szdominik added a comment.

In, @dcoughlin wrote:

> Who is the target of this documentation? Is it developers of the analyzer or 
> is it end users of the analyzer? If it is end users, it is unfortunate that 
> we've been just grabbing examples from the regression tests. These tests are 
> usually not idiomatic and, since they're designed for testing, they typically 
> won't explain the check well to an end user.
> I've suggested some more idiomatic examples inline for for some of the 
> Objective-C targeted checkers -- but it is probably worth thinking about the 
> remaining examples from the perspective of an end user.

Thank you for the examples, I'll update the patch.
I think the target is the end users, so you're right, probably more idiomatic 
examples would be better. (And @NoQ is right with warning messages too - but it 
should be reconsider the whole documentation, because it doesn't have really 
recognizable convention for that.)
However I'm not very good with Objective-C, so probably I'm not the best for 
this task :)

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