethodII == II_Precision)
+    S = handleMethodPrecision(MC, BMR, S, C);
+  return S;
+OStreamFormatChecker::handleMethodFlags(const CXXMemberCall *MC,
+                                        const MemRegion *BMR, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                        CheckerContext &C) const {
+  if (MC->getNumArgs() != 0)
+    return S;
+  const StoredState *TrackedState = S->get<OstreamStateMap>(BMR);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  StoredState OldState = TrackedState ? *TrackedState : StoredState(Scope);
+  StoredState NewState = OldState.applyFlagsCalledState(true);
+  return S->set<OstreamStateMap>(BMR, NewState);
+OStreamFormatChecker::handleMethodSetf(const CXXMemberCall *MC,
+                                       const MemRegion *BMR, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                       CheckerContext &C) const {
+  // Check wether we have an indentifiable first argument.
+  const IdentifierInfo *Arg0II = getIdentifierInfoForMethodArg(MC, 0, C);
+  if (!Arg0II)
+    return S;
+  const StoredState *TrackedState = S->get<OstreamStateMap>(BMR);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  StoredState OldState = TrackedState ? *TrackedState : StoredState(Scope);
+  StoredState NewState = applyStateFlagForSetting(OldState, Arg0II);
+  return S->set<OstreamStateMap>(BMR, NewState);
+ProgramStateRef OStreamFormatChecker::handleMethodUnsetf(
+    const CXXMemberCall *MC, const MemRegion *BMR, ProgramStateRef S,
+    CheckerContext &C) const {
+  // Check wether we have an indentifiable first argument.
+  const IdentifierInfo *Arg0II = getIdentifierInfoForMethodArg(MC, 0, C);
+  if (!Arg0II)
+    return S;
+  const StoredState *TrackedState = S->get<OstreamStateMap>(BMR);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  StoredState OldState = TrackedState ? *TrackedState : StoredState(Scope);
+  StoredState NewState = applyStateFlagForUnsetting(OldState, Arg0II);
+  return S->set<OstreamStateMap>(BMR, NewState);
+ProgramStateRef OStreamFormatChecker::handleMethodPrecision(
+    const CXXMemberCall *MC, const MemRegion *BMR, ProgramStateRef S,
+    CheckerContext &C) const {
+  if (MC->getNumArgs() != 1)
+    return S;
+  const Expr *Arg0 = MC->getArgExpr(0);
+  Optional<int> EvaluatedValue = tryEvaluateAsInt(Arg0, S, C);
+  if (!EvaluatedValue)
+    return S;
+  int Precision = *EvaluatedValue;
+  const StoredState *TrackedState = S->get<OstreamStateMap>(BMR);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  StoredState OldState = TrackedState ? *TrackedState : StoredState(Scope);
+  StoredState NewState = OldState.applyPrecisionState(Precision);
+  return S->set<OstreamStateMap>(BMR, NewState);
+OStreamFormatChecker::handleSetiosflags(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE,
+                                        const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                        CheckerContext &C) const {
+  if (CE->getNumArgs() < 1)
+    return S;
+  const auto *ManipArg0 = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(CE->getArg(0)->IgnoreCasts());
+  if (!ManipArg0)
+    return S;
+  const NamedDecl *ManipArgDecl = ManipArg0->getFoundDecl();
+  if (!ManipArgDecl)
+    return S;
+  const IdentifierInfo *ManipArgII = ManipArgDecl->getIdentifier();
+  if (!ManipArgDecl)
+    return S;
+  const MemRegion *StreamMemRegion = getMemRegionForFirstManipArg(OCE, C);
+  if (!StreamMemRegion)
+    return S;
+  const StoredState *TrackedState = S->get<OstreamStateMap>(StreamMemRegion);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  StoredState OldState = TrackedState ? *TrackedState : StoredState(Scope);
+  StoredState NewState = applyStateFlagForSetting(OldState, ManipArgII);
+  return S->set<OstreamStateMap>(StreamMemRegion, NewState);
+OStreamFormatChecker::handleResetiosflags(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE,
+                                          const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                          CheckerContext &C) const {
+  if (CE->getNumArgs() < 1)
+    return S;
+  const auto *ManipArg0 = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(CE->getArg(0)->IgnoreCasts());
+  if (!ManipArg0)
+    return S;
+  const NamedDecl *ManipArgDecl = ManipArg0->getFoundDecl();
+  if (!ManipArgDecl)
+    return S;
+  const IdentifierInfo *ManipArgII = ManipArgDecl->getIdentifier();
+  if (!ManipArgDecl)
+    return S;
+  const MemRegion *StreamMemRegion = getMemRegionForFirstManipArg(OCE, C);
+  if (!StreamMemRegion)
+    return S;
+  const StoredState *TrackedState = S->get<OstreamStateMap>(StreamMemRegion);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  StoredState OldState = TrackedState ? *TrackedState : StoredState(Scope);
+  StoredState NewState = applyStateFlagForUnsetting(OldState, ManipArgII);
+  return S->set<OstreamStateMap>(StreamMemRegion, NewState);
+OStreamFormatChecker::handleSetprecision(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE,
+                                         const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef S,
+                                         CheckerContext &C) const {
+  if (CE->getNumArgs() < 1)
+    return S;
+  const Expr *ManipArg0 = CE->getArg(0)->IgnoreCasts();
+  if (!ManipArg0)
+    return S;
+  // Try to evaluate the argument, so we can reason about the
+  // new precision value.
+  Optional<int> EvaluatedValue = tryEvaluateAsInt(ManipArg0, S, C);
+  if (!EvaluatedValue)
+    return S;
+  int Precision = *EvaluatedValue;
+  const MemRegion *StreamMemRegion = getMemRegionForFirstManipArg(OCE, C);
+  if (!StreamMemRegion)
+    return S;
+  const StoredState *TrackedState = S->get<OstreamStateMap>(StreamMemRegion);
+  const FunctionDecl *Scope = getContextAsFunc(C);
+  StoredState OldState = TrackedState ? *TrackedState : StoredState(Scope);
+  StoredState NewState = OldState.applyPrecisionState(Precision);
+  return S->set<OstreamStateMap>(StreamMemRegion, NewState);
+StoredState OStreamFormatChecker::applyStateFlagForSetting(
+    const StoredState &OldState, const IdentifierInfo *Modifier) const {
+  if (Modifier == II_Hex)
+    return OldState.applyNumericState(NumericFormat::HEX);
+  if (Modifier == II_Dec)
+    return OldState.applyNumericState(NumericFormat::DEC);
+  if (Modifier == II_Oct)
+    return OldState.applyNumericState(NumericFormat::OCT);
+  if (Modifier == II_Left)
+    return OldState.applyJustificationState(Justification::LEFT);
+  if (Modifier == II_Right)
+    return OldState.applyJustificationState(Justification::RIGHT);
+  if (Modifier == II_Internal)
+    return OldState.applyJustificationState(Justification::INTERNAL);
+  if (Modifier == II_BoolAlpha)
+    return OldState.applyBoolAlphaState(true);
+  if (Modifier == II_NoBoolAlpha)
+    return OldState.applyBoolAlphaState(false);
+  if (Modifier == II_ShowPos)
+    return OldState.applyShowPosState(true);
+  if (Modifier == II_NoShowPos)
+    return OldState.applyShowPosState(false);
+  if (Modifier == II_ShowBase)
+    return OldState.applyShowBaseState(true);
+  if (Modifier == II_NoShowBase)
+    return OldState.applyShowBaseState(false);
+  if (Modifier == II_UpperCase)
+    return OldState.applyUpperCaseState(true);
+  if (Modifier == II_NoUpperCase)
+    return OldState.applyUpperCaseState(false);
+  if (Modifier == II_ShowPoint)
+    return OldState.applyShowPointState(true);
+  if (Modifier == II_NoShowPoint)
+    return OldState.applyShowPointState(true);
+  if (Modifier == II_Fixed)
+    return OldState.applyFloatingPointState(FloatingPoint::FIXED);
+  if (Modifier == II_Scientific)
+    return OldState.applyFloatingPointState(FloatingPoint::SCIENTIFIC);
+  return OldState;
+StoredState OStreamFormatChecker::applyStateFlagForUnsetting(
+    const StoredState &OldState, const IdentifierInfo *Modifier) const {
+  if (Modifier == II_Hex || Modifier == II_Dec || Modifier == II_Oct)
+    return OldState.applyNumericState(NumericFormat::DEC);
+  if (Modifier == II_Left || Modifier == II_Right || Modifier == II_Internal)
+    return OldState.applyJustificationState(Justification::LEFT);
+  if (Modifier == II_BoolAlpha)
+    return OldState.applyBoolAlphaState(false);
+  if (Modifier == II_ShowPos)
+    return OldState.applyShowPosState(false);
+  if (Modifier == II_ShowBase)
+    return OldState.applyShowBaseState(false);
+  if (Modifier == II_UpperCase)
+    return OldState.applyUpperCaseState(false);
+  if (Modifier == II_ShowPoint)
+    return OldState.applyShowPointState(false);
+  // Fixed and Scientific flags cannot be easily reset, only
+  // with an expression like .unsetf(FIXED | SCIENTIFIC).
+  // A more elaborate check could be implemented for this case.
+  if (Modifier == II_Fixed || Modifier == II_Scientific)
+    return OldState.applyFloatingPointState(FloatingPoint::NOT_SET);
+  return OldState;
+void ento::registerOStreamFormatChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
+  mgr.registerChecker<OStreamFormatChecker>();
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CMakeLists.txt
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
+  OStreamFormatChecker.cpp
Index: include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
--- include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
+++ include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
@@ -293,6 +293,10 @@
               "object will be reported">,
+def OStreamFormatChecker : Checker<"OStreamFormat">,
+  HelpText<"Check ostream objects for forgotten format modification">,
+  DescFile<"OStreamFormatChecker.cpp">;
 } // end: "alpha.cplusplus"
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