baloghadamsoftware added a comment.

I tried `SValBuilder::evalBinOp()` first but it did not help too much. It could 
decide only if I compared the same conjured symbols or different ones, but 
nothing more. It always gave me `UnknownVal`. Even if comparing ${conj_X} == 
${conj_X} + n where n was a concrete integer. So I have to compare the symbol 
part and the concrete integer part separately. Waiting is not an option for us 
since we are a bit delayed with this checker. I have to bring them out of alpha 
until the end of the year. If Z3 constraint solver is accepted and will be the 
default constraint manager, then I can somewhat simplify my code. That patch is 
under review for long and I am not sure whether it will be the default ever.

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