djasper added a comment.

That's what I meant by "The name NamespaceIndentation might then be a bit 
confusing, but not sure whether it's worth changing it.".

I am honestly not sure. Let's get a third opinion.

If we add this additional option, I think we need to fix the behavior and make 
what people expect:

With NI_None:

  namespace A { namespace B {
  int i;
  namespace C {
  int j;
  } // namespace C
  }} // namespace A::B

With NI_Inner:

  namespace A { namespace B {
  int i;
  namespace C {
    int j;
  } // namespace C
  }} // namespace A::B

With NI_All:

  namespace A { namespace B {
    int i;
    namespace C {
      int j;
    } // namespace C
  }} // namespace A::B

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