krasimir added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Format/BreakableToken.cpp:313
+  // Numbered lists may also start with a number followed by '.'
+  static const char *kNumberedListPattern = "^[0-9]+\\. ";
+  hasSpecialMeaningPrefix = hasSpecialMeaningPrefix ||
A problem with this is that sometimes you have a sentence ending with a number, 
like this one, in **2016.** If this sentence also happens to just go over the 
column width, its last part would be reflown and during subsequent passes it 
will be seen as a numbered list, which is super unfortunate. I'd like us to 
come up with a more refined strategy of handling this case. Maybe we should 
look at how others are doing it?

Comment at: lib/Format/BreakableToken.cpp:315
+  hasSpecialMeaningPrefix = hasSpecialMeaningPrefix ||
+                            llvm::Regex(kNumberedListPattern).match(Content);
This builds an `llvm::Regex` on each invocation, which is wasteful.

Comment at: unittests/Format/FormatTestComments.cpp:1663
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
   // Don't break or reflow after implicit string literals.
I'd also like to see tests where we correctly reflow lists with multiline 

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