gtbercea added a comment.

In, @hfinkel wrote:

> What happens if you have multiple targets? Maybe this should be 
> -fopenmp-targets-arch=foo,bar,whatever?
> Once this all lands, please make sure that you add additional test cases 
> here. Make sure that the arch is passed through to the ptx and cuda tools as 
> it should be. Make sure that the defaults work. Make sure that something 
> reasonable happens if the user specifies the option more than once (if 
> they're all the same).

Hi Hal,

At the moment only one arch is supported and it would apply to all the target 
triples under -fopenmp-targets.

I was planning to address the multiple archs problem in a future patch.

I am assuming that in the case of multiple archs, each arch in 
-fopenmp-targets-arch=A1,A2,A3 will bind to a corresponding triple in 
-fopenmp-targets=T1,T2,T3 like so: T1 with A1, T2 with A2 etc. Is this a 
practical interpretation of what should happen?

Regarding tests: more tests can be added as a separate patch once offloading is 
enabled by the patch following this one (i.e. 
There actually is a test in where I check that 
the arch is passed to ptxas and nvlink correctly using this flag. I will add 
some more test cases to cover the other situations you mentioned.




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