yaxunl added a comment.

Can you add missing types to test/CodeGenOpenCL/opencl_types.cl ?

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h:1034
+  virtual LangAS::ID getOpenCLTypeAddrSpace(BuiltinType::Kind K) const {
+    switch (K) {
+#define IMAGE_TYPE(ImgType, Id, SingletonId, Access, Suffix)                   
I think it is a good idea to make this function a central place for all OpenCL 

Can you also add sampler and pipe type then update CGOpenCLRuntime::getPipeType 
and CGOpenCLRuntime::getSamplerType to use this function to get address space 
for sampler and pipe?

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h:1041
+    default:
+      return LangAS::Default;
+    }
I think the default (including even_t, clk_event_t, queue_t, reserved_id_t) 
should be global since these opaque OpenCL objects are pointers to some shared 
resources. These pointers may be an automatic variable themselves but the 
memory they point to should be global. Since these objects are dynamically 
allocated, assuming them in private address space implies runtime needs to 
maintain a private memory pool for each work item and allocate objects from 
there. Considering the huge number of work items in typical OpenCL 
applications, it would be very inefficient to implement these objects in 
private memory pool. On the other hand, a global memory pool seems much 

Anastasia/Alexey, any comments on this? Thanks.

Comment at: lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp:1775
     case BuiltinType::OCLSampler: {
-      auto AS = getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_constant);
+      AS = getTargetAddressSpace(LangAS::opencl_constant);
       Width = Target->getPointerWidth(AS);
All OpenCL types may be unified as

AS = getOpenCLTypeAddrSpace(TK);
Width = Target->getPointerWidth(AS);
Align = Target->getPointerAlign(AS);

where `TK = cast<BuiltinType>(T)->getKind();`

Comment at: lib/Basic/Targets.cpp:2376
+    default:
+      return LangAS::Default;
+    }
should return TargetInfo::getOpenCLTypeAddrSpace


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