Author: nico
Date: Fri Jul 14 11:40:52 2017
New Revision: 308044

Add documentation for @available


Modified: cfe/trunk/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
--- cfe/trunk/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst Fri Jul 14 11:40:52 2017
@@ -1271,6 +1271,87 @@ Further examples of these attributes are
 Query for these features with ``__has_attribute(ns_consumed)``,
 ``__has_attribute(ns_returns_retained)``, etc.
+Objective-C @available
+It is possible to use the newest SDK but still build a program that can run on
+older versions of macOS and iOS by passing ``-mmacosx-version-info=`` /
+Before LLVM 5.0, when calling a function that exists only in the OS that's
+newer than the target OS (as determined by the minimum deployment version),
+programmers had to carefully check if the function exists at runtime, using
+null checks for weakly-linked C functions, ``+class`` for Objective-C classes,
+and ``-respondsToSelector:`` or ``+instancesRespondToSelector:`` for
+Objective-C methods.  If such a check was missed, the program would compile
+fine, run fine on newer systems, but crash on older systems.
+As of LLVM 5.0, ``-Wunguarded-availability`` uses the `availability attributes
+<>`_ together
+with the new ``@available()`` keyword to assist with this issue.
+When a method that's introduced in the OS newer than the target OS is called, a
+-Wunguarded-availability warning is emitted if that call is not guarded:
+.. code-block:: objc
+  void my_fun(NSSomeClass* var) {
+    // If fancyNewMethod was added in e.g. macOS 10.12, but the code is
+    // built with -mmacosx-version-min=10.11, then this unconditional call
+    // will emit a -Wunguarded-availability warning:
+    [var fancyNewMethod];
+  }
+To fix the warning and to avoid the crash on macOS 10.11, wrap it in
+.. code-block:: objc
+  void my_fun(NSSomeClass* var) {
+    if (@available(macOS 10.12, *)) {
+      [var fancyNewMethod];
+    } else {
+      // Put fallback behavior for old macOS versions (and for non-mac
+      // platforms) here.
+    }
+  }
+The ``*`` is required and means that platforms not explicitly listed will take
+the true branch, and the compiler will emit ``-Wunguarded-availability``
+warnings for unlisted platforms based on those platform's deployment target.
+More than one platform can be listed in ``@available()``:
+.. code-block:: objc
+  void my_fun(NSSomeClass* var) {
+    if (@available(macOS 10.12, iOS 10, *)) {
+      [var fancyNewMethod];
+    }
+  }
+If the caller of ``my_fun()`` already checks that ``my_fun()`` is only called
+on 10.12, then add an `availability attribute
+<>`_ to it,
+which will also suppress the warning and require that calls to my_fun() are
+.. code-block:: objc
+  API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.12)) void my_fun(NSSomeClass* var) {
+    [var fancyNewMethod];  // Now ok.
+  }
+``@available()`` is only available in Objective-C code.  To use the feature
+in C and C++ code, use the ``__builtin_available()`` spelling instead.
+If existing code uses null checks or ``-respondsToSelector:``, it should
+be changed to use ``@available()`` (or ``__builtin_available``) instead.
+``-Wunguarded-availability`` is disabled by default, but
+``-Wunguarded-availability-new``, which only emits this warning for APIs
+that have been introduced in macOS >= 10.13, iOS >= 11, watchOS >= 4 and
+tvOS >= 11, is enabled by default.
+.. _langext-overloading:
 Objective-C++ ABI: protocol-qualifier mangling of parameters
@@ -1287,8 +1368,6 @@ parameters of protocol-qualified type.
 Query the presence of this new mangling with
-.. _langext-overloading:
 Initializer lists for complex numbers in C

Modified: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/ (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/ Fri Jul 14 11:40:52 2017
@@ -910,13 +910,13 @@ the function declaration for a hypotheti
   void f(void) 
-The availability attribute states that ``f`` was introduced in Mac OS X 10.4,
-deprecated in Mac OS X 10.6, and obsoleted in Mac OS X 10.7.  This information
+The availability attribute states that ``f`` was introduced in macOS 10.4,
+deprecated in macOS 10.6, and obsoleted in macOS 10.7.  This information
 is used by Clang to determine when it is safe to use ``f``: for example, if
-Clang is instructed to compile code for Mac OS X 10.5, a call to ``f()``
-succeeds.  If Clang is instructed to compile code for Mac OS X 10.6, the call
+Clang is instructed to compile code for macOS 10.5, a call to ``f()``
+succeeds.  If Clang is instructed to compile code for macOS 10.6, the call
 succeeds but Clang emits a warning specifying that the function is deprecated.
-Finally, if Clang is instructed to compile code for Mac OS X 10.7, the call
+Finally, if Clang is instructed to compile code for macOS 10.7, the call
 fails because ``f()`` is no longer available.
 The availability attribute is a comma-separated list starting with the
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ are:
   command-line arguments.
-  Apple's Mac OS X operating system.  The minimum deployment target is
+  Apple's macOS operating system.  The minimum deployment target is
   specified by the ``-mmacosx-version-min=*version*`` command-line argument.
   ``macosx`` is supported for backward-compatibility reasons, but it is
@@ -1015,6 +1015,19 @@ When one method overrides another, the o
   - (id)method __attribute__((availability(macos,introduced=10.3))); // okay: 
method moved into base class later
   - (id)method __attribute__((availability(macos,introduced=10.5))); // error: 
this method was available via the base class in 10.4
+Starting with the macOS 10.12 SDK, the ``API_AVAILABLE`` macro from
+``<os/availability.h>`` can simplify the spelling:
+.. code-block:: objc
+  @interface A
+  - (id)method API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11)));
+  - (id)otherMethod API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11), ios(11.0));
+  @end
+Also see the documentation for `@available

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